16 Men Share The Red Flags In A Guy That You Should Watch Out For


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Have you had bad experiences when it comes to toxic masculinity, but you still fail to see the red flags in a guy? Hereโ€™s what you should look out for!

Are you tired of falling into the same trap of toxic relationships, blinded by the allure of so-called โ€œPrince Charmingsโ€? Itโ€™s time to empower yourself with knowledge about the red flags that may indicate a man is not worth your time.

Thanks to the honest and eye-opening revelations from men on the Reddit community, r/AskMen, we have compiled a comprehensive list of 16 relationship red flags that every woman should be aware of. Join us as we dive into these warning signs, helping you navigate the dating world with confidence and clarity.

Remember, knowledge is power, and by arming yourself with these insights, you can steer clear of potential disasters and find a partner who truly deserves your love and trust.

If you ever come across a guy like this, donโ€™t ever be fooled for the disaster to happen. Remember, these signals by heart.

Red Flags In A Guy

AskMen, What are some relationship red flags in a guy? This is what theyโ€™ll tell youโ€ฆ

1. Prince charming isnโ€™t actually charming.

He is not the Prince charming he appears to be.

โ€œIf he always says the right thing at the right time, is so charming and plays all his cards right, but you never saw his friends or where he lives, itโ€™s not his first Tango and not his last.โ€

2. The way he behaves with unknown people, for example, the ones who serve him.

โ€œHow does he treat his waiter/bartender. Thatโ€™s a total stranger. You can get a baseline for his kindness, patience, intolerance, generosity. So many things.โ€

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3. He has never-ending sob stories that make you pity him and be caring towards him.

โ€œIf the world seems out to get the poor guy, and you think he needs you, you need to get the fuck out of there. His own choices are causing the chaos and heโ€™ll drag you down with him.

Donโ€™t date out of pity, boyfriends are not lost puppies that just need a bath and some love to be made whole again.โ€

4. He artfully conceals he is already in a relationship.

โ€œIf he seems to be hiding you or keeping you away from his friends/relatives or keeps making excuses, heโ€™s probably just using you.โ€

5. He doesnโ€™t want to use condoms.

โ€œIf he insists that condoms feel bad and really wants to go bareback even if youโ€™re only dating for a few days/weeks or even just meeting for a hookup: Run as fast as you can.โ€

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6. Several bad relationships in their life with other women.

โ€œFeeling anything is owed to them.

They have extremely bad relationships with other women at present or in their past. This includes everyone his mother, sister, ex-girlfriends or any other woman related to him in any way.

Be warned you could be just another woman to add to his ever-increasing list of abused women.

Not respecting a womanโ€™s wish may not always be related to something sexual or violent. Forcing her into eating something she doesnโ€™t want is an indicator he is a control freak. This can transform into something worse later.

This is a warning signal that men can also take when they come across such a woman.โ€

7. When with other men, his behavior towards women changes.

โ€œIf a guy brags about how big his penis is. If a guy interacts with/speaks of women differently in front of other men in the presence of women. Two big flags for a dick head. No pun intended.โ€

8. Lacks self-confidence.

โ€œLow self-esteem. Want someone that really tries hard? Is doing fine at life, has stayed out of trouble and drama? Has depth, and isnโ€™t easy prey for others? Have I got a deal for you.

Itโ€™s great until it isnโ€™t. You canโ€™t fix it, thatโ€™s all them. It doesnโ€™t matter if theyโ€™re great, they think they are shit. It shifts and changes under their skin. It never leaves them alone, and youโ€™ll always be outside, wondering what the fuck is going on.

They will be a stranger to you because they donโ€™t believe they deserve love, and canโ€™t risk showing their true face.

red flags in a guy

Itโ€™s as crippling as any other disability, but hides so well you probably just think โ€œheโ€™s shyโ€. Shy doesnโ€™t wreck you, this does.โ€

9. Communicates with women only in parties and social gatherings.

โ€œIโ€™m sure women can see this far sooner than I do, but at parties, if a guy is only talking to girls, he didnโ€™t go there to make friends, he went there to get laid.

I go to a fair amount of โ€œmake new friendsโ€ events and there are always some guys who just go from talking to one girl to another and get visibly upset if I so much as try to introduce myself.

Itโ€™s even worse if he came with friends and then ignores his friends all night, or always tries to one-up them in conversations.โ€

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10. Brash.

โ€œActs impulsively without considering the consequences + doesnโ€™t like the way condoms feel = do not get in bed with this guy.โ€

11. The enchanter.

โ€œOverly charming. Never met an overly charming (always wide smile, kiss ass type, showy) man who wasnโ€™t hiding one or several horrible character flaws.โ€

12. He behaves as if you are โ€˜Just Friendsโ€™ but he is not a friend.

โ€œIโ€™ve lost count the number of times Iโ€™ve told a female friend that the guy who is โ€œjust a friendโ€ is not actually just a friend. They never believe me, then a few months later he snaps, goes on a Nice Guy tirade, and stops being friends with her. If he constantly wants to hang out with you 1 on 1, is especially nice to you, and does things for you that he wouldnโ€™t normally do for his other friends, chances are heโ€™s not just trying to be a friend.โ€

13. The scheming man.

โ€œBeware of the manipulator. They come in so many packages but what they do is emotionally and mentally damaging. They know people, they understand what makes them tick.

They are usually selfish, incredibly nice and the good manipulator will seem like the perfect gentleman at the beginning. All heโ€™s doing is collecting information. Heโ€™s easy to connect with, is kind to strangers.โ€

14. Always there at your beck and call.

โ€œCapitulating to your wants or needs at every turn at the expense of his own. Neediness alert!โ€

red flags in a guy

15. Controlling.

โ€œAll the red flags Iโ€™ve seen in menโ€ฆare the same red flags Iโ€™ve seen in women too. Untrusting/controlling and manipulative behavior looks the same in both genders and should be handled with care for both.โ€

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16. The company he keeps.

โ€œIf his friends are shitty, he is shitty. Also, I hate cheating and cheaters, and will rat them out SO FAST, every time.โ€

If you want to know more about red flags in a man, then check out this video below:

16 Red Flags In A Man You Should Stay Away From
16 Red Flags In A Man You Should Stay Away From
Men Share Red Flags In Guy Should Watch Out pin

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