Wise Pick For 23 June

wise pick 26 june 15

Wise Pick For 23 June

Archana Kumariย 

Burden of
unspoken words.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Jean Maria Healyย 

The right words can comfort
the loneliest of souls and
remove the weight of anxiety
from our shoulders.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Rahemeen Ali Khanย 

The love is lost and far
but the memories are kept
in the form of words
healing me during
my loneliness.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Rhoda Bengco Evans-Robinsonย 

No amount of words can
express my feelings for you.
No amount of words can
erase our memories together.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Lisa MamaBear Lightfootย 

Where my voice fails me,
my words will comfort you.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Allison Parsonsย 

She ached inside and
had so many words
she needed to tell him,
and yet he refused to
acknowledge her pain
or rest your words
on my shoulders and
together we will
write our book.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Lisa Provostย 

Youโ€™ll always be with me.
Your words are forever
ingrained in my soul.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Mary Kirkpatrickย 

All the words in the world
cannot ease the pain,
or relieve the intimate grief
of those who remain.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Xyriz Paz Estrelladoย 

The weight of your
words and thoughts
never leave you.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Connie Lynnย 

When words are all
you have to embrace
your empty soul.

Wise Pick For 23 June

JoEllen Wankelย 

Some days you
lean on the words
and some days
they lean on you.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Sam Stewartย 

Hiding within the
depths of my soul,
are these words and
feelings I canโ€™t control.

Wise Pick For 23 June

Shilpika Baghย 

Words in your โ€˜headโ€™;
will be left โ€˜unheardโ€™.


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