How To Know If He Is Interested In You Or Just Flirting Based On His Zodiac Sign


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When it comes to the man you like, how do you know for sure if he is interested in you or just flirting with you? The following article elaborates on how his zodiac sign will drop hints!ย Letโ€™s see if heโ€™s interested or flirting based on his zodiac sign.

Trying to decide whether someone is flirting with you or not is incredibly stressful. Since everyone is different, some menโ€™s โ€œromantic signalsโ€ are confusing.

The way he acts when heโ€™s interested in a person vs. how he acts with you, changes. Thatโ€™s why it can look like heโ€™sย different when with one woman to the next.

However, depending on his astrological zodiac sign, he may have some personality traits that will give you some subtle indicators as to how heโ€™s feeling about you (or if heโ€™s NOT feeling it with you).

When you like someone it can be difficult to detect whether theyโ€™re giving you signals that theyโ€™re into you or not. You get all nervous because you want them to like you back and you donโ€™t want to embarrass yourself. So you overanalyze EVERYTHING!

I mean, itโ€™s not like when a guy is obviously flirtingโ€ฆ but youโ€™re not interested. You actually care if this guy likes you. Ugh. It sucks to care sometimes. When you actually care whether a guy is into you or not, itโ€™s hard to read the signs because even when you see a hint you feel like โ€œthat must have been in my head. The good guys never want me back.โ€

Itโ€™s a vicious cycle. But, just remember, all these people wouldnโ€™t be getting together if the good guy didnโ€™t like the daydreaming girl sometimes. Keep the faith.

When my husband and I first met, I was so oblivious to the signs because I couldnโ€™t imagine that he liked me. He literally played with my hair, complimented me frequently, and at one point even wrapped his arm around me and I was all โ€œNaw. Heโ€™s just nice.โ€

So nervous, so awkward, so naive. But letโ€™s be real, thereโ€™s only so long you can play what I call โ€œI like youโ€ chicken before one of you finally breaks and takes the step.

With my husband, I finally got up the nerve to friend request him on MySpace (yes, it was that long ago.) and that made him comfortable enough to confess his feelings for me. This way, I got to technically make the first move without having to say it (Iโ€™m a genius).

Find his horoscope date below and see some of the โ€œtellsโ€ he may be exhibiting that you havenโ€™t noticed yet or discern if youโ€™re just dealing with a big flirt, by zodiac sign using astrology.

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

How To Know If He Is Interested In You Or Just Flirting Based On His Zodiac Sign

Here are the signs he is really interested in you or the guy is flirting for fun:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

a guy is really interested aries

An Aries guy is most likely driven by speed and competition. Therefore, he is unlikely to want to see you around other guys if heโ€™s interested. So, be looking for him to try to get you alone. Or look for him to be touching you in front of other guys, not in a gross way, but like standing really close to you, little nudges/touches on the arm, etc.

If heโ€™s NOT interested, he will show his short temper in front of you. Letโ€™s be real, if he was interested, he would be more careful about the negative side of his personality being seen too early.

Related:ย Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

a guy is really interested taurus

Touch is usually very important to the Taurus. If the Taurus is flirting, he is likely to be trying to subtly touch you to โ€œtest the waterโ€. For example, heโ€™ll start with light innocent touches like on your shoulder or upper arm when he says something nice. Then, heโ€™ll try wrapping an arm around you briefly when it seems appropriate.

Taureans are usually romantic and stable by nature. So, if heโ€™s NOT interested heโ€™s more likely to cancel plans with you, treat you more like a โ€œpalโ€ than a woman, etc.

Related:10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

a guy is really interested gemini

Geminis tend to be nervous by nature so itโ€™s likely that if heโ€™s interested, he will be hesitant to say anything. However, he may do some subtle things to sort of hint at his feelings.

For example, he may express affection for you without specifically saying heโ€™s interested in dating you. He may say โ€œyouโ€™re great to be aroundโ€, โ€œI love spending time with youโ€, etc. If heโ€™s more physically affectionate with you (i.e. hugs you when you see each other, sits close to you during hangouts, etc.) this may also be his way of hinting at his romantic feelings towards you.

It can be hard to tell if a Gemini isnโ€™t interested as they can be extremely indecisive (so heโ€™s probably going back and forth about it too). Iโ€™d look for how excited he seems when you try to make plans with him. That could be a good indicator of whether heโ€™s interested in you.

Related:10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

a guy is really interested cancer

Cancers can be a tad on the insecure side. Plus, they have a tendency toward being manipulative and suspicious. So, in an attempt to flirt he may start by saying things that are on the side of self-deprecating to see if youโ€™ll contradict him. For example, โ€œIโ€™m too funny looking to pull off this piece of clothingโ€ in hopes that youโ€™ll say that heโ€™s not funny looking. Stuff like that.

Cancers can be a bit moody by nature, which he will try to not let onto if heโ€™s into you. So, if he gets super moody in front of you. That may be a sign that he sees you as more of a friend.

