Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 30 April 2023

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 15 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group, Youtubeand Instagram as on 7 May 2023.

Pragyan Parimita Nanda Let your

Pragyan Parimita Nanda

Let your inner child explore
the world with own vision.

Anjana Prasad Carry your

Anjana Prasad

Carry your inner child not ego
you’ll never be left alone.

Sherry Greene There is

Sherry Greene

There is a time and place for we adults
to view the world with childlike eyes.

Sheela P M A father

Sheela P M

A father functions as a ladder
for his child’s progress.

Eilif Brakvatne The child

Eilif Brakvatne

The child in you wants to
come out and play. Let them.

Sangeetha Kishore A father provides

Sangeetha Kishore

A father provides flight of steps on
successive ladder of his child’s growth.

Barte Mikel Maturity is

Barte Mikel

Maturity is not measure
by age, it is rather by vision.

Navroop Sarao Behind every

Navroop Sarao

Behind every happy child
(inner too) is a great Dad.

Pooja Sharda Give wings

Pooja Sharda

Give wings to your little one
to make their own world.

Sukanya Chakraborty Let the

Sukanya Chakraborty

Let the innocence in you guide to
perceive the world around you.

Ely A Seeing the

Ely A

Seeing the world from your
inner child’s point of view.

G Divyadarshini Each and

G Divyadarshini

Each and everyone
has a child inside them.
Don’t kill that innocence!

rr_theadventuroussoul The inner


The inner child still trying to
grow up into the man, to fit the body.

rosegeorge73 The child

The child within me wants
to be free and find the way.

ninjassn Whatever


Whatever the world throws at you,
do not let go of the innocence within you.

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