Students and Superstitions

Superstitions are prevalent in society even though there are advancements in science and modernization. Studies conducted on students by the American Psychological Association showed that more than half of them had superstitious beliefs while others practiced or believed in them earlier. What makes students be superstitious? Their reasons vary between different genders, but the common one is on exam good luck. Their superstition information is gained in various ways leading to their beliefs. Below are various reasons:

Causes Of The Superstitions

Fear Of Examinations

Exam phobia is the main reason because of unpreparedness, numerous tasks, and quests for higher grades. Although some students purchase term papers, others resort to various superstitious practices to ameliorate their performance. However, one can buy term papers online and work on other tasks including the ones for the exams. Here, custom papers will be available from skilled writers whose expertise will discredit such fear hence justifying proper preparation and skills for exam good luck.

Previous Experiences

Some students attribute certain lucky experiences, albeit serendipitous, to superstitious beliefs. For example, one can get higher performance in a given examination and attribute that to a certain cloth worn at the time. Some can attribute success in a test to a friend whom they spend time with before exam time.


Most superstitions have been inherited from ancestors and reign in society despite the advent of science and technology. Some stories created by parents or grandparents can have a long-lasting impression on their children if they incorporate such beliefs.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

This is a mental disorder involving intrusive thoughts that lead to repetitive actions that the students may engage in to curb exam blues. Though they emanate from within an individual, the actions form beliefs that one will try to utilize as perceived remedies.


Superstitions form bases of blame to some people in case of challenges in life. They believe in superstitions and ascribe their failures to their beliefs; for example, they can blame God or bad luck. These beliefs are common.

Movies and T.V.

Some T.V. programs and movies are based on some supernatural powers including imaginative worlds of werewolves, witches, vampires, fairy and other fictional creatures. These false beliefs and fake reality may confuse young children and imprint these scenarios in their minds.


Some books have fictitious characters, events, places, as well as actions that readers may inadvertently believe in. If they contain superstitious inclinations, they may affect young minds and their belief system.

Buying such novels and literature brings profits to authors, but buyers will need to determine the effects of superstition on students. College students are less likely to be negatively influenced but younger children may, so they require appropriate books whose format along with the content will benefit them.

Common Superstitions

Most superstitions are specific to some places depending on the culture. For example:

  • For success in exams or work, some people eat curd before beginning these tasks.
  • Wearing specific clothes.
  • Having written materials blessed by priests.
  • Using the same pen or pencil brand.
  • Placing textbooks under one’s pillows
  • Sitting in certain places.
  • Entering a college through the same entrance.
  • A black cat crossing one’s path depicts bad omen. This is the most popular superstition.
  • In certain areas, a black dog crossing one’s path will signify good luck.
  • Superstitions on some dreams before exams is common in South Korea. Dreaming of a pig will signify good luck whereas dreaming of a dog will depict bad luck.

How To Stop The Superstitions


For younger children, guidance is key. Parents are pivotal in their children’s development and learning, so they should guide them on appropriate books, movies, and other content. By the same token, they should dispel their children’s fears and beliefs by revealing realities on superstitions.

Teachers can also dispel the students’ fears of belief systems inclined on superstitions. They can do so through healthy discussions that will cite the truth to them.

Also, various books, articles, and movies can come in handy. In such a case, written materials containing real-life scenarios and the truth on myths will guide students. Some essays about superstitions can provide valuable information. Students can write the essays or any assigned term paper, but some order from online writing agencies. Nevertheless, exam good luck comes from preparation and hard work but not superstition.


With government legislation, the media can play a role in bringing appropriate content and filtering what makes students be superstitious. Censorship on age-specific content and guidance on children to avoid inappropriate content can also be important.


Positive thinking has always resulted in well-being. A positive attitude will ease one’s way through challenges. Students can read, watch and listen to positive material such as books, audio-visual materials, articles and movies that will lead to personal well-being.

Hang Out With Non-Superstitious Friends

Choose friends with no superstitious beliefs. Emulate their actions that disregard the beliefs; for example, those who watch sports without wearing lucky jerseys.

Seeking Professional Help

Some superstitions result from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. In such a case, consulting a doctor will help in alleviating the anxiety if the OCD disrupts one’s daily life through illogical rituals.


Superstitions have been common to mankind since time immemorial. They served several purposes, some real-life scenarios while others were fictional. Some stories were meant to teach children. Therefore, belief in superstitions is unfounded. Factual information and consulting experts are some of the ways to get rid of those beliefs and adopt the virtues of positivity, hard work, and preparation. With these strategies, it will be possible to get rid of what makes students be superstitious.

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