Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 28 August 2022

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 15 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook GroupYoutube and Instagram as on 4 September 2022.

Jui Purohit The bruises of past

Jui Purohit

The bruises of past tend
to stay with you forever!

Rinku Shah Once you heal

Rinku Shah

Once you heal the wounded inner child,
happiness you shall find!

Drel Turla A man filled with

Drel Turla

A man filled with aggression,
was once a boy asking for salvation.

Joyce Gutierrez Bagang Learning to deal

Joyce Gutierrez Bagang

Learning to deal with your wounded
inner child is essential for your
growth and development.

Felicia Renteria Holmes No matter how old

Felicia Renteria-Holmes

No matter how old we are,
emotional maturity only comes
from healing and growth.

Shilpika Bagh Dont be ashamed

Shilpika Bagh

Don’t be “ashamed” of your failures;
they are “lessons” not life sentences.

Vinita Singh Carrying wounded

Vinita Singh

Carrying wounded past in your mind
will close the door for new beginnings in life.

Suman Singh Dont let the dark

Suman Singh

“Don’t let the dark past,
overshadow your bright future”.

Sherry Greene We never forget

Sherry Greene

We never forget our childhood wounds.
But the fortunate ones learn to live with them.

Lou Angelique Heruela Life isnt what

Lou Angelique Heruela

Life isn’t what it’s supposed
to be when deep inside
you’re hurting so badly.

Eli Starseed Becoming conscious

Eli Starseed

Becoming conscious of the inner child.
Healing the inner child, to liberate the
adult version of the matrix.
Awakening consciousness.

Navya Shivaram Being locked inside

Being locked inside one’s own mind
is the worst situation in a person’s life!

Kerri Bear Trapped by the

Kerri Bear

Trapped by the limits of my own inferior mind.

ninjassn What hurt you


What hurt you,
always haunts you.
The pain of yesterday,
lingers even today.

silentsoulwildspirit Let your fright not


Let your fright not
overpower your paradise.
Let your inner self heal,
before you deal the outer one

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