Wanting to have a happy, content, and successful life is desired by all, but how many are actually willing to work towards it, is the million-dollar question. Well, if you are one of those people who want to make their life better than how it is now, you can follow a few, simple tips to achieve that goal. Moreover, these tips will not only help you make your life better, but they will also help you understand how life truly is.
These 10 tips can guide you towards change.
1. Make the decision that you want things to be different, hold the picture of what that difference is in your mind’s eye, and see it in your head a few times a day. The practice of visualization has been around for decades; it is used to help professional athletes enhance their performance and to help cancer patients survive their disease. If it can benefit them, it can do the same for you.
2. Making a difference in the world or in other people’s lives will make yours better as well. Lending your physical and emotional support to charitable groups or organizations you believe in is as important as making a financial donation.
3. Keep your expectations balanced. You won’t get everything you want and some things will go wrong. Remember that everything doesn’t have to be perfect and don’t worry about things that are out of your control.
4. When you wake up tomorrow, start doing something right away, and keep busy all day. Taking action by doing almost anything will help you work through your anxiety. Sometimes it’s doing the dishes or working in your garden. Other times it’s reading or meditating. Just sitting around and thinking about your worries won’t make them go away.
5. Depression distorts your thinking. When you are depressed, your mind can play tricks on you. If you have thoughts of suicide, please call someone immediately. Don’t let a temporary glitch in your thinking cause you to harm yourself or another.
6. When you sit down with your loved ones for a celebratory meal, be thankful for everyone and everything that makes it possible. Look your family and friends in the eye and express to them your gratitude for sharing this wonderful time together.
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7. Being with someone who makes you laugh every day is healing, enriching, and just downright fun. It is one of the signs of a healthy relationship.
8. Upset will grow if it’s not directed into some positive action. Find someone who needs you and lend a helping hand. It will almost always take your mind off of your problems. Helping others is actually a way of taking action and responsibility for your own healing.
9. Don’t get insulted. It is wise to be dispassionate about critical comments. Humans will always bump heads, but consider the source, and if it’s the other person’s issue, ignore it. Learn to respond instead of reacting, and try not to display your ire.
10. Talking to someone is one of the best ways to overcome emotional discomfort. Getting together with family and friends, even your fellow coffee house regulars or gym buddies, to talk about issues and feelings can be helpful. If you’re uneasy about talking, try writing a letter or visiting an appropriate Internet chat room.
Written By Barton Goldsmith Originally Appeared In Psychology Today
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