The Secret Key To Finding True Love


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If your eternal quest for finding true love is facing one dead end after another, the following article might help you discover some startling insights into finding real love.

Whetherย youโ€˜re completely single and have been for yearsโ€ฆย Or recently separated having gone through a gut-wrenching breakup, there is something I need to bring your attention to. The key to finally finding love.

Many folks believe that a โ€œrelationshipโ€ starts and stops with another warm body, be it your intimate partner, ex, or best friend. But what if I toldย youย that there is another criticalย relationshipย that exists forever and always in your life at this very moment?

The Relationship That Matters

What if thisย hiddenย relationshipย was the FOUNDATION for creating healthy, clear love with another human being?

Youย see, itโ€™s often the neglect of thisย hiddenย relationshipย that causes all of your romantic endeavors to fall apart at the seams.ย  In fact, if thisย relationshipย isnโ€™t healthy, itโ€™s IMPOSSIBLE forย youย to create a thriving partnership with a loverโ€ฆPeriod. So,

What is thisย hiddenย relationshipย thatโ€™s right under your nose? Well, itโ€™s yourย relationshipย with reality,ย the way life is right now. In other words, theย relationshipย youย have with the present moment.

Letโ€™s unpack this. Ifย youโ€™re single and reading this email, how doย youย feel about being single?ย Whenย youโ€™re feeling lonely, doย youย find yourself distracting or disconnecting from that feeling because itโ€™s painful through say social media, eating, drinking, or work?

On a more general, level how doย youย find yourself dealing with any uncomfortable emotion that enters your experience?

Ifย youโ€˜re typically disconnecting from your experience of the present thenย youโ€˜re not in the rightย relationshipย with life.ย In truth, whatย youโ€˜re practicing is abandoning the present moment. ย And ifย youโ€˜re abandoning the present moment,ย youโ€™re abandoning yourself.

Youโ€™re not being intimate with yourself, nor your feelings, which is actually the true starting place for being intimate with another (and building aย relationshipย that lasts).

Related: 10 Phrases That Say A Lot More Than โ€˜I Love You.โ€™

Instead whatย youโ€˜re practicing is an unfulfilled, disconnectedย way of beingย that often leads to emptiness, loneliness, and discontent.

Your mission of finding true love cannot be successful unless you learn to savor every moment

The Path Of Finding True Love

And hereโ€™s the kicker โ€“ if this is the neuronal highwayย youย are continuing to fire in your mind over and over again; disconnect and abandonment about whereย youโ€˜re at currently in life, then another human being is not going to come along and change that way of being.

Imagine a guy comes along and you have practiced creating an identity of lack, missing, dis-ease.ย It will typically play out in one of two ways:

1.ย Youย Believe Something Is Missing And You Will Look For Evidence Of Such

Your neuronal pathways will have experience and strength firing, โ€œsomethingโ€™s not rightโ€.ย So,ย youย mayย find yourself being suspicious, unsatisfied, โ€œnot feeling itโ€โ€ฆ with the peopleย youย date.ย ย Youย have trained yourself into looking for โ€œwhatโ€™s missingโ€. ย 

Your expectations of what the right partner willย feelย like will be so enormously out of proportion to the reality that no mere mortal will be able to fill those shoes. ย Soย youโ€˜ll hold back โ€“ driving with the breaks and become defended in your interactions with men becauseย youโ€™ll be thinking itโ€™s too good to be true. Or ifย youโ€™re inย a relationshipย youโ€™ll feel dissatisfied and this pattern is ultimately one of self-sabotage and constriction.

Related: 10 Habits That Cause Low Self Esteem And Depression

Or, on the flip side:

2.ย Youย Will Be Desperate Becauseย Youโ€˜ve Been Training A โ€œScarcity Mindset.โ€

A man entering the pictureย youย feelย youย click with will just be a blank canvas forย youย to project all that has been missing from your life.ย ย He will feel projected onto a golden goose; him being positioned in your mind on a pedestal that will both flatter and put an unreasonable amount of pressure on him to be whatย youย want him to be.ย  ย 

This will drive him or her away because they wonโ€™t feelย youย are inย a relationshipย with them, but rather inย a relationshipย with some fantasy of a savior who is going to rescueย youย from your discontent. In short, they wonโ€™t feel like an equal.

