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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 12 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram and YouTube as on 28 June 2024.
Roccio Saldaña
Trying to feed the ego on social apps
is just a temporary fix to whatever
is missing on the inside.
Rinku Shah
Once social media likes
become your ego’s feed,
it becomes a constant need!
Mary Angelica Amerkhan
The ego has been served with
synthetic validation that widens
the void of reality.
Navroop Sarao
Social media has become the go-to
for people to seek validation.
Palak Trivedi
Let not the reality
hide beneath the heaps
of false accumulation
of appreciation.
Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar
Social media likes are just like junk bites,
boost your mind for a while, but in reality,
are devastating you from the inside.
Maulika Patel
Look for acknowledgment,
not validation!
Luminous Journeys
Your worth does not
depend upon the ‘likes’
you get from social media.
Social media is like
cereal for the ego.
Cheap and convenient,
but not healthy.
Filling your bowl with
social media approval
isn’t gonna feed your soul.
Ego boost through
social media appreciation,
the biggest addiction
of this generation.
The ego is easily
stripped from us,
for it is fueled by others.
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