Saying Goodbye To Those With Intentions That No Longer Serve Me



โ€œLetting go means to come to the realization that some people are a part of your history, but not a part of your destiny.โ€ โ€• Steve Maraboli

Let go of them, they say, with a tinge of judgment in their eyes for you having a heart thatโ€™s soft, nostalgic, and glowing with second chances. These people have hurt you too many times to let them back in, but thereโ€™s a part of you thatโ€™s a little too lenient, a little too forgiving, a little too reliant on giving those second, third, and fourth chances.

But letting go of someone is not always that simple, as much as weโ€™d like it to be, and itโ€™s those who have been hurt time and time again that hold onto hope like a stream of light in the darkest of rooms. We cross our fingers that those who have let us down can change and will change, and there is a part of us that prays for the almost impossibleโ€”that they can change for us.

Related: How A Strong Woman Says Goodbye

But there comes a very somber realization that we cannot change anyone and the colors theyโ€™re showing are simply who they are. Taking off the rose-colored glasses slaps us in the face with a reality we just may not be ready for. And in most times, itโ€™s long overdue.

But Iโ€™ve taken the glasses off. And Iโ€™m not placing them, on the top of my head, to flick down when Iโ€™m lonely or curious. Iโ€™m stepping on the lens; Iโ€™m completely shattering them.

No more do I have the patience to wait around for some people to mold to my expectations. No more do I have the energy to cling to them, even lightly. I will not beg anybody to stay. I will not ask anybody to change. I am closing the door to the type of person I usually sought comfort in: the unavailable, charming, hot, and cold soul with agendas and confusion flowing through their veins.

letting go and saying goodbye

I am in search of people just like me: those with fire in their eyes, kindness on their face who live with warmth and character unapologetically. I am moving on to bigger and better things, leaving behind everything that no longer serves me.

There comes a time when you realize just how valuable your time is and how you donโ€™t wish for it to be wasted with those wanting to waste yours. You have a fantastic life ahead of you filled with new adventures, new people, and new perspectives, and you should embrace the day it finally shifts. Donโ€™t hold back from it. Dive into it headfirst because you are not starting from scratch, you are starting from experience.

Related: How To Know When Itโ€™s Time to Say Goodbye

Now the doorโ€™s closed. Iโ€™m moving on from those who have dragged me down and drained me for so many years. From me to me, thatโ€™s my greatest gift.

Written By Samira Vivette   
Originally Appeared On Thought Catalog   
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