A Deep Dive Into The Anatomy Of Narcissism


Are you dealing with someone who might be narcissistic? Explore the anatomy of narcissism and unravel the complexities of this toxic personality!

Narcissism, pathological self-absorption, first identified as aย mental disorderย by the British essayist and physicianย Havelock Ellisย in 1898.

Narcissists do not value anything; do not confuse this with you not having value.

Narcissists do not love anyone, do not confuse this with you being unlovable.

Narcissists cannot appreciate the worthiness and beauty of life, do not confuse this with your being unworthy or not being beautiful.

Read :ย 6 Signs Youโ€™re Arguing With A Psychopath

How To Know If Youโ€™re Dealing With A Narcissist? Understanding The Anatomy of Narcissism

It is normal human behavior to expect an emotional connection to be returned and it is normal to keep trying harder to have it returned, because it does not make sense that your input is not reciprocated, but you are dealing with a person whose internal workings you cannot begin to imagine.

Narcissists are disconnected from life; they have no knowledge, experience, or memory of love or caring.

They cannot appreciate beauty. They are not able to replenish themselves; they have no internal resources and are at the mercy of other people giving them what they need.

Narcissism means once they have used up one person they move to the next. When you have recovered some energy that is worth taking, they return.

Related: Signs Youโ€™re Arguing With A Psychopath

They know they will be ostracized from society if people know they have no ability to connect emotionally, so they develop in other areas to make themselves attractive โ€“ they develop in charm and charisma.

But it is important to understand there is no one inside and every breath you spend communicating with them is wasted; they donโ€™t understand and they cannot understand normal emotions. ย 

They will copy emotional words because they have observed it is the best way to get what they want, but there is no substance toย them; it is not their fault, but you must not have sympathy for them because they will use it.

Related: Identifying Emotional Abuse before it Happens.

They donโ€™t know what loneliness and pain is; they only know that if they can make others feel it they can control them better.

It is a no-win situation and you mustย disconnect totally from these people. They suffer from a constant, torturous, empty boredom that cannot be healed.

They cannot be happy, they also cannot be sad. They are empty. They can only be temporarily filled up by adoration, but they are full of holes and it leaks out very quickly.

Are you a victim of narcissism?

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Written byย Ether Marin
This article was published in Let Me Reach.com By Kim Saeed

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