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Selected Wisepicks
We have selected 30 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, YouTube and Instagram as on 3 October 2020.

Matthew Diengdoh
You don’t have to shout and yell to be heard.

Sherry Greene
Oh, I’m horrified by that relentless voice! I’d unplug my earsIf given the choice.

Rhay Zerrudo Obeña
Gaslightning are LIE’s with a purpose to confuse & control.

Wayne Kelley
No need to be over bearing and rude. Use normal conversation to get your point across.

Jyotsna Nautiyal
Volume of voice won’t do the needful as it is one way, forced communication better to have healthy discussions.

Kanisha Shah
It’s easy to feed someone’s ears through attitude, yet it’s difficult to fill someone’s heart with gratitude.

Subhashini Madasu
Be a listener, imbibe only good,be selectively ignorant to bad!

Anjana Surendran
Louder the echo in ears quicker will be the narrowing to fears.

Manisha Chadha
Screaming will only make people hear you and not listen to you .

Dipti Chauhan
Yelling is not the solution,It is just another mode of pollution.
If you have something to say,
Find some better way to convey.

Kadambari Vaibhav
Powale When you hear to the misleading catalyst out of fear.
Let your Mind act as an analyst making the reality clear.

Lou Angelique
Foul words are like a malignant disease. Don’t let them in to destroy your peace!

Elli Georgiou
Shout as much as you like. You cannot manipulate and destroy the person I am. I will not let you. My mind is strong.

Shubha Bhandarkar
Free yourself from people who pour venom into your ears with an intention to poison your mind.

Shilpika Bagh
The “echo” of unspoken words ; “resonate” even though unheard.

Rinku Shah
Don’t lend an ear to the one who forces you to hear!

Sheryl Lanthier
The louder you yell the less I hear you. Communicate, don’t intimidate!

Neha Mittal
Lend an ear willingly those who can hear you not to those who delude you.

Sheela P M
Destroy the malignancy of malicious words before it wounds you and destroys you.

Shraddha Jhanwar
Silence is more stronger and effective than Shouting!

Aditi Lahiry
Don’t force your words into each ear forcefully, those who value them will store them permanently.

Deepa Bansal Goyal
Whenever you lend your ears… remain cling to your wit too…

Niranjana Shankar
The message is lost in a scream that echoes but never heard.

Ashish Verma
Don’t be a victim to the strong manipulative words of people as it will only destroy your peace of mind.

Kufre Stephens
When you bully others with your shout, communication is certainly dead.

Satabdi Dash
Don’t let the negative words poured in, influence your mind.

Joyce Byrose
” Don’t let people’s opinions ruin your inner peace. Be yourself, be happy. “

Liisa Hope
Do not allow your self to be intimidated, nor your self worth to be defined by another’s inflated ego. Love yourself!

Dianna Santander
The NAGGING voice of the SOCIETY.

kiekie 87
A voice is given to be heard, not forced. Hearing is given to listen, not to be overwhelmed. A mind is given to be free, not overworked.
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