Wise Pick For 23 July

Priyanka Pachori
Separated by destiny
and still bound by love.

Felicia Renteria-Holmes
You may cut the cord,
but you can never severe the tie.
We both will have broken pieces,
until the day we die.

Sulekha Pande
The souls stay connected,
with the thread of love,
distance and separations,
can’t smother this dove.

Shweta Aarya
No Matter how far we are,
with whom we are,
the bond of our love
will always keep us
connected to each other.

Rahemeen Ali Khan
To start feeling happy in love again
you have to disconnect
from your past.

Monica Mishra
Some hearts
have deeper connection
that lasts long,
even if they have separated
from each other.

Ako’y Sayo Ika’y Akin
The thread of love;
whatever happens
wherever you are
our love will find a way
to be together again.

Ashish Verma
Two souls destined to be together
remains connected
irrespective of their
disconnected bond.

Mina Harker
Regardless of the amount of time
and distance,
the bond of a soulmate’s love
for its match
will never be severed.

Crista Winterkorn
A heart that is bound
will truly not let go,
a love entwined
is forever embedded,
but timing just doesn’t coincide.

Debra Pry
Cut the strings to the past
or it will cost you your future.
You can’t hold on
and move forward.

Monica Mishra
Until you cut off the ‘string’
from your past,
you can’t have
a new happy start.

Carmen Jane
There are people in love
not together
and people together not in love.

Donโ€™t hold yourself
a prisoner of your past,
give us a try to chase
the greatness of future.

susan battell
The thread that binds us
leads to attachment
which leads to suffering.

Nicqelle L Hessick
we have to walk away
from the ties that bind.

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