Emotional Abuse On Men: 9 Ways They Experience It in Relationships



Whether itโ€™s a heterosexual or same-sex relationship โ€“ emotional abuse on men is more common than you would expect. Even if many people donโ€™t acknowledge violence against men, itโ€™s real. Letโ€™s learn how its crucial to know and acknowledge how men are emotionally abused in relationships.

Most men, like myself, are unaware that they are, or have been, abused. Many men have selective memories. They remember the good times, the sex, and the moments when their partner told them they were good at fixing doorknobs.

Men can beย perfect whipping boys. Their greatest strength is endurance in the face of conflict and terror.

They learn, as children and adolescents, to push their bodies well beyond capacity in order to net a soccer ball, or, as men, drive hard into long hours at a desk even though their soul is screaming for reprieve. Tolerance runs sovereign over self-respect.

Related: Womenโ€™s Emotional Abuse Against Men

For most men to recall a time they were treated terribly, it may take more than throwing a shoe down memory lane. They just donโ€™t think about being treated terribly, they think about how to fix something, or how to escape, but to recall and feel are the creeds of a foreign god.ย  ย 

Men are most at risk for abuse when they have grown up thinking they have to please in order to be loved, have drug-addicted or alcoholic parents, or if theyโ€™ve been abandoned by a parent or guardian and think itโ€™s their fault. They become people-pleasing puddles of mush, mashed at the stroke of a disapproving gaze.

This false core wound provides ground for any Narcissistic or Borderline individual to come creeping into their midst, keen on exploiting that wound for all its riches.

Narcissists and Borderline personalities, or theย skilled victimย as I call them, are those who have received the same type of wounding as the people-pleasers, perhaps more severe/abusive but have responded and developed in a different way.ย They can be men or women.

These types become the opposite of people-pleasing. They are never able to apologize, are uber critical of other people, and are masterful manipulators.

The skilled victim needs someone, a whipping boy, to trim their hedges and turn on the lights for them, and the whipping boy will comply because that is how he achieves shallow acceptance and his own version of false love.

Skilled victims are the most prone to abuse. These are some of the ways I, and other men I know, have experienced abuse.

9 Examples of Emotional Abuse On Men: How Men Are Emotionally Abused In Relationship

The skilled victim willโ€ฆ

1. Seduce him with all the sex he wants until he has committed; then remove sex, off and on, Infinitum, in order to keep him where they want him. The man will always apologize thinking he has done something wrong to have such boons retracted. This is abuse.ย Get out.

2. Develop impromptu โ€œsicknessesโ€ just before their man leaves to clear his head, spend time with friends, go on a solo adventure, or business trip. The expert victim will then shame him for leaving them in such a condition.

3. Will verbally abuse him, castrate him with their words and challenge his manhood and self-care. Skilled victims hate seeing people take care of themselves, because it is not something they have ever been able to do, and, quite possibly, were punished for trying to do so. A skilled victim is incapable of compromise, vulnerability, or authenticity. Either you do what they want, or they will do whatever they can to label you as an abuser.

4. Become an expert within the first few weeks around what the man will want to hear. They will build him up. He will be an emperor in his own skin. Once the skilled victim latches on, however, all of his strengths will, like a slow poisonous drip, be challenged and undermined, especially when they interfere with the victimโ€™s need for self-soothing and attention.

5. Talk endlessly of wanting to be together for lifetimes, how theyย canโ€™t wait for them to grow old together, and in the next instant, they snap fangs at you for packing a box wrong. The man will be split into idealizations and degradations.ย This is abuse. Leave the leaf of the praying mantis.

6. Empty a manโ€™s bank account on the promise of love then blame him for a poor budget. When they are not getting their way, or if confronted, they will viciously attack a weak and tired man (whoโ€™s been working to provide) then berate his lack of energy.

Related: Eight Mental Abuse Tactics To Watch Out for

7. Start fights with the manโ€™s family members, friends, or other males, and if he doesnโ€™t take their side, he will be stonewalled and questioned for his commitment.ย Sometimes, they will provoke another man to the point of fighting, and demand that you defend their honor. This is abuse. Get out.

8. Initiate the cycle of abuse at night, keep him awake, or try to make him orgasmย as much as possible so that he becomes weak and disoriented. If he likes to orgasm, they will pathologize his sex drive. Sleep and sex control are common tactics of abuse. The skilled victimโ€™s main assault is on his ability to be present, think clearly, and pursuit of anything that does not involve the victimโ€™s plans.

9. When a man finally stands up for himself and refuses to take any more punishment, the skilled victim may become desperate, attack the man, and then tell the world theyโ€™ve been abused. They may take the children and use this false โ€œabuseโ€ as an excuse to keep them away from him, and then move to the next target (often the children).

This list is by no means exhaustive.

Men abuse

As an abused man I complained and pleaded. The more I pointed out their behavior, the worse it got. Finally, after having left the Ferris Wheel of victim and abuser, I have uncovered the following essential treasures:

The abuse is telling you that you need to step more fully into your path in life, your passions, and take responsibility for your gifts.ย The skilled victim will do anything to destroy them in order to feel loved.

Ways To Deal With Abuse Against Men

Donโ€™t give in.

A healthy partner will respect your boundaries, feel more secure in them, and will have a chance to heal inside your firmness.ย 

The skilled victim is actually an external representation of the damage you are causing yourself by apologizing for things you shouldnโ€™t, making waves out of your Yesโ€™s and Noโ€™s, and folding your dreams for their satisfaction. Wake up. The only thing you should apologize for is not being yourself. Find a way to beย You.

Learn about secondary gains. They provide the reason you keep finding partners like this.ย You are gaining the benefit of not having to be your own hero โ€“ a massive responsibility.ย Take out the IV, get off the bed and stand up. If they keep cutting you down, leave them.

  • Men that lead from their hearts thwart all abuse.ย Believe beyond reproach that what is good for you is good for the planet. Itโ€™s sexy.
  • Skilled victims donโ€™t know who they are.ย Their accusations and insults areย actually how they feel about themselvesย and their self-appraisals areย actually positive characteristics they have borrowed from you.

Related: 4 Bullshit Myths About Men

  • Leaving a relationship like this requires you to grieve.ย Learn how to cry, join a menโ€™s group (I have an online one), and start doing what you know all along you need to do โ€“ for you.
  • Being abused is not a reason to stay in victimhood and complain. If you remain like this you will turn into a skilled victim.ย Please donโ€™t.
  • If your children witnessed the abuse, your leaving and self-empowering will inspire them to rise above as well.
  • Expert victims should never be expected to change, but as the real victim, you should expectย to change yourself.ย ย Abuse, at some level, is a deep wake-up call to spirited action.

Want to know more about how men are emotionally abused and emotional abuse against men by female partners? Check this video out below!

Written by Jordan Kozey
Originally appeared on Jordan Kozey
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