Join the colorful debate as siblings take sides in the TikTok “pink sister vs purple sister” trend. Which sibling are you? Let’s pick a side now!
Pink Sister vs Purple Sister TikTok Craze
The TikTok trend known as the “Pink Sister vs. Purple Sister” has taken the sibling world by storm, causing a playful divide among brothers and sisters. This phenomenon, which initially gained traction in 2022, was reignited earlier this year when Lucinda Price discussed it on the “Flex & Froomes” podcast.
The heart of this sibling rivalry revolves around identifying as either the “pink sister” or the “purple sister,” with each color representing distinct personality traits and stereotypes.
So, what’s the big deal with being a “pink or purple sister”? According to Price and the TikTok community, it’s more than just a preference for pink or purple items. In fact, it’s become an unspoken rule that being the “pink sister” is considered superior, while the “purple sister” often feels like they’re settling for second place.
Lucinda Price herself proudly wears the “pink sister” label due to her extensive collection of pink possessions. She even had a heated argument with her own “purple sister” about it.
This disagreement is a common theme among sister duos who have flocked to TikTok to share their own “pink sister vs. purple sister” experiences.
With over 10 million videos referencing this theory on TikTok, it’s clear that people are passionate about their color-coded identities.
The prevailing notion is that “pink sisters” are seen as neat, structured, and typically girly girls, while “purple sisters” are considered free-spirited, sassy, and a tad unorganized.
One TikToker, Felicity Carlson, created a video series to provide evidence of her “pink sister” status. She compared the organization of her makeup, closet, and car to that of her “purple sister.”
In a viral clip, Carlson revealed her sister’s messy car, filled with clothes and old drink containers. In contrast, her own car was spotless. She continued to make her case by showcasing her sister’s chaotic closet and disheveled makeup, both in stark contrast to her own well-organized belongings.
This trend has helped many people discover their true colors. Some viewers found themselves laughing, admitting they were “purple sisters” or “pink sisters” with pride.
The trend also led to some heartwarming moments, with siblings acknowledging their roles in the sisterly dynamic, bringing them closer together.
So, whether you’re a “pink sister” or a “purple sister,” this TikTok trend has certainly brought out the playful side of sibling rivalries while also highlighting the unique bond between sisters.
It’s a lighthearted way for siblings to celebrate their differences and come to terms with which color best represents their personality. Share your thoughts in the comments below!
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