Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 2 April 2023

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group, YoutubeInstagram and Twitter as on 9 April 2023.

aprici tea The higher


The higher the pyramid, the greater the fall.

Navroop Sarao Money is

Money is the illusion that we think is happiness.

Manjul Agarwal Never be

Manjul Agarwal

Never be proud of power of your money.
Happiness gained this way can vanish easily.

Araliza Arias If you

Araliza Arias

If you entrust your peace to
a pyramid of bills, collapse is a risk.

Rinku Shah Don’t let

Rinku Shah

Don’t let down your guard,
because wealth is like a house of cards,
today it’s a throne and tomorrow you’re overthrown!

Omnie Jabagat Self worth

Omnie Jabagat

Self worth is more important than net worth.

Pauline Ebijimi Money can

Pauline Ebijimi

Money can give all the luxuries of this world
but it is a temporary comfort.

Eilif Brakvatne Be content

Eilif Brakvatne

Be content with what you have.
It can all go away very quickly.

Roccio Saldaña Base your

Roccio Saldaña

Base your worth on what you, as a human, can represent.

Angela Lee Never build up

Angela Lee

Never build up your life with only money,
love, hope and peace are equally important.

Dipti Chauhan Money may

Dipti Chauhan

Money may give you a moment
of happiness, but not for life time.

Dorothy Loge Wealth is

Dorothy Loge

Wealth is like a house of cards.
A freak wind and poof… it’s gone.

Kumbey Eric Your finance

Kumbey Eric

Your finance will control you
if you don’t monitor it properly.

Pennelopey Happiness is


Happiness is temporary even with money.

ninjassn An existence


An existence on just wealth,
is as hollow as a house of cards.
A slight wind of change,
and everything will crumble.

bondoverbrews An empire


An empire founded on deception is
as sturdy as a house of cards.

Mohamad Al Adi when you build

Mohamad Al-Adi

when you build your happiness on a somthing
rather than nothing… you will lose it at the first wind.

Jacqueline Johnson You can

Jacqueline Johnson

You can build a cushion of money…
but sooner or later you will hit the ground.

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