The 7 Myths About Happiness That Stop You From Being Truly Happy



Everyone wants to be happy, and we are constantly on the quest to find true happiness. However, the more you try to seek true happiness, the more it will elude you. The thing is, there are so many myths about happiness we believe in, that we forget what true happiness really means.


  • True happiness is never a constant in anyoneโ€™s universe. If we get to experience it for a short time, we are still fortunate.
  • Being sad because we are not happy is not going to make us feel better, but being kind and making the lives of others better will.
  • The problem with deciding to be happy after a certain event or time is that the finish line often becomes a moving target.

Many of us hold false beliefs about happiness, and those beliefs can actually prevent us from feeling good about ourselves and enjoying life. Here are some of the things we believe and say to ourselves about happiness that can keep us from it.

Related: The 5 Feelings That Stop You From Being Happy and How To Control Them

7 Myths About Happiness That Stop You From Being Truly Happy

1. โ€œThereโ€™s something wrong with me if Iโ€™m not happy all the time.โ€

No, there is nothing wrong with you if you arenโ€™t happy all the time. No one can be happy all the time. In fact, a temporary feeling of giddiness or being high on life is often mistaken for happiness. True happiness is more of an inner peace thing.

2. โ€œIf I have lots of money, I will be happy.โ€

Money can buy a lot of things, but after your basic needs are taken care of, the upgrades that come with an increase in income really donโ€™t make that much of a difference.

A famous Princeton study in 2010 found that emotional well-being did not increase for people making over $75,000. Earlier this year, a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found that this number had ticked upward to $85,000.

But the point is the same: earning anything over that amount apparently has very little effect on your happiness quotient.

3. โ€œI have to be better than just OK to be happy.โ€

When you start making demands and deals with yourself to allow happiness into your life, you are signing your life away.

These are when-contracts: โ€œWhen I get what I want, then I can be happy.โ€ The problem is that the finish line is a moving target, as life is ever-changing and so are your desires.

4. โ€œWhen I find true love, then I will be happy.โ€

This is perhaps the most common myth we tell ourselves about happiness, and please trust that nothing could be further from the truth.

Love is the best thing on the planet, and it is also the most painful, so brace yourself. Remember to be careful about what you ask for.

myths happiness

5. โ€œIf I have a fulfilled life, then I will never be unhappy.โ€

Everything has a life cycle, and feelings of fulfilment are no different. You will need to seek different kinds of fulfilment as your life changes and your body ages. And unhappiness, like happiness, is only temporary.

Related: 7 Snoopy Quotes That Redefine The Art Of Being Happy

6. โ€œIf I donโ€™t constantly seek happiness, I will be sad.โ€

No, but perhaps you will be content. When our lives are actually out of control, we feel stress. When they are not out of control, we may create our own stress by pushing ourselves to be happy, and it is quite taxing on the soul.

Instead of seeking happiness, feel the contentment in your life. Itโ€™s easier to find, and it lasts much longer.

7. โ€œWhen life is normal again, then I can be happy again.โ€

I thought I should address this particular when-contract directly because it seems to be a driving force in our lives these days. Things can never be like they were.

We have been through too much, the entire world is traumatized, and we donโ€™t yet know what normal is going to look like. This time is not about trying to be happy. Itโ€™s about learning to love and enjoy what we have.

True happiness is never a constant in anyoneโ€™s universe. If we get to touch it for a little while, we are fortunate. Being sad because you are not happy is not going to make you feel any better, but being kind and making the lives of others better will.

Happiness isnโ€™t always available, but goodness is always right where you put it.

Written By Barton Goldsmith
Originally Appeared On Psychology Today
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