16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life


Mahmoud Darwish Quotes: Poems On Love And Life

Mahmoud Darwish quotes offer profound insights on love, identity, and life. Here are some poems that can inspire you or make you think deeply. Let’s explore!

I’ve always been a fan of Mahmoud Darwish. He’s a modern poet who speaks from the heart in his unconventional views on love and life. He is considered the Palestinian national poet because he wrote timeless poetry across various themes with skillful use of striking words that prompt thought.

His work has received many awards throughout history and created an enduring impact in literature. I have compiled some beautiful quotes from Mahmoud Darwish’s writings which will touch your soul forever. So, take the time to read them.

mahmoud darwish quotes
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

Read more here: 15+ Quotes From โ€œBridgertonโ€ That Depict Obsessive Yearning

Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On Love

1. “We suffer from an incurable malady; we love.”

We suffer from an incurable malady
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

Darwish beautifully captures the paradox of love โ€“ its power to both heal and hurt. This is one of the Mahmoud Darwish quotes that reminds us that love, despite its complexities, is an important and transformative part of our lives.

2. “After you nothing goes and nothing returns.” 

This Mahmoud Darwish poetry conveys the pain of losing a loved one is expressed. The absence of that person takes away the flow and meaning from life, creating emptiness and stillness in their place.

3. โ€œShe says: โ€˜When are we going to meet?โ€™ I say: โ€˜After the war is over.โ€™ She says: โ€˜When does the war end?โ€™ I say: โ€˜When we meet.โ€™โ€

This is one of the Mahmoud Darwish love poems that emphasizes the endless cycle of war and love. It implies that personal struggles are synonymous with the search for love, indicating that only in marriage can we find tranquility.

4. โ€œThey asked โ€˜do you love her to death?โ€™ I said โ€˜speak of her over my grave and watch how she brings me back to life.โ€™โ€ 

They asked do you love her to death
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

This is one of Mahmoud Darwish quotes that shows the love that doesnโ€™t die even after death. For Darwish, this means that what we know as true love can bring life to and refresh something even when itโ€™s dead; in other words, he believes that love lasts forever.

5. โ€œOn the train we swapped seats, you wanted the window and I wanted to look at you.โ€ 

On the train we swapped seats
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

This Mahmoud Darwish poetry can make you tear up. Itโ€™s really such a sweet and simple way to put it: To me, this sums up the essence of love. Itโ€™s about the little things you do for your partner every day, even when itโ€™s not what you want to do.

6. โ€œThe image of love reveals itself there; in a profoundly present absence.โ€ 

This is one of Mahmoud Darwish love poems that reflects on the paradox of love’s presence in absence. Even when a loved one is not physically present, their influence and memory linger, showing the everlasting power of love.

7. โ€œYou are killing me and you are keeping me from dying. That is love.โ€ 

You are killing me
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

This quote from Mahmoud Darwish is one of my favorites because it beautifully and succinctly captures the complexity of love.

On the one hand, love can be an incredibly painful experience that can tear us apart. On the other hand, love is a life-giving force that makes everything worth it.

These two sides of love are often contradictory, and yet they coexist within the same experience. This quote reminds me that love is not always easy, but it is always worth it.

8. โ€œLove! We have no aim but defeat in your wars.โ€ 

Darwish implies that love inevitably means weakness and grief and yet we still participate in it with full knowledge of what could happen.

9. โ€œAll roads lead to you, even those I took to forget you.โ€ 

All roads lead to you
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

Darwish suggests that no matter how hard you try to move on or forget someone you love, all roads lead back to them, reaffirming the everlasting nature of love.

10. โ€œAnd you became like coffee, in the deliciousness, and the bitterness, and the addiction.โ€

And you became like coffee
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

Darwish compares love to coffee in this quote, showcasing its many sides. It can be sweet or bitter, but itโ€™s always addicting โ€“ just like a romantic attraction that is complicated and tempting.

11. โ€œWe once said that only death would tear us apart. Death was late and we split.โ€ 

We once said that only death would tear us apart
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

This is one of the Mahmoud Darwish quotes about broken promises and how love can be so fragile. According to Darwish, even after making promises to be together forever, a relationship can end before death happens. This shows that love is very unpredictable.

Mahmoud Darwish Poetry About Life…

12. “I come from there and I have memories; born as others are born, I have memories.

Darwish contemplates the importance of memory and identity. Our history forms us, and our memories are a crucial part of who we are.

13. “I am not a poet of my land, but of my exile.”

Darwishโ€™s poetry is rooted in his experiences of exile and longing for home.

14. “And I tell myself, a moon will rise from my darkness.

The poet uses the image of a moon rising from the dark as a way to show hope and strength. There is always the possibility of light and rebirth, even during the bleakest periods.

15. โ€œHow can letters take on so many words? How can words have enough space to embrace the world?โ€

How can letters take on so many words
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

Darwish reflects on how letters and words can hold immense meaning, expressing the vastness of human experience and the world.

16. โ€œRemember yourself before all turns to dust.โ€

The quote reminds us to be self-aware and that nothing stays forever. According to Darwish, we must cling to who we really are and our memories before its disappearance.

Read more here: 20+ Miley Cyrus Lyrics And Quotes That Will Speak To Your Soul

Use these Mahmoud Darwish quotes for motivation while going through your journey. Tell us your thoughts about it in the comments below!

mahmoud darwish quotes
16 Mahmoud Darwish Quotes On The Depths Of Love And Life

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