Motivational Quotes, Success Quotes

“Be stubborn about your goals but flexible about your methods.”
Motivational Quotes, Success Quotes
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Experience new things
Love the people around you
Eat nourishing food
Live in the moment
Focus on your passion
Give back
Listen to music
Spend time in
Ghost Yourself For 6 Months
Make everything your fault.
Find the beast within you.
Throw yourself into pain.
Cut out all the excuses.
Go all in on yourself.
Train like a warrior
The goal is to be THAT woman who has a stable job, can afford what she needs, has a good mindset, a calm personality, and is living her life to the fullest.
We all have that vision in our mind of becoming someone who’s got it all together — the woman who is independent, content, calm, and truly living her best life. The goal is clear: to be that woman who has a stable job, can afford what she needs, and embraces life with a positive, calm mindset. Let’s break it down and explore how you can embody this vision.
You’re not lazy, but paralyzed by too many desires. Your mind wants 1000 things at one time making it completely stopping you from moving at all.Break the cycle. Choose 1 thing and direct all your focus to it.
Have you ever felt stuck, like your mind is pulling you in a thousand directions at once? You dream of achieving so much, but instead of moving forward, you feel paralyzed. This is the dilemma of being overwhelmed by t
Work on things people can’t take away from you:-Your skills-Your body-Your mindset-Your character-Your knowledge-Your work ethicThis is how you become unstoppable.
There’s a lot in life that can be lost—money, possessions, opportunities, and even relationships. But some things, the most important things, are truly yours to keep forever. When you focus on building these, you make yourself unstoppable. It’s like the motivational quote that says, “Work on things people can’t take away from you.”
Get excited about your goals. Focus on productivity rather than activity. Rest when required. Build stronger relationships. Step out of your comfort zone. Take on new challenges with courage. Hold yourself accountable. Develop a healthy sleeping pattern. Adapt to your environment and resources. Choose faith over fear. Let go of what no longer contributes to your joy. Create better habits. Keep a routine in place. Encourage positive energy in your circle. Smile, laugh and love often. Count your blessings regularly. Work with passion and purpose. Try out new things. Upskill. Travel when you can. Live within your means. Spend more time with your loved ones. Take good care of your mind, body and soul. Make happiness, healing and kindness priorities. Meditate. Be humble. Embrace t
How to be a better thinkerDay 1 – The Making of an Expert by Harvard Business Review
Day 2 – The Map Is Not the Territory by Farnam Street
Day 3 – It Takes a Good Map to Find Answers
Day 4 – The Crucial Thinking Skill Nobody Ever Taught You
Day 5 – Knowledge Is Not a Thing by Lawrence Yeo
Day 6 – The power of thinking inside the box by Ness Labs
Day 7 – 12 Cognitive Biases Explained
Day 8 – How can we develop transformative tools for thought?
Day 9 –
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