10 Best Ways To Better Your Life While Self Isolating



Stuck at home! and donโ€™t even know for how long? Hereโ€™s what you can do to better your life while self isolating.

Self isolation! This word has probably become the word of the century! But jokes aside, it is something that everyone is having to do.

Staying at home can be a bit frustrating, but at times, it is completely non-negotiable. The good news is that, even though you will be stuck at home for a long period of time, there are some ways you can better your life while self isolating.

Quarantine does not have to be a bad thing, even though it might seem like at times. Just relax and let us all ride this out!

10 Great Ways You Can Better Your Life While Self Isolating

1. Build up a bucket list.ย 

Now is the best time to note down all those things you have always wanted to do in your life. Create a fun bucket list of your own, which will consist of all your wildest dreams, goals and desires. Whether itโ€™s seeing the Aurora Borealis in Iceland or going swimming with the dolphins in Hawaii, list everything down.

Once the whole Coronavirus situation is handled and taken care of, you can gradually start ticking them off one by one!

Want to create the perfect bucket list? Read 15 Beautiful Unexplored Destinations You Should Definitely Add To Your Bucket List

2. Take care of your body.ย 

Even though all the gyms and fitness centers are closed down due to quarantine, it doesnโ€™t mean that you wonโ€™t get to workout. Working out at home is the best thing you can do right now. Exercise for at least 30-40 minutes every day, not that you have a lot of time on your hands.

Exercising regularly will not just keep you healthy from the outside, it will also keep you well mentally. Working out releases endorphins in your body, which can uplift your mood and make you feel happy and positive. And positivity is something that everyone needs a bit of, during this tumultuous time.

3. Cook healthy and eat right.

Since almost all restaurants and food joints will be shut, cooking at home is the perfect alternative. And when you are cooking at home, then make sure that you cook healthy meals for yourself and your family. Your health should be your first priority right now, and having healthy food can really help with that.

You can also experiment with your meals. There are scores of cookbooks available online, and recipe videos on Youtube. So, cook that paella you have always wanted to or that delicious Mediterranean salad!

Trying to eat healthy? Read The Food Craving Guide: What You Think You Want But What Your Body Actually Needs

4. Learn a new skill.

One of the best things you can do to better your life while under quarantine is learning a brand new skill or picking up a new hobby. Since you will be having a considerable amount of time on your hands, you can invest a lot of it into learning something useful and broaden your horizons.

If you have always wanted to learn how to belly dance, then just switch on a few YouTube videos, and you are sorted. If you have always wanted to be a good cook, then browse through all the recipes of your mother and grandmother, and try them all out by yourself.

5. Keep your home neat and clean.ย 

While you are at home, why not take the best care of it? Clean your house as much as you can, keep everything organized and most importantly, sanitize your home, considering the current situation. If you keep your home spick and span, quarantining will become easier.

Additionally, keeping everything organized and tidy will also offer you a sense of relief and achievement.

6. Binge on good movies, television shows, and books.ย 

One of the best parts of quarantine is probably the fact, that you will be able to binge your heart out when it comes to books, movies, and tv shows. Ask your family and friends for recommendations, and make a list of all the best things to watch and read.

Good books, movies, and tv shows are not just great for entertainment; you can learn a lot from them too. This will also help you keep a lid on all the anxious and panicky thoughts you might be having.

Wondering what to watch while under quarantine? Read 15 Outbreak & Survival Movies To Watch While In Quarantine

7. Take care of your mental health.ย 

The whole world is scared out of their wits right now. Everybody is in a constant state of anxiety and panic, and naturally so. In such a situation, it is imperative that you take good care of your mental health. Mental health always comes first and focusing on that can help you deal with all this, a lot better.

One of the best ways to better your life while under quarantine, is to practice meditation. Try to meditate every day for at least 15 minutes, and see the difference it does to you, both physically and mentally.

8. Keep in touch with your friends.ย 

Even though you might not be able to meet them like before, you can easily keep in touch with them through phone calls and video calls. Life is incomplete without good friends, so make it a point to talk to them as much as you can. This will give you a much-needed break from all the serious stuff that is happening in the world, and make you feel a whole lot happier and positive.

9. Spend a lot of time with your pets.

Do you remember all the times your pet looked at you with sad, puppy dog eyes whenever you left them, to go to work? Well, itโ€™s time to change that! Now that you will be at home all the time, spend as much time as you can with them. For your pets, you are their entire world, so imagine their happiness when they get to stay with you all day, every day.

Pets come into our lives for a very limited amount of time, so make the most of the current situation, and keep their tails wagging!

10. Be positive.

With all the scary things that are happening in the country and the world, it is extremely important for you to have a positive mindset. Giving in to pessimism and negative thinking will only make it harder for you to deal with this. So, be positive and take good care of your family and yourself.

Circumstances might have limited you to your home for some time, but look at the bright side. You finally have a lot of time to do all those things that you could not, due to your hectic work life. So, make the most of this time and most importantly, be happy, safe and positive!

If you want to know more about how you can better your life while under quarantine, then check out this video below:

10 Best Ways To Better Your Life While Self Isolating
10 Best Ways To Better Your Life While Self Isolating

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