50+ Intriguing Quotes About Introverts And Lonewolves


Being introverts and lonewolves come with its fair shares of difficulties. Just because you are reserved, and prefer not to talk much unless you feel you can add to the conversation, people automatically assume that you are arrogant, or snobbish. Introvertcs like their own company the most, and socializing is not always their cup of tea. These quotes about introverts and lonewolves will help you understand them a bit better, and debunk all the stereotypes attached to them.

50+ Intriguing Quotes About Introverts And Lonewolves

1) โ€œIโ€™m an introvertโ€ฆ I love being by myself, love being outdoors, love taking a long walk with my dogs, and looking at the trees, flowers, the sky.โ€ โ€“ Audrey Hepburn

2) โ€œMatthew, much to his own surprise, was enjoying himself. Like most quiet folks he liked talkative people when they were willing to do the talking themselves and did not expect him to keep up his end of it.โ€ โ€“ L.M. Montgomery

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3) โ€œThere is a tremendous difference between alone and lonely. You could be lonely in a group of people. I like being alone. I like eating by myself. I go home at night and just watch a movie or hang out with my dog. I have to exert myself and really say, oh God, Iโ€™ve got to see my friends because Iโ€™m too content by myself.โ€ โ€“ Drew Barrymore

4) โ€œWho looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.โ€ โ€“ Carl Jung

5) โ€œThe more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.โ€ โ€• Aldous Huxley

Quotes About Introverts

6) โ€œIn order to understand the world, one has to turn away from it on occasion.โ€ โ€“ Albert Camus

Quotes About Introverts

7) โ€œMy friendโ€ฆcare for your psycheโ€ฆknow thyself, for once we know ourselves, we may learn how to care for ourselves.โ€ โ€“ Socrates

8) โ€œAs a child, I suppose I was not quite normal. My happiest times were when I was left alone in the house on a Saturday.โ€ โ€“ Charles Bukowski

9) โ€œIโ€™m self-sufficient. I spend a lot of time on my own and I shut off quite easily. When I communicate, I communicate 900 percent; then I shut off, which scares people sometimes.โ€ โ€“ Bjork

10) โ€œA happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live.โ€ โ€“ Bertrand Russell

Quotes About Introverts

11) โ€œYou do not need to leave your room. Remain sitting at your table and listen. Do not even listen, simply wait, be quiet, still, and solitary. The world will freely offer itself to you to be unmasked, it has no choice, it will roll in ecstasy at your feet.โ€ โ€“ Franz Kafka

12) โ€œWise men speak because they have something to say; fools because they have to say something.โ€ โ€“ Plato

13) โ€œHow much better is silence; the coffee cup, the table. How much better to sit by myself like the solitary sea bird that opens its wings on the stake. Let me sit here forever with bare things, this coffee cup, this knife, this fork, things in themselves, myself being myself.โ€ โ€“ Virginia Wolf

14) โ€œPlease kindly go away, Iโ€™m introverting.โ€ โ€“ Beth Buelow

Quotes About Introverts

15) โ€œIn order to be open to creativity, one must have the capacity for constructive use of solitude. One must overcome the fear of being alone.โ€ โ€“ Rollo May

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16) โ€œWe canโ€™t underestimate the value of silence. We need to create ourselves, need to spend time alone. If you donโ€™t, you risk not knowing yourself and not realizing your dreams.โ€ โ€“ Jewel

17) โ€œI enjoyed the discipline and solitariness of long-distance running, which allowed me to escape from the hurly-burly of school life.โ€ โ€“ Nelson Mandela

18) โ€œPeople are always so boring when they band together. You have to be alone to develop all the idiosyncrasies that make a person interesting.โ€ โ€“ Andy Warhol

19) โ€œBeware of those who seek constant crowds; they are nothing alone.โ€ โ€“ Charles Bukowski

Quotes About Introverts

20) โ€œSolitude has its own very strange beauty to it.โ€ โ€“ Liv Tyler

21) โ€œYou may think Iโ€™m small, but I have a universe inside my mind.โ€ โ€“ Yoko Ono

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22) โ€œI restore myself when Iโ€™m alone.โ€ โ€“ Marilyn Monroe

23) โ€œE-mail is far more convenient than the telephone. As far as Iโ€™m concerned, I would throw my phone away if I could get away with it.โ€ โ€“ Tom Hanks

24) โ€œI think Iโ€™m a weird combination of deeply introverted and very daring. I can feel both those things working.โ€ โ€“ Helen Hunt

25)โ€ People say things to me like, โ€˜Itโ€™s really cool that you donโ€™t go out and get drunk all the time and go to clubs.โ€™ I appreciate that, but Iโ€™m kind of an introverted kind of person just by nature.โ€ โ€“ Emma Watson

26) โ€œA bore is someone who deprives you of solitude without providing you with company.โ€ โ€“ Oscar Wilde

