Zodiac Signs On A Road Trip
Zodiac Signs On A Road Trip
Aries – “Going 90 in a 60 because ‘speed limits are just suggestions.’ Will fight Google Maps if it tells them they’re going the wrong way.”
Taurus – “Refuses to leave until the car is packed with snacks, blankets, and a travel pillow. Will demand a five-star restaurant experience at a gas station.”
Gemini – “Talks the entire time, even when no one is listening. Somehow starts a deep conversation about aliens and then immediately switches to celebrity gossip.”
Cancer – “Made everyone sandwiches and packed a first-aid kit just in case. Will start reminiscing about childhood road trips and probably cry about it.”
Leo – “Insists on the aux cord and curates a playlist called ‘ICONIC BOPS ONLY.’ Will take 37 selfies before the car even leaves the driveway.”
Virgo – “Has a full itinerary printed and laminated, including designated bathroom breaks. Silently judges the mess accumulating in the car.”
Libra – “Spends 20 minutes deciding on a snack at the gas station. Won’t pick a restaurant for dinner but will complain if someone else chooses wrong.”
Scorpio – “Just sitting in the backseat, wearing sunglasses at night, silently plotting. You don’t know where they want to stop, and you’re too afraid to ask.”
Sagittarius – “Suggests a ‘quick detour’ that turns into a three-hour hike. Gets everyone lost but swears it was all part of the adventure.”
Capricorn – “Drives like a dad on a mission—no unnecessary stops, no nonsense. If you’re five minutes late getting in the car, they’re leaving without you.”
Aquarius – “Stops at the weirdest roadside attractions, like ‘The World’s Largest Ball of Yarn.’ Spends half the trip talking about conspiracy theories.”
Pisces – “Stares dreamily out the window like they’re in a sad music video. Will fall asleep and wake up confused, asking, ‘Wait, where are we?’”
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