Zodiac Signs Stuck In Traffic

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Zodiac Signs Stuck In Traffic

Stuck In Traffic

ARIES : Honking even though there’s nothing anyone can do

TAURUS : Kicking themselves for forgetting to pack a snack

GEMINI : Picking one car to secretly race

CANCER : Reminiscing about being in the backseat on the way to elementary school

LEO : FaceTiming anyone who will answer

VIRGO : Mapping alternate routes and checking the clock every 30 seconds

LIBRA : Coming up with narratives about the people in the next car

SCORPIO : Making bedroom eyes at themselves in the rearview mirrors

SAGITTARIUS : Rolling down the windows so everyone can appreciate them singing along to the radio at the top of their lungs

CAPRICORN : Forcing themselves to be grateful for the rare moments of downtime

AQUARIUS : Imagining a world where cars don’t exist

PISCES : Writing free-associative poetry in their notes app

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