How Your Brain Changes After Meditating for One Year


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Does meditation changes brain? Does it really do everything people say it does? Join us as we explore the truth of what happens to your brain, body and life when you practice meditation for one year.

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice that requires mindfulness. Contrary to what some people believe, its goal is not to empty the mind of thoughts, but to experience them objectively. That is to say, you experience your thoughts, feelings, and memories as if they were leaves floating down a stream. You watch them all come and go, holding on to nothing. You pay attention only to the moment youโ€™re living in, but itโ€™s deep attention, which accepts both the painful and the pleasant experiences.

In practice, some people try guided meditations, in which a 3rd party helps them to direct their focus on different aspects of the moment theyโ€™re experiencing. Others prefer to meditate with musicย or only silence. Famously, there are those like Buddhist monks who make meditation an entire way of living.

Read Meditation: A Mystical Practice That Leads You To A Prosperous Life

How Does Meditation Make You Feel?

Brain Changes Meditating for One Year infographics

Many people beginย  practicing meditation to help with anxiety and stress. This is a wonderful motivation, but itโ€™s certainly not the only way that meditating changes you. Hereโ€™s how 5-20 minutes of daily meditation changes the way you experience life:

After 1 Week

  • Reduces stress and anxious feelings
  • Gives you a feeling of relaxation

After 2 Weeks

  • Meditation feels natural, and a part of your daily routine

After 40 Days

  • Better clarity of mind
  • Better dream recall
  • Easier to recognize symbols in your life
  • More positive attitude

After 1 Year

  • More productive
  • Better success in meeting goals
  • More self-discipline
  • Less affected by ups and downs
  • Higher value of yourself and your time
  • More compassionate
  • More grateful
  • Overall less anxiety

How Meditation Changes Your Brain and Body

For those of you who are like me, and want to see the scientific evidence behind โ€œfeelingsโ€, Iโ€™m happy to say that researchers have been pouring more effort into studying the exact effects of meditation on human physiology. A very recent study was just released (July 2016) which discovered how meditating for only 3 days can change your brain and body even up to 4 months down the road.


The Study

Scientists worked with 35 male and female volunteers who were divided into two groups. Group A practiced meditation for 3 days while Group B practiced a โ€œphonyโ€ meditation, which really was just designed to distract them from stress rather than pay attention to it.

After 3 days of meditating (or โ€œmeditatingโ€), the researchers looked at the volunteersโ€™ brain scans. Then after 4 months, they looked at blood tests for signs of inflammation.

Read The Power Of Visualization and Meditation

The Results

While both Group A and Group B reported feeling more relaxed than before the experiment, only Group A showed real physical signs that meditating made a difference. Their brain scans showed a greater connectivity between the stress response brain regions and the calm/focus response brain regions.ย Then, 4 months later, Group Aโ€™s blood tests revealed a significantly lower level of inflammation than Group B (even though almost no one in had meditated since the experiment!)

This is exciting news! To summarize, the practice of mindful meditation helps your brain to find new ways to deal with stress, and even a small amount of meditating works to lower the amount of inflammation in your body, which is the cause of many diseases including digestive issues, cardiovascular problems, and even cancer. Meditation has a direct effect on your mental and physical health.

Meditation changes brain

meditation changes brain
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