11 Reasons Why Strong Women Always Get Hurt The Worst


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Strong women usually get hurt the most. Strong women are built differently, and their beautiful and pure hearts are not something you will find in just anyone. They are truly beautiful people, inside and out.

โ€œShe made broken look beautiful
and strong look invincible.
She walked with the Universe
on her shoulders and made it
look like a pair of wings.โ€
โ€• Ariana Dancu

Strong women, we make the world go round. We put ourselves out there every day, pushing our boundaries, expanding our horizons, extending support and nurturing, balancing between being a badass and embracing our vulnerable sides. People respect and admire us for our confidence, accomplishments, and ability to take on the world โ€“ but they forget that we need love and support too.

Here Are 11 Reasons Why Strong Women Always Get Hurt The Worst

1. You are a role model.

โ€œThe worst part about being strong is that no one ever asks if youโ€™re okay.โ€

If youโ€™re a strong woman, people look up to you and come to you for advice and help in times of crisis. Since youโ€™re aware of the inspirational role you are playing in peopleโ€™s lives, you most often show your vulnerable side and deal with your stuff on your own and this leads to exhaustion.

2. You are always there for others.

If youโ€™re a strong woman, you are empathetic. You feel the struggles and pain of people around you and you want to help. You always love and give from all your heart and donโ€™t expect anything in return. But at the end of the day, strong women get hurt because they donโ€™t always get the support they give to other people. You would like someone to provide you the support and nurturing that you deserve.

Related: 16 Things To Remember When Dating A Strong Woman

3. You are authentic.

Strong women are authentic. They are self-aware. They are insanely passionate and follow their own hearts. They do not conform to rules and do what they feel is right. They are not afraid to be different as long as they are true to themselves. This opens them up to a lot of criticism from people who donโ€™t get her rebellious spirit.

4. You are unapologetic.

Strong women would admit when they are wrong but they wonโ€™t apologize for who they are. They are unapologetically themselves and wonโ€™t change to please your ego or whims or fancies.

5. You donโ€™t settle.

Strong women know what they bring to the table and therefore they want to be with someone who matches her effort. They love with no holds barred and are very nurturing for their loved ones. But they are not afraid to walk out of the relationship if they feel they have had enough and they are not getting what they deserve. But it hurts them to give up on anyone.

6. You love with all your heart.

Strong women love with all their hearts. Their love is unconditional; they donโ€™t play mind games with you. They are looking for mature, pragmatic love. They give you space to be yourself. They become your best friend, biggest cheerleader, and toughest critic. More often than not, people donโ€™t know what to do with this kind of love and donโ€™t get her emotional and spiritual depth.

7. You take a lot of chances.

Strong women have had their hearts broken so many times that it does not scare them anymore. They know they can survive any heartbreak or disappointment and for them, it is more important to go after what they want even if they fail than spending their life in regret. They chase their wildest dreams and they would rather get hurt than not take a chance at something that could be great.

Related: Why The Strongest Women Often Feel So Broken Inside

8. You donโ€™t believe in an eye for an eye.

Strong women wonโ€™t treat you the way you treat her. She will always take the high road. She will not play petty mind games with you for attention. She will give you the benefit of doubt and plenty of chances. They show they care even if you donโ€™t. They know what it means to be hurt and they will never treat someone the way people have treated them.

9. You donโ€™t play games.

Strong women are honest and tell things like it is. They are blunt and they wear their hearts on their sleeves. They donโ€™t go by the clichรฉd advice that girls need to be coy and let the guy make the first move. She will not hesitate to walk up to you first if she likes you. You will always know whatโ€™s on her mind because she says what she feels.

Now you can be someone who sees value in that authenticity or someone who would just think that she is vulnerable and try to take her for a ride.
She will be smart enough to see through your games and walk out and you would have lost out on the chance of being with someone authentic.

10. You donโ€™t hold grudges.

Strong women forgive people very easily. They believe in the inherent goodness of people and give them a lot of chances. They donโ€™t hold grudges or indulge in the silent treatment. They will talk rationally with you and want to resolve an argument with a discussion. They get hurt a lot because they donโ€™t meet a lot of people who know how to communicate like an adult in relationships.

Related: This Is How You Date A Strong Woman

11. You donโ€™t need a relationship.

Strong women are independent. They know how to be happy on their own. They donโ€™t need a relationship to make them feel complete. They focus on their goals and dreams and nurture relationships with close friends and family. Their world does not revolve around a relationship. It takes a really rare and mature person to keep up with that.

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