The first year of a baby’s life is a special period in a family’s life. A new rhythm of life, new worries, new habits. Every day, the baby discovers the world, delighting his parents with even the slightest achievement. Parents monitor the development of a newborn literally for weeks. To family happiness was cloudless, and childhood joyful, mom and dad need to know everything about the harmonious development of the child. After all, during this period, a lot of vital skills and abilities are acquired.
Mental development of the baby
For the mental development of the baby, it is important to talk to him in a calm voice, sing songs or tell rhymes. Pediatricians also advise taking your baby in your arms more often: tactile contact is very significant. You can buy small soft toys so that the baby can learn to focus on them.
For example, scientific research has shown that when a mother smiles and talks to a newborn, it lays the foundation for the development of speech skills, as it makes the child’s brain perceive the process of speech and communication. In addition, your baby, by smiling and responding to you (when he or she babbles or makes joyful sounds), lays the foundation for the formation of basic social skills and healthy emotional development.
A balanced diet is a strong immune system
Daily strengthening of the child’s immune system is a significant task for all parents. And beginning to increase the protective properties of the body should be done during pregnancy. Expectant mothers need to eat right and nutritious food, a lot of walking in the fresh air, to carry out disease prevention.
After the birth of a child, the main factor for a healthy immunity is breastfeeding, which is a source of essential nutrients and trace elements. If your baby is artificially fed, buy a quality baby formula that does not cause allergic reactions and is specially designed for the particular age of the baby.
Development of the baby at each stage of growth:
- One month. The ability to hold the head appears, which expands the baby’s capabilities. He now needs more information through new objects and pictures.
- Two months. The baby begins to separate himself and the world around him. Learn to control your own muscles. Congenital reflexes disappear and are replaced by conscious activity.
- Three months. Baby learns to observe moving objects, reach for a toy, and improve his or her physical skills.
- Four to five months. The ability to carry out different manipulations with objects appears. The child learns to relate what he/she sees to the actions he/she performs.
- Six to seven months. The baby can reach for an unreachable object and, trying to get it, roll over and try to crawl.
- Nine months. Starts to move around and learn more about the world. The baby begins to categorize concepts.
- Eleven months. The infant is able to hold the attention of several events at once and is also aware of their sequence. He draws conclusions that one particular action will lead to another.
- Twelve to eighteen months. Independent active exploration of the surrounding world. Manifestations of his own desire or unwillingness attempt to protest and express his attitude towards others.
If your baby is developing according to the above norms, then you are doing great. However, if something is not going according to schedule, do not worry. Each child is different and develops on their own plan. And your main task: to love your baby, kiss, cuddle and talk to him/her more often. This is a vital necessity for every child, despite the desire for independence and autonomy. Never compare it to anyone else. It is a person with her own pace of development and will learn everything in her own time.
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