Confronting Abuse: 7 Effective Strategies For Dealing With It


Revealing the โ€˜Doโ€™s And Donโ€™tsโ€™ in confronting abuse: Abuse is about having power over someone. Abusers typically want to feel superior and to control and dominate.

To abusers, communication is not about understanding. Itโ€™s a win-lose game.

They use verbal abuse and/or violence to accomplish this. Theyโ€™re frequently self-centered, impatient, unreasonable, insensitive, unforgiving, lack empathy, and are often jealous, suspicious, and withholding.

Their moods can shift from fun-loving and romantic to sullen and angry. Some punish with anger, others with silenceโ€“or both. Itโ€™s often โ€œtheir way or the highway.โ€

They can be bullies. Typically, abusers deny any responsibility and shift blame to their loved ones and co-workers. The one thing they all have in common is that their motive is to have the upper hand. This is because they donโ€™t feel that they have personal power, regardless of worldly success. Often, they behave the way they were treated growing up, and their insecurity, shame, and rage from childhood drives them.

Allowing abuse damages our self-esteem. To respond effectively requires support. Itโ€™s difficult to face it without others who will validate our reality.

This is especially true if weโ€™ve been abused for any length of time. Without outside support, our compromised self-esteem leads to self-doubt, insecurity, isolation, and increased dependency on the abuser.

So, you must know doโ€™s and donโ€™tsโ€™ in confronting abuse and save yourself.

Related: How To Stop Feeling Sorry For Toxic People

Common mistakes in confronting abuse that escalates the conflict

Itโ€™s important to understand the motives and mindset of an abuser; otherwise, victims of abuse commonly make the following mistakes that contribute to more abuse.

1)ย  Appeasement

Most victims try to placate an abuser to de-escalate conflict and anger. This tactic only empowers the abuser, who sees it as weakness and an opportunity to exert more control. Pleading sends the same message.

2)ย  Arguing

Verbal fights with an abuser lead to more resentment on both sides. As anger escalates, so does abuse. Nothing is gained. You lose and can end up feeling more victimized, hurt, and hopeless.

3) Explaining and Defending

When youโ€™re wrongly blamed or attacked, trying to defend and explain yourself, beyond a simply denying a false accusation, leaves you open to more abuse.

This behavior is often based on a desire to seek the abuserโ€™s approval. However, the motive of the abuser is to have power over you.

So if youโ€™re seeking approval, this dovetails with the abusers M.O. Thus, explaining and defending yourself sends this message: โ€œYou have power over my self-esteem. You have the right to approve or disapprove of me. Youโ€™re entitled to be my judge (i.e., parent).โ€

Related: How Emotionally Intelligent People Handle Toxic People

4) Seeking understanding from the abuser

This is a futile objective, yet drives the behavior of victims who desperately want to be understood. They mistakenly believe or hope that the abuser is interested in understanding them, while the abuser is only interested in winning a conflict and having the superior position.

Arguing over the facts is thus irrelevant. Most abusers arenโ€™t interested in the facts, only justifying their position and being right.

5) Criticizing

Because abusers are basically insecure, although they may act tough, inside theyโ€™re fragile. They can dish it, but canโ€™t take it. Criticizing an abuser can provoke rage and vindictiveness. Itโ€™s more effective to be assertive and communicate your needs.

Related: 11 Signs Itโ€™s An Emotionally Abusive Relationship And You Might Not Even Realize

Effective Strategies for Confronting Abuse

There are effective ways to deal with abuse, although they arenโ€™t our gut reaction. They require education and forethought.

Here are positive steps you can take to deal with abuse.

1)ย  Get information about abuse

Learn all you can about emotional abuse and codependency. People in abusive relationships tend to be codependent.

2)ย  Get support

Individual therapy, as well as attending 12-Step meetings, such as Al-Anon or CoDA, can be immensely helpful. If youโ€™re being physically abused, get information about legal resources, hotlines, and shelters in your area, and read more tips.

3)ย  Detach

Learn to not react or take personally the words and actions of an abuser. Not reacting is the first step toward empowerment.

4)ย  Raise your self-esteem

This will help you trust your reality, give your more options, and empower you to confront abuse. Begin by stopping any self-criticism, and then take action to rebuild your self-worth.

Related: 5 Ways to Stay Sane Among Toxic People

5)ย  Become assertive

Learn to be assertive, rather than passive, placating, nagging, criticizing, or aggressive. Get How To Speak Your Mindโ€•Become Assertive and Set Limits and the webinar How to Be Assertive.

6)ย  Set Boundaries

Learn to set boundaries. (Also explained in the resources in #5.) If you think you have done so, but that theyโ€™re not working, read โ€œ10 Reasons Why Boundaries Donโ€™t Work.โ€

Related: How To Handle Narcissistic Abuse

7) Be Strategic

If youโ€™re dealing with someone highly defensive or with a personality disorder, there are specific strategies to having an impact.

Keep in mind these doโ€™s and donโ€™ts in confronting abuse and youโ€™ll surely be able to deal with it.

ยฉ Darlene Lancer 2018
Written by Darlene Lancer
Originally Published on
Confronting Abuse
Confronting Abuse Effective Strategies For Dealing With It Pin

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