Gadgets have completely captured our attention and they accompany us everywhere except in our sleep. In order not to be “deafened” by the digital media industry, and information noise and to always be full of energy, it is necessary to regularly organize a digital detox.
You can give up mobile devices, social networks, and surfing the Internet for a while. Such digital asceticism helps to focus on the important rather than the urgent, to look at the world with a fresh perspective, and to make discoveries inside and out.
A digital detox is a conscious, voluntary refusal by a person for a certain period to use the Internet, gadgets, social media like WhatsApp, and other digital devices.
It involves taking a break from the virtual world and information flow, relieving stress and tension, and switching attention to other activities. The regular need for a digital detox leads to a media sketch – a lifestyle with a balance between the real and the virtual.
Ways To Disconnect And Recharge
There is some advice from digital specialists who spend most of their lives on the Internet and have extensive experience harmoniously combining online and offline life.
1. Play board games
Most people forget about the internet when they start playing board games. And here are some examples of games:
- Imaginarium;
- Activity;
- Alias.
They are approximately all the same type: fun to imagine and, of course, with a competitive effect.
In addition, meetings with friends in the evenings can help to distract from everyday routine. Personal communication is energizing, especially when you can leave all your gadgets at home.
2. Swim in the pool
Physical activity helps to take a break from the Internet. In this context, swimming in the pool is recommended. Water gives a feeling of peace and relaxation after a workout; besides, you can’t take your phone with you into the water.
3. Write letters and send postcards
Postcrossing will help you take a break from the screens of your gadgets. This is a project to exchange postcards with people all over the world.
The process of choosing postcards, selecting good stamps, and creatively decorating the envelope brings great pleasure. And it is even nicer to read warm words from the recipient later.
4. Play with pets
The best part of digital detox is the time spent with pets. A favorite pet distracts from the Internet, gives positive emotions, and keeps you calm.
5. Prepare new dishes and treat guests with them
The kitchen helps distract many people from the digital world. It is so wonderful to meet guests and treat them to a variety of aromatic, tasty, and healthy food. You can experiment and try new recipes. In such moments, probably everyone’s culinary abilities are revealed.
6. Ride bikes in a large group
Fresh air, a sports tone, warm conversations with your favorite friends – pure pleasure. Time flies imperceptibly; you rest your soul and body, wake up easily the next morning, and feel energetic throughout the day.
7. Meditate
Digital detox also can be achieved with the help of meditation. Before going to sleep, you can turn on relaxing music, do a few basic yoga Asana, and take time for breathing exercises. Meditation allows you to forget your worries, relax completely, put your thoughts in order, and start the next day with new energy.
In conclusion, embracing a digital detox is a rejuvenating and empowering experience. By deliberately stepping away from the digital world, we give ourselves the chance to reconnect with the tangible joys of life.
A digital detox is not just a temporary escape but a stepping stone towards a more harmonious integration of the digital and real worlds, leading to an overall improvement in well-being and life satisfaction.
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