Quotes About Introverts

27) โ€œI donโ€™t have time for superficial friends, I suppose if youโ€™re really lonely you can call a superficial friend, but otherwise, whatโ€™s the point?โ€ โ€“ Courtney Cox

28) โ€œI was just confused about why I was feeling overwhelmed all the time and trying to adjust to having people work for me. Surprisingly, I think if youโ€™re known on the Internet, youโ€™re probably an introvert.โ€ โ€“ Felicia Day

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29) โ€œBlessed are those who do not fear solitude, who are not afraid of their own company, who are not always desperately looking for something to do, something to amuse themselves with, something to judge.โ€ โ€“ Paulo Coelho

30) โ€œIntroverts are word economists in a society suffering from verbal diarrhea.โ€ โ€“ Michaela Chung

31) โ€œOriginality thrives in seclusion free of outside influences beating upon us to cripple the creative mind. Be aloneโ€”that is the secret of invention: be alone, that is when ideas are born.โ€ โ€“ Nikola Tesla

32) โ€œI think a lot, but I donโ€™t say much.โ€ โ€“ Anne Frank

33) โ€œPeople empty me. I have to get away to refill.โ€ โ€“ C. Bukowski

Quotes About Introverts

34) โ€œQuiet people have the loudest minds.โ€ โ€“ Stephen Hawking

35) โ€œYou use words like โ€˜introvertโ€™ and โ€˜extrovert,โ€™ various traits of a personality. A lot of that stuff, we used in drama school, and that was kind of interesting, to realize my teachers sort of ripped off a lot of Jung. And how much of it is part of our society now, these phrases, introvert and extrovert, where it actually came from. โ€œ- Michael Fassbender

36) โ€œThe more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude.โ€ โ€• Aldous Huxley

37) โ€œI want to be alone.โ€ โ€“ Greta Garbo

Quotes About Introverts

38) โ€œAll sorrow has its root in manโ€™s inability to sit quiet in a room by himself.โ€ โ€“ Blaise Pascal

39) โ€œIntroverts arenโ€™t party poopers, theyโ€™re just pooped by the party.โ€ โ€“ Dr. Otto Kroeger

40) โ€œYou can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room.โ€ โ€“ Dr. Seuss

41) โ€œWhen an introvert is quiet, donโ€™t assume he is depressed, snobbish or socially deficient.โ€ โ€“ Laurie Helgoe

42) โ€œJustice and I became friends, though we were opposites in many ways โ€“ he was extroverted, I was introverted; he was lighthearted, I was serious.โ€ โ€“ Nelson Mandela

Related: The Introvert Hangover: Tips To Manage โ€˜Peopling Stressโ€™

43) โ€œIโ€™m very picky with whom I give my energy to. I prefer to reserve my time, intensity, and spirit exclusively to those who reflect sincerityโ€. โ€“ Dau Voire

44) โ€œDo not lose your inward peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.โ€ โ€“ Saint Francis De Sales

Quotes About Introverts

45) โ€œYou can be a very charismatic introvert.โ€ โ€“ Olivia Fox Cabane

46) โ€œI have to be alone very often. Iโ€™d be perfectly happy if I spent Saturday night until Monday morning alone in my apartment. Thatโ€™s how I refuel.โ€ โ€“ Audrey Hepburn

47) โ€œAccept everything about yourselfโ€“I mean everything, You are you and that is the beginning and the endโ€“no apologies, no regrets.โ€ โ€“ Clark Moustakas

48) โ€œKnowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.โ€- Aristotle

49) โ€œTelling an introvert to go to a party is like telling a saint to go to Hell.โ€ โ€“ Criss Jami

50) โ€œI do feel that Iโ€™ve managed to make something I could maybe call my worldโ€ฆover timeโ€ฆlittle by little. And when Iโ€™m inside it, to some extent, I feel kind of relieved. But the very fact I felt I had to make such a world probably means that Iโ€™m a weak person, that I bruise easily, donโ€™t you think? And in the eyes of society at large, that world of mine is a puny little thing. Itโ€™s like a cardboard house: a puff of wind might carry it off somewhere.โ€ โ€“ Haruki Murakami

51) โ€œBecause I rant not, neither rave of what I feel, can you be so shallow as to dream that I feel nothing?โ€ โ€“ R.D. Blackmore

52) โ€œYour visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.โ€ โ€“ C.G. Jung

Quotes About Introverts

53) โ€œIn a gentle way, you can shake the world.โ€ โ€“ Mahatma Gandhi

54) โ€œWhen introverts are in conflict with each otherโ€ฆit may require a map in order to follow all the silences, nonverbal cues, and passive-aggressive behaviors!โ€ โ€“ Adam S. McHugh

55) โ€œThe limited circle is pure.โ€ โ€“ Franz Kafka

Which ones of these famous quotes about introverts were your favorite which you related to hard? Let us know your best introvert quotes in the comments down below!

55 Intriguing Quotes About Introverts And Lone wolves
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Intriguing Quotes About Introverts

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