21 Best International Women’s Day Messages From Our Readers
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On International women’s day, we asked you to share a message with all our women readers.
The idea is not to just type your thoughts. The world is enormous. There are beautiful and courageous women all across the globe, and connecting with all them might not just be possible.
So, we acted as a platform through which you can let them know that they are appreciated and tell them what you really feel.
Here are the top 21 messages:
1. Jayne Van Kirk
Pick your inner circle wisely.
Close and lock any unhealthy relationships.
Never settle for less than what you really want.
It’s ok to be alone as long as you are living your life ?
2. Anna Artibise
Always Be true to yourself . Value everything you are and never let anyone break you down or tell you otherwise. Be kind to one another and be proud of the amazing women you are !
3. Monica Avila
Every day is your day, build other women up and remember you don’t need anyone to make you happy… men and women compliment each other, one is not more than the other
4. Faith Dunsmuir
Don’t ever be afraid to say what’s on your mind. Don’t be afraid to ask the question. Read that book. Travel. Try that new recipe. Ask that person out. Buy that thing that’s had your eye for a while. Go for that promotion. Learn a new skill. Get a pet. Do whatever makes YOU happy. Do whatever it is that puts a smile on YOUR face and joy in YOUR heart because at the end of the day it’s your life and you’re the one that has to live it so you may as well be happy. Most importantly be kind.
5. Debra Pry
Never let people determine your worth.
You are unique in your own way.
The magic is within your soul.
Never let anyone take away your fire or power.
Now be that badass warrior the world needs
6. Donovan Furin
Real feminism is being whoever/whatever you want. Doesn’t matter if it’s a housewife, an astronaut, a stripper, or a construction worker. YOU decide if make up and shaved armpits are for you, not society, not your parents, just you. Be happy and the right kinds of people will find you.
7. Aissatou Sunjata
Stay Strong! Women have always been the voice of reason, a voice of compassion, a voice of nurturing. We have always strived to make the world better, our mates stronger. We have always decided to not settle for less than we thought we deserved and being willing to sacrifice. We stand on the shoulders of all those who came before us back to Mary Magdalene. So, what we do now, although difficult should still be considered a magnificent cake walk! (Y)
8. Ibrahim Yahia Alwazir
We have been men for so long that we forgot the very womb that carried us, and the love we have been surrounded with from mother to sister to wife. We are partners in this life, but women have endured pain and sorrow cause of that partnership.
Our dearest partners, you deserve the very best, take what’s yours, we owe you that
9. Brittany Perry
We as women need to stop focusing on everything that doesn’t help us grow. We need to leave all the hate and negativity in the past and stand up together. Together we can conquer! We should look to other women to help build us up, instead of tearing each other down!
10. Sharra Zagerman
Remember, a queen without a king is, historically speaking, more powerful.
Make sure you crown a king worthy of the role
11. Usha Madan
You were/are neither weak nor a victim the society (both men n women) made you believe and feel like that for its own convenience, you have the choice to remain like that or change for good but do take care that in the process neither you hurt others nor get hurt !
12. Aniylisha Gurung
Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is Enlightenment. Know yourself and accept who you truly are when you truly embrace yourself
people’s unacceptance won’t make a difference.
13. Bharath Ramakrishnan
Do not believe the lie that men can stop you, only your fear can. You were born to be best you can be, as all life.
14. Stephanie Brown
Value yourself and make your choices in life with the same process.
15. Samantha Hall
Love yourself because your worth it, keep your chin up, you got this.
16. Rocio Alvarenga
You are worth it. You matter. You are important. You are wanted. You are needed. You are brilliant. You are strong. You are wise. You are unique. You are stunning. You are precious. You are a Blessing!! Be you and no one else.
17. Malek Maknieh
You are the heart of every soldier, the strength of every worker , the wisdom of every leader and the love of every child.
18. Donna Farmer
Do no harm but take no sh*t
19. Bani Barman
Your world doesn’t revolve around your boyfriend, husband, son, brother as a matter of fact not even your family. You don’t have to be sati to be a pure woman, in fact there is nothing really called a pure women. Choosing yourself over your family doesn’t make you a worse women. Be wise, educated, strong, sassy, pretty, majestic and optimistic in all ways. Happy women’s day.
