Why Your Sign Is Cute As Frack

Why Your Sign Is Cute As Frack

Why Your Sign Is Cute As Frack

Why Your Sign Is Cute As Frack

Aries – When you love someone you are charming as heck and you have a pure admiration for that person. Its cute as frack!

Taurus – When you talk about things you like, you make this adorable face and you radiate admiration. You remember little things or details about people and are just so sentimental. You’re cute as frack!

Gemini – When you get excited about something your eyes light up and you are basically jumping up and down while stating everything about it! You are also very cute when you are complimented! Cute as frack!

Cancer – You like hugs and warm blankets and are as sentimental as Taurus! Also, you blush easily and its cute as frack!

Leo – You are surprisingly cuddly when you get past your “grr I’m a lion” thing. You are very protective of those you love as well and you spoil us rotten! Cute as frack!

Virgo – You can be very shy but you always will go out of your way to do cute little things for people even when they don’t notice. You are just cutie pies in general thought! Seriously cute as frack!

Libra – You have a bouncy excitement about life and you are so very fair to everybody! You go above and beyond for your friends and its cute as frack!

Scorpio – You try very hard not to show it but we all know you are! You enjoy doing very nice things for people anonymously. Also when you love someone you are a magnetic force and your eyes are only for them and them only! Cute. As. Frack.

Sagittarius – You are optimists! You keep everyone looking for a silver lining and you are ready for adventure! People may think you are flaky with friends but your friends know that are always there to listen to them and you understand their mind and souls. You are also very playful and its cute as frack.

Capricorn – When you are passionate about your work, you are so excited to show those you love what you’ve done! You also have a cute giggle and a silly sense of humor that makes you so endearing! Cute as frack!

Aquarius – Where do I start you cute little weirdos! You embrace your true self and could care less if people judge you! You are also super nurturing and free spirited and that’s cute as frack!

Pisces – You are the cutest! Those big wonder filled eyes and your dream like state just make you seen so innocent! We all want to feed you cookies and hot chocolate – Pisces you are cute as frack!

Zodiac Signs Quotes, Zodiac Signs Memes, Astrology Memes, Funny Zodiac Memes, Zodiac Personality Quotes, Zodiac Memes Quotes, Zodiac Traits Quotes, Aries Traits Quotes, Taurus Traits Quotes, Gemini Traits Quotes, Cancer Traits Quotes, Leo Traits Quotes, Virgo Traits Quotes, Libra Traits Quotes, Scorpio Traits Quotes, Sagittarius Traits Quotes, Capricorn Traits Quotes, Aquarius Traits Quotes, Pisces Traits Quotes

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