At its core in both of these paths, the disconnection with the present moment breeds desperation becauseย youโ€˜re ultimately outsourcing your connection to self, through connection to others as the only way to achieve fulfillment.

Make sense?

Ifย youย can relate to anything Iโ€™ve just unpacked here, know thatย youโ€™re not alone.ย  This is a very common phenomenon.ย  It is your responsibility though, to step out of it ifย youย want to create healthy clear love.

So, how doย youย break this cycle if this is whereย youโ€˜re at?

Whatโ€™s The Key To Finding True Love?

First,ย youย must realize thatย your emotional experience is your responsibility and see the game thatย youโ€™ve set up, that in order to feel happy, secure, free, loved, desired youย have believedย youย need a partner.

Just become aware of this.

Related: Healthy Boundaries: How To Protect Your Personal Space

And this game of, โ€œI canโ€™t feel the emotions I want until Iโ€™m in a partnershipโ€ is authored byย you,ย and therefore,ย youย have the power to dismantle it.

So start to flirt with the idea, that aย relationshipย might not makeย youย happy. I know plenty of folks inย a relationshipย with the โ€œright partnerโ€ at one point that doesnโ€™t feel any of those things above. In large part, because they never practice creating those feelings for themselves.

The secret is to discover how to arrive at that destination of contentment, feeling loved, secure first, without a partner.

Now look, on this path, there are going to be periods whereย youย do feel discontent, sad, disappointed with not having a partner. This is normal and natural but the way through these feelings is to not run from them. ย And itโ€™s not to try and fix them or distract yourself from them (like checking your phone incessantly wheneverย youย feel lonely).

Itโ€™s not to make these feelings wrong or run from them through achievement, workaholism, or judgment thatย youย SHOULDNโ€™T be feeling this way โ€“ judging the feelings leads to them staying stuck.ย ย The way through these often painful emotions is to be with them.

To welcome them to welcome all of them as guests. Toย build intimacy with each of themย and expand yourย relationshipย with the present moment itself.ย To use each emotion as a gateway to building a more resilient, lovingย relationshipย withย you. Thatโ€™s the path to finally finding true love.

finding true love

The Journey Of Finding Real Love Starts With Living In The Moment

To say yes to the present is to say Yes to yourself.

Whenย youย are in the rightย relationshipย with the present moment,ย youย come into the rightย relationshipย with yourself as a creator of your experience.ย Youโ€˜re then gifted with the ability to author a more compassionate story about whyย youย are whereย youย are. Itโ€™s an opportunity to practice self-love and intimacy through communication with yourself in a way that builds all of the necessary scaffoldingย youย GET to bring withย youย as an offering into your nextย relationship.

No more putting pressure on someone to fix your experience and not recognizing love when itโ€™s staringย youย in the face.

Relationshipย at that moment then becomes a platform forย youย to give and be,ย rather than a place forย youย to take from. Thatโ€™s the key to finally finding love that exists forever.

I believe this poem by Rumi captures the essence of this โ€œbeing and welcomingโ€ the present experience.

Related: 12 Tips To Self-Love And Compassion

The Guest House

This being human is a guest house.

Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,

some momentary awareness comes

as an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,

who violently sweep your house

empty of its furniture,

still, treat each guest honorably.

Heย mayย be clearingย youย out

for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice.

meet them at the door laughing and invite them in.

Be grateful for whatever comes.

because each has been sent

as a guide from beyond.

Written by: Clayton Olson
Originally appeared on and is republished here with permission.
Claytonย Olsonย is an International Relationship Coach, Master NLP Practitioner, and Facilitator. He delivers private virtual coaching sessions and leads online group workshops. Register for his free webinar that reveals theย 3 Keys to Attracting and Keeping a High-Quality Manย or grab his free guideย  5 Secrets To Create An Extraordinary Relationship.

So, did you find the above article โ€œThe Secret Key To Finding True Loveโ€ to be helpful? Now that you know about the one most important relationship that matters and how to find true love, tell us what is your secret to happiness? And how will you score your hidden relationship with life? Please leave your comments down below.

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