8 Paradoxes of Being An INFJ Personality Type



The Contradictions In The Life Of An INFJ, A Kind Of Personality That Is Hard To Find

Itโ€™s not easy to find INFJs. They constitute less than three percent of the general public. But theyโ€™re very interesting because their traits look like theyโ€™re paradoxical. As an INFJ, I often think my personality is split into two. Let me tell you what life is like being an INFJ.

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being an INFJ

1.ย Iโ€™m both outgoing and reserved

Most of the time, I want to be around people. I want to befriend them and connect with them and just hang out with them all day, every day. This line of thought lasts for exactly five minutes before I want to hide myself away from the world for half a week while I rest and catch up on my reading. I want to be a hermit, living alone without ever having to speak to other people.


INFJs tend to be introverted and extroverted. They like isolation but simultaneously, they want to hang out with those they can have intense discussions with. This is why INFJs can be quite withdrawn while also outgoing at the same time. I feel great when I hang out with people. I love analyzing them and figuring out what makes them tick. But if I spend too much time with them, I feel drained and I need solitude.

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2. I have a lot of feelings but Iโ€™m also stable

Itโ€™s both a blessing and a curse to feel the way INFJs do. They are blessed with the abilities of an empath and so, they feel exactly what the people around them do. I know that I can feel emotions very intensely. But at the same time, again because Iโ€™m an INFJ, I can also look very cool and collected to others.

It doesnโ€™t matter what is going on in my head, no one outside will get even the slightest hint of it. This isnโ€™t always good for me because I tend to bottle up things without letting them go. But there have been instances when I succumbed to powerful feelings. The people around me think I have hypersensitivity then. The feelings of an INFJ run deep and itโ€™s hard to know what they are thinking.

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3. Iโ€™m practical but artistic

INFJs are fascinated with all the different aspects of a manโ€™s life and they tend to express their observations in a creative manner. But they also have a scientist inside because they are both intuitive and thoughtful. This makes them look to logic and rationale for their conclusions. They achieve great success as doctors and scientists but they are also artistic and can make great headway in professions that call for creativity. This makes them well-loved both at work and outside.

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4. My optimism and pessimism go hand in hand

Even the way we see the world is full of contradictions. INFJs are great at analyzing people and their judgments are usually correct. Itโ€™s hard to hide things from them because they can see right through you. I actually worry about my mental stability at times because I can tell what people are going to do before they do it. ย This does have a flipside to it.


People tend to commit cruel acts and this affects me intensely even if the act had nothing to do with me. I have to make an effort to see only the good and not lose my positivity. I do believe that we can save the world and ourselves if we only tried.

5. Iโ€™m both good and bad at communication

INFJs tend to be harum-scarum people with regard to their thoughts and talking to them can be difficult because they donโ€™t seem to make sense a lot of the time. Their brain is like a PC that canโ€™t function at full capacity because there are just too many tasks going on at the same time.

I can be a very good public speaker but only if Iโ€™ve had the time to go over what I want to say. I need some time to put my ideas in order and if I get that space, I can draw the crowdโ€™s attention easily. Iโ€™ve done well in debates and elocution contests as well as in plays. I may be reserved but Iโ€™m also confident.

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6.ย I am a champion for those around me

INFJs love to champion social causes and work to make things right on a large scale. Inherently altruistic, they fight in a variety of ways to make the lives of others better. I might not be particularly brave or strong but if someone needs me, Iโ€™ll do my best to be their knight in shining armor, ready to take down whatever is causing them pain. But there is a drawback here because I cannot muster up that same courage when someone hurts me. Like most INFJS, I can be a pushover when it comes to me but I cannot stand seeing that happen to other people.

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7. I expect perfection but I tend to ignore tiny details while looking at the larger perspective

My intuitive abilities are strong to the point where they sometimes scare me with their accuracy. But they donโ€™t really tell me how I learned that answer I gave. I canโ€™t ever prove why something I said would happen did happen. I just knew. Itโ€™s almost like magic. I just go with my gut. ย As an INFJ, I also look at the larger perspective but because of this, I miss out on the smaller issues. But I also look for perfection in everything I do. When I enter into something, I give it my all.

8. I am a worker and a dreamer

Iโ€™ve always been a little dreamy. People think Iโ€™m floating around somewhere in my own mind but what they donโ€™t realize is that INFJs might be up in the air, but they are more than capable of seeing those visions turn into reality. ย INFJs set very high standards for their own selves. If they want to achieve a goal, theyโ€™ll go for it with all their might. They are extremely organized and they will have a detailed blueprint which tells them how to fulfill their ambitions.

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being an INFJ
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