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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 15 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, Instagram and YouTube as on 30 July 2023.
Sherry Greene
That lonely child still
is alive in me.
Fern Goodman
Always remember to love
and honor your inner child.
Efflin Fernandes
A wounded inner child needs
love and care to feel free
from the shadow of trauma.
Vinita Singh
My past bitter experience has
confined me into sadness.
Lou Angelique Heruela
Sadness knows no time or age,
so we must all be kind always.
Pauline Ebijimi
No matter what we face in life,
there is always a small part of us
craving for love and attention.
Araliza Arias
As she gives her doll
a protective motherly hug,
just the way she wants to be loved.
Mai Quesada
To be alone at times is
to be at peace with oneself!
Mausumi Halder
Keep your beautiful childhood memories safe
in your heart, mind, body and soul always.
Sheela P M
Conquer your fear and
come out of the self-trap.
Sonali Pawar
Always know “who you are”
or else the world will make you
what they want you to be!
Hold on to your inner child,
she is the one you need the most.
We find our security in
what comforts us!
The child is still searching for love,
support and acceptance…
Holding onto the innocence in me
that consoles my inner child’s heart.
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