14 Puzzles And Riddles That Test Your Attention Skills



Are you good at paying attention to details? Would you like to measure your attention span?
Try these riddles to check out your attention skills!

The digital world has given us enough tools and multiple streams of media to distract us endlessly.ย  According to a study by Microsoft, the average attention span of a human in 2000 was 12 seconds, while in 2015 it dropped to 8.25 seconds โ€“ shrinking nearly 25% in just a few years.

Keeping in mind that the average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds, scientists conclude that we have attention power less than that of a goldfish.ย Playing brain games is one of the best ways to enhance your attentiveness. Solving puzzles and riddles makes you think, which encourages the brain to forge and maintain new neuron connections, an ability that usually diminishes with age.

Why not invest a little time in solving tricky riddles and logic puzzles, and keep your brain sharp at any age. Besides, these brain games are fun and entertaining as well.
Want to know the effect of mobile internet on your mind?

Here Are 14 Riddles For You, That Will Say How Attentive Is Your Brain.

1. Can You Find 2 Similar Trees?

Riddles Test Attention Skills similar trees


Riddles Test Attention Skills similar trees solution

2. Find The Snake

Riddles Test Attention Skills Find snake


Riddles Test Attention Skills Find snake solution

3. Name Of The Son

Riddles Test Attention Skills name of son


Riddles Test Attention Skills name of son solution

4. Spot The Deer

Riddles Test Attention Skills spot deer


Riddles Test Attention Skills spot deer solution

5. Can You Find 2 Similar Robots?

Riddles Test Attention Skills similar robots


Riddles Test Attention Skills similar robots solution

6. What Is The Word That You See Here?

Riddles Test Attention Skills word you see


Riddles Test Attention Skills word you see solution

7. Find The Right Shadow?

Riddles Test Attention Skills Find shadow


Riddles Test Attention Skills find shadow solution

8. Can You Find The Mistake?

Riddles Test Attention Skills mistake


Riddles Test Attention Skills mistake solution

9. How Many Legs Do You See?

Riddles Test how many legs do you see


Riddles Test how many legs do you see solution

10. Can You See A Different Cat?

Riddles Test  cat


Riddles Test cat solution

11. Which Cow Stands Out From The Herd?

Riddles Test Attention cow stands out from herd


Riddles Test Attention cow stands out from herd solution

12. Find The Odd Image

Riddles Test Find odd image


Riddles Test Find odd image solution

13. Can You See A Different Image?

Riddles Test image


Riddles Test image solution

14. Find The Odd Couple

Riddles Test Find odd couple


Riddles Test Find odd couple solution

How attentive is your brain?ย 

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