Wise Pick For 6 June

wise pick 9 June 28

Wise Pick For 6 June

Annija ฤŒamane

We give what we get
and get what we give.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Kathryn Wa

Dumping emotional
energy elsewhere,
works temporarily
but finds it way back to
itโ€™s rightful owner.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Kangan Monga

Universe is
dynamic space,
what you do,
gets back to you
sooner or later.
Be cautious and
spread love &
happiness always.

Wise Pick For 6 June


Generosity makes us
human and keeps life going.
Humans are an inherently
social species. We have
survived and thrived
because we take care
of one another.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Mary Kirkpatrick

Pass it forward,
so they say.
Maybe, it will
come back your way.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Sherilyn Campbell

Fill buckets with
praise and positivity;
do not dump your fear
and frustration on others.
Working together and
supporting each other
is the way to go.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Kim DeCocco-Sharon

You reap what you
sow my friend.
One good deed
comes tenfold.
Donโ€™t fill your
bucket list with bitterness.
Youโ€™ll be a loss
soul full of emptiness.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Jayme JB Odinrab

Destroy others, and
the same destruction
shall be done unto you.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Ang Ziegler

When we dump our
emotional baggage on
someone else;
it will come full circle.
Itโ€™s called karma.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Shilpika Bagh

Wish to stay โ€˜cleanโ€™;
keep your litter
in your โ€˜binโ€™.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Darryl Tombleson

Try dumping positivity
on one another,
and not crap.
Itโ€™s the same workload
but with a totally
different result.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Juhi Srivastava

You will always
receive the same
what you give to others.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Carol Dawson

Surround yourself
with people that will
fill your bucket while you
are filling the buckets
of those you surround.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Rinku Shah

Karma works on the
payback principle,
even if you think
you are invincible.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Maritza Rodriguez

Karma is created,
when itโ€™s your turn
you donโ€™t have to order;
and it ships for free.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Cheryl McNickle

What goes around
comes around.

Wise Pick For 6 June

Sherry Greene

The refuse you
choose to toss aside,
comes back to you
for another ride.


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