Related:12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

a guy is really interested leo

Leos that are into people, get easily attached to them. So, if heโ€™s always reaching out to make plans with you, thatโ€™s a pretty good sign that he likes you. He is interested in you based on his zodiac sign

When heโ€™s flirting, heโ€™ll be pretty obvious about it due to how arrogant Leo tends to be by nature (heโ€™ll assume you think heโ€™s hot even if youโ€™re not into dating him). Try agreeing that heโ€™s hot and check out his reaction. If heโ€™s not into you, he probably wonโ€™t make any effort to try to spend time with you (a pretty clear sign).

Related: Top 13 Reasons Why Leo Is The Best Zodiac Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

a guy is really interested virgo

Virgos tend to be very practical and prefer work to play. So, if he seems to enjoy goofing around with you (i.e. โ€œwasting timeโ€ with you), that could be an indicator that heโ€™s into you. Heโ€™ll also compliment you on a lot of things outside of your appearance (practical things like โ€œyouโ€™re smartโ€, โ€œyouโ€™re good at thisโ€, etc.).

If heโ€™s NOT into you, he simply will seem to care more about being on time to work or spending time on projects around the house than he will want to spend time with you.

Related:10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

a guy is really interested libra

Libras are a very social zodiac sign so just because heโ€™s spending a lot of time with you doesnโ€™t mean heโ€™s into you. However, if he tries to get you alone a lot, that could be an indicator.

Flirting from a Libra can be simple things like sharing his fries with you (ESPECIALLY if itโ€™s only you), trying to sit close to you, finding excuses to touch you, etc.

If a Libra guy is NOT into you, he will actively try to make sure you only hang out in groups in order to avoid the confrontation of having to reject you in any way.

Related:10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

a guy is really interested scorpio

Scorpios are one of the easier signs to tell if theyโ€™re into you. If heโ€™s into you heโ€™s likely to be caught looking at you a lot and making eye contact (bordering on intense) anytime youโ€™re talking (heโ€™ll probably even give you a smile that youโ€™ll notice he only gives to you). He may even playfully tease you and find excuses to touch you (little tickles, hugs, pokes, etc.).

If heโ€™s NOT into you, heโ€™ll probably be a bit brutal about it. Like, heโ€™ll talk about other โ€œhot girlsโ€ in front of you to try to make it clear heโ€™s not into you, stuff like that.

Related: 10 Reasons to Love a SCORPIO

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

a guy is really interested sagittarius

Sagittarius appreciates their freedom and dislikes clingy people. So, understandably it is going to be complicated to decide whether he is interested in you or just flirting.

However, subtle little signs like being willing to hang out with you instead of going on vacations are a clear sign considering how much the Sagittarius tends to love to travel. Likely, however, the Sag fella youโ€™re into will eventually just come out and say how he feels about you.

If he does NOT like you (in that way), he wonโ€™t make any special time with you. Theyโ€™re pretty clear when they donโ€™t like someone.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Sagittarius: 7 Brutal Truths

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

a guy is really interested capricorn

The Capricornโ€™s tendency towards being family-oriented tends to mean that he wonโ€™t waste a lot of time NOT telling you if heโ€™s feeling it. A good indicator of whether or not he likes you is that he wonโ€™t be condescending towards people (especially you), which goes against how he tends to act (but he wonโ€™t want to show you that side of himself just yet if heโ€™s into you).

If he is NOT into you, he is likely to be testy and condensing. Being practical, heโ€™s likely to be upfront about his feelings.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Capricorn (7 Brutal Truths)

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

a guy is really interested aquarius

Aquarius tends to run from emotional expression, which means that he is going to be hesitant with his feeling for you. To know if he is interested in you or just flirting, you have to pay attention.

You will notice little things if heโ€™s trying to flirt. For example, heโ€™s likely to try to get you alone and try to engage you in intellectual and meaningful conversations (this could be his way of deciding whether he can see himself with you long-term). Heโ€™ll spend most of the time listening to you.

If heโ€™s NOT into you, he is likely to only see you in group social situations where heโ€™ll try not to end up alone with you. Because THAT could be an awkward *wink, wink*.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving An Aquarius (7 Brutal Truths)

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

a guy is really interested pisces

Pisces can be tricky when it comes to telling whether theyโ€™re flirting with you or not, given the fact that theyโ€™re so friendly that a lot of times their just talking can sound like flirting.

But Pisces is also very intuitive, so heโ€™s likely to be able to tell how youโ€™re feeling about him and act accordingly. Try flirting a little yourself and see how it goes.

Related:10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

Written by Nicole Bradley-Bernard
Originally appeared on

So, those were the zodiac secrets to know if a guy is flirting. Now you can tell if a guy is really interested in you. If you watch out for the signs, you will know whether he likes you or is just flirty based on astrology. When he is really interested in you, his zodiac behavior will tell on him.

Every zodiac sign is different and has different qualities. As long as you observe your guy well, you will be able to understand if he is interested in you or just flirting with you.

Related: Spirituality

So, now as you know how to find out if he is interested in you or just flirting, do share your thoughts in the comments below.

How To Know If He Is Interested In You Or Just Flirting Based On His Zodiac Sign
How To Know If A Guy Is Really Interested In You (or Just Flirtingย For Fun) Based On His Zodiac Sign

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He Is Interested In You Or Flirting Zodiac Sign detail
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Know If Interested In You Or Flirting Zodiac Sign detail
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he is interested in you or just flirting

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