20. Christopher Fisher
Responsibility is power. If you make other people, anyone, esp an intimate partner, responsible for how you feel or how you react to things, then you are giving them all of your power. The phrase “they wouldn’t let me” should disappear from your vocabulary. The idea of someone coming to save you, or allowing yourself to become too dependent on any other person, is how we trap ourselves. In the old days making women completely dependent on their men to keep them, is how they were controlled. These days it’s a fairytale that romanticizes that situation. Even the best person in the world is not you and has no business being solely responsible for, or in charge of, your actions and choices. True, genuine, love is always a choice, a sharing of lives, anything else is attachment or possession and those are the opposite of love. Become a somebody and do not aim to just be somebody’s. Life is complicated. Life is hard and can be cruel. Each of us has to accept that, and take up the control of our own lives so that we are truly living and not just skimming along the surface waiting for someone to carry us. That is the only way we can learn to share the load, share ourselves and life’s responsibilities with someone we can depend on, without giving away control. It seems paradoxical I know, but this is JMHO, and what I teach my daughter. (And obviously does not include abusive situations)
21. Monica Avila
Every day is your day, build other women up and remember you don’t need anyone to make you happy… men and women compliment each other, one is not more than the other.
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Controlling partners often disguise their behavior as love or concern, making it difficult to recognize. Are you also in a relationship with someone who makes you feel loved at one point then in another constantly dictates your actions, thoughts, or even emotions?
These are classic signs of controlling partners. They often disguise their behavior as love or concern, making it difficult to recognize.
So if you want to identify these signs then below are what controlling partners do to you.
A good morning is not about strict rules.It is not a secret hack or magic trick.It is about giving yourself a little hug.A moment just for you before the world shouts for your time.
Think of your morning like a warm cup of tea on a cold day.It wakes you up with a smile.It helps you get ready to take on the day.
Ready to build a morning that feels right for you?Let us talk about making your morning magic.
If you think you are in a marriage of convenience, you will know that it doesn’t feel like a fairy tale, rather it’s about maintaining the status quo. Maybe you are staying in this marriage because everything is “okay” and “stable”.
All the bills are getting paid on time, the house is comfortable, and the kids are happy to have both their parents under the same roof. Moreover, you don’t want to deal with the hassle that comes with filing for a divorce, so you just…stay.
Does this sound familiar? The unfortunate truth is that many married couples stay in a loveless marriage because dealing with the alternate option is scary. They’re together, but they’re not really together. They function more like roommates, business partners, or co-parents rather than lovers.
Knowing how to set boundaries is a game-changer—it’s how you protect your time, energy, and sanity without feeling guilty. Whether it’s with friends, family, or coworkers, setting boundaries helps you avoid burnout and unnecessary drama. Let’s talk about how to do it like a pro.
Upholding our boundaries means sometimes saying “no” when others wish we would say “yes.”
Setting boundaries can create conflict, even when our behavior is healthy and we act with kindness.
It’s normal to feel uneasy or even guilty after people react badly to our boundaries.
The month starts with Aquarius season in full swing, so it’s the perfect time to march to the beat of your own drum and forget about what anyone else thinks. The beginning of the month also brings a dreamy and almost magical energy between Venus, Neptune, and the North Node in Pisces. This is the vibe for deep, fated connections and romantic moments that feel straight out of a fantasy. Trust your gut—love is in the air, and it’s looking pretty rosy.
On February 4, Jupiter ends its retrograde in Gemini, meaning the floodgates to abundance are about to swing wide open. That same day, Venus moves into fiery Aries, giving love and pleasure a boost of passion. Get ready to make bold moves and go after what you want. Then, on February 9, Mercury has a moment of brilliance in Aquarius
The new moon in Aquarius is here to kick off a fresh lunar cycle! This powerful new moon, which happens on January 29 at 7:36 a.m. EST, brings a chance for new beginnings. As it falls in the innovative and forward-thinking sign of Aquarius, it’s a time to welcome change, creativity, and fresh ideas.
Aquarius is all about thinking outside the box, focusing on the bigger picture, and connecting with others. This new moon will highlight themes of friendship, community, and collaboration, making it a great time to set intentions related to teamwork and group activities.
With Aquarius encouraging radical shifts and new perspectives, you may feel a burst of inspiration or experience a shift in how you see the world. New moons are the perfect time to reflect and plan, so take advantage of this energy to make thoughtful
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