The Zodiac Signs And Their Ingredients
The Zodiac Signs And Their Ingredients
Aries: flames directly from hell, shards of diamonds, the energy of a toddler, and a gallon of caffeine
Taurus: clusters of emerald gemstones, the scent of old books, warm chocolate chip cookies, and silk pajamas
Gemini: wind from a tornado, a pinch of salt, a child’s laughter, and a cup of glitter
Cancer: shimmering tears, the moon’s light, the scent of fresh lavender, and water from an ocean storm
Leo: a Hollywood actresses’ tears, the pride of a lion, the morning sun’s rays, and beaming highlighter
Virgo: freshly roasted coffee, the scent of new books, a bouquet of daisies, and the breeze of a fall afternoon
Libra: a cup of rose petals, a bottle of fruity perfume, creamy frosting, and the voice of Marilyn Monroe
Scorpio: deep rooted secrets, the eyes of a psychic, passion *added for flavor, and a midnight conversation
Sagittarius: a child’s optimism, a folk song riff, a language not yet known, and the wisdom of a philosopher
Capricorn: the bones of a warrior, a gallon of pessimism, a leader’s authority, and Saturn’s tough, layered rings
Aquarius: an alien’s brain, a tablespoon of star dust, holographic beams, and one mystery flavored airhead
Pisces: melatonin, a cup of cotton candy, the heart of a goddess, and the tears of a siren
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