What Your Love Life Will Be Like In 2021, According To Astrology



As usual, some people are absolutely crazy about the Zodiacs while some are unsure. Anyway, there is no point denying the fact that, more often than not, the predictions turn out to be absolutely true. Since the time of the ancient Greeks, the stars and planets have been known to guide our lives in terms of love, education, success, and other things. Read on to know how your love life is going to be in 2021.

Here are the ways in which your Zodiac is going to affect your love life in 2021.

1. Aries (21 March to 19 April)

The first sign of the Zodiac chart, the Rams are bold and ambitious and ready to take any situation headfirst. People challenging your impulsiveness is the thing you hate most, apart from dishonesty.

Experienced as you are, you have had many sour love episodes. However, you cannot deny that youโ€™ve been too busy to have time for yourself. In 2021, you simply have to strike the perfect work-love balance. Especially towards the end, in around December, when the Sun joins Jupiter in Sagittarius, the time will be just perfect to have wise, optimistic and expansive relationships. Well, all you have to do is prepare the grounds for that to happen.

Read What Your Zodiac Personality Type Says About Your Love Life

2. Taurus (20 April to 20 May)

As is fitting of the bull, the celestial animal of this earth sign, the Taureans just love peace in life. Youโ€™d do anything for a tranquil vacation in the woods or the hills. Serenity is your taste. For one thing, you are sincere in life and pretention is something that youโ€™d not tolerate. If given to you, youโ€™d not meet a fake person the second time.

As the calendar moves into 2021, alongside your already busy love-life youโ€™d experience a more fulfilling sex life, filled with adventures. If you are thinking about it, this year would be the perfect time for you to get pregnant. Amidst all the changes, youโ€™ll realize the need for stability and will commit yourself more to your relationships. Moreover, with the planet of wisdom and positivity โ€“ Jupiter โ€“ passing through your 8th house, your partner is likely to achieve great monetary success. Support them through their rise and youโ€™ll reap the sweet fruits together.

3. Gemini (21 May to 20 June)

Gemini, an air sign, is so multifaceted that they are always doing something new. Yet, you love to be with people and hate it when they ignore you and also if they demean your sharp wit.

Your tendency to achieve perfection in love would grow in 2021, and youโ€™ll not settle for anything but true love. Youโ€™d be patient as you are but would be ready to step out of typical boxes and youโ€™ll the perfect love for yourself through your pursuits. Also, Jupiter is coming into your seventh house and your partner will experience profound wisdom. Itโ€™d be a great time to learn from them.

4. Cancer (21 June to 22 July)

The crabs, a water sign, are perfectly balanced between emotion and rationality. This makes you very intuitive and you have a sort of sixth sense for right and wrong. You love to help people in crisis but it hurts you when people donโ€™t take your advice seriously.

Also, people commonly mistake you as needy, which in fact you arenโ€™t. 2021 will bring you a lot of health and fitness. With this confidence and with Saturn moving into your seventh house, you would take a more determined approach to your love life and will reap the obvious benefits. With the solar eclipse on the 2nd of July, youโ€™ll be able to transform the way you perceive love. Your relationships may take unexpected turns, but discipline will let you tackle them wisely.

Read The Deepest Secrets Of Your Love Life As Revealed by Numerology

5. Leo (23 July to 22 August)

What else could a lion be, if not passionate, vivacious and even theatrical? You hate it when people take negative advantage of your goodness or when they ignore you.

In 2021, youโ€™ll be fearless in your love life and it would indeed be an adventurous one. You wouldโ€™ve let go of your fears of rejection and youโ€™ll, therefore, traverse unexplored terrains in this regard.

However, you will be impulsive this year and might do things that youโ€™ll regret later. New relationships would be formed and bumpy ones would end in the coming year. With Saturn moving into your sixth house, you are more likely to have fights with your partner only to reach a matured, mutual solution.

6. Virgo (23 August to 22 September)

Guided by the goddess of wheat and agriculture, the Virgo is pragmatic, logical and systematic in their way of life. You are diligent in whatever you do and hate it when people cramp you for space. You also donโ€™t like rude people.

In the coming year, youโ€™ll be more open-minded and accommodative than before. You will experience a newfound interest in some other kinds of relationships. Being curious, youโ€™ll drop your guards and embrace loveโ€™s thrill. Youโ€™ve to be cautious about what you do when lonely. Youโ€™ll have a better bond with your partner due to emotional security.

Read What Does Being In Love Actually Feel Like?

7. Libra (23 September to 22 October)

Libras are fixated on harmony and balance. You hate unfair treatment and hatred towards your friends.

Hesitating at first, in 2021, youโ€™ll finally be able to move on from your past traumas and find new love in your life. Past relationships will still mean a lot to you but theyโ€™ll not hold you back anymore. Youโ€™d have your desired stability in relationships. This will open up the scope for adventure. As Jupiter moves into your third house, youโ€™ll have the positivity to expand on anything that you deeply love.

8. Scorpio (23 October to 21 November)

Owing to their power and passion, the Scorpio is often mistaken as a fire sign. In fact, it is an emotionally driven water sign. You absolutely hate it when people lie to you or give away your secrets.

In the coming year, be ready to experience many love-related activities. Come what may, you have to keep up your confidence and inner strength. However, take care not to be swayed away by the distractions created by this newfound energy. If you are thinking of introducing your partner to your family, now is the perfect time for that. So, make hay while the sun shines.

9. Sagittarius (22 November to 21 December)

The sign of the archer is always driven by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Now, accept it that you donโ€™t like it when people donโ€™t laugh at your jokes or donโ€™t bring you presents on Christmas.

No matter how strong the impulse is, donโ€™t try to bring back your old love in 2021. Itโ€™ll only hurt you. Look ahead for the best things lie in the days to come. Only then youโ€™d realize how blessed this year is going to be. Youโ€™ll experience the joy of growing up like never before. Appreciate all that your partner does for you and youโ€™ll cherish your relationship to the fullest.

10. Capricorn (22 December to 19 January)

Just like the sea-goat, this last earth sign can freely move between the realms of emotion and materiality. Youโ€™d tolerate anything but being backstabbed or blocked on IG.

Saturn will traverse your sign this year and the strongest love youโ€™ll feel will be for yourself. Your ambitions will take the driving seat and everything else can wait. However, through your journey, keep an eye for obvious signs of love and donโ€™t miss them. Take care not to rush into anything because commitment will of much value to you this year.

Read How To Keep Romance Comedies From Negatively Affecting Your Love Life

11. Aquarius (20 January to 18 February)

Aquarius, the last air sign represented by the water bearer is undoubtedly the most humanitarian of all Zodiacs. You cannot stand being misunderstood or compared to others.

Although deeply passionate, youโ€™ll have a sort of laid back and relaxed attitude towards life in 2021.

Emotionally, you may aim high and may even get hurt. Youโ€™ll feel the urge to invest in a romantic and intimate relationship more than you ever have. One way or the other, youโ€™ll be in the mood for love.

As your ruling planet moves into the 12th house, youโ€™ll delve deeper into yourself this coming year.

Read Your Love Style Based On Your Zodiac Signย 

12. Pisces (19 February to 20 March)

Having experienced all of joys, pains, hopes, and fears, the Pisces is truly wise. You donโ€™t think you are too emotional, as people say you are, and you hate it when people do injustice to your art.

In the emotional year ahead, youโ€™ll have many flings and crushes. Know for sure that these are real, as such. Hone all your strength and patience if you are to make a forward movement. With the solar eclipse in your fifth house, you are bound to be presented with great prospects for love. Your partner might also take a forward step as Venus moves through your house of commitment.

So, as you know by now, the coming year is full of positive prospects for a great love life. All you have to do is keep your head straight and be on the lookout for love. Cheers!

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Love Life in 2021
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