9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking of You


Signs Someone Thinking of You

How would you know that someone is thinking of you? Or more specifically, when a certain someone is? It’s simple, all you need to do is look out for some signs someone is thinking of you.

Having someone in mind the whole time can be lovely. But sometimes it can turn into an obsession. Thinking of someone can send two oppositely charged vibes: positive vibes or negative vibes.

We all tend to forget that sometimes unwillingly we ourselves are the source of negativity around us. Self-evaluation is important for self-development. Just be aware that it should also not turn into self-guilt or self-pity. Be honest with yourself and others.

But what happens when someone else is persistently thinking of you? The very thought may be flattering but the person can be anyone, someone who likes or dislikes you, a benevolent or a malevolent person. You could even have a stalker.

Recognizing the signs can help you open or protect yourself. Here are the signs.

9 Signs Someone Is Thinking of You

9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking of You
9 Signs Someone Is Thinking Of You

1. You experience unexpected emotions.

You may be at your job totally distracted from your work or at a party laughing and dancing when you feel a sudden surge of sadness or emotionality. This may be a sign that someone misses you. You may be dear to someone and your absence makes them deeply affected.

Or again, you are distraught or stressed and suddenly you feel some warmth in you. This is a sign that someone cares about you and their thoughts are full of love and care.

Related: 30+ Virginia Woolf Quotes That Will Help You Understand Your Emotions Better

2. One of your eyes itches.

Self-evidently, if you are allergic or you have sensitivity in your eye, this is not a psychic sign and you should better visit a doctor. However, if out of the blue your eye itches, this could mean that a certain someone has thoughts concerning you.

According to some approaches, eye itches show what kind of thoughts the other person has about you. This differs between women and men. That means that if the left eye of a woman itches, someone praises her. But if she gets this sign on the right eye, maybe someone is not wishing well for you. For men, it is the other way around.

3. Your cheeks or ears burn.

Similarly, with the eyes, if there is no physical reason for these phenomena, you are in the thoughts or in the mouth of certain someone. If your cheeks are getting red without any reason (obviously not while you drink red wine, or you flirt!) you may be bad-mouthed by someone.

The color on the cheeks is like distant slaps and a certain individual has aggressive thoughts towards you. On the other hand, having a burn on the ears is a token that certain someone has a crush on you and you are receptive to her/his emotions. That’s nice!

Related: How to Read Eyes And Know What Someone Is Thinking

4. Goosebumps.

This is a sign that you are in the center of emotional and intensive thinking. Depending on how you feel, thoughts are positive or negative. It is highly probable that a certain person finds you extraordinarily attractive.

If someone’s thoughts can have such an effect on you, this means that this person possesses great psychic powers, for good or for bad. Assess the situation and see how you can handle it.

5. Sudden sneezing.

This is a typical sign that a certain someone misses you. In many countries, people should ask their company for a three-digit number after sneezing. For example, if your friend gives you the number 246, you add the numbers 2+4+6=12= L. So, a certain Luke or Lauren is thinking of you.

6. Hiccups.

This is a sign that someone is complaining about you constantly. Although this person is not necessarily vicious, her or his activity is toxic and charged with negativity. Try to avoid this person if you know who it is.

Related: How To Know If Someone Is Thinking About You (and maybe even falling in love with you)

7. Feeling physical contact.

Thoughts of a person may be so forceful that they transmit the feeling of physical contact. This is one of several telepathic impacts that can be associated with intense thinking.

If the certain someone is your partner or a person that you love (or you could potentially love) the sensation is beautiful. Otherwise, physical contact may be unpleasant and creepy.

8. Telepathy.

This is the state of an extraordinary connection between two individuals that emerges spontaneously and naturally. If you have the impression that you receive thoughts and ideas from another person, this person is trying to connect with you in an intimate manner. You, in turn, are either an empath or open to this liaison.

Although telepathic experience can be extremely exhausting, the connection can be astonishingly fascinating and creative. Do the best out of this situation.

Related: Telepathy: How to Read Someone’s Mind

9. Receiving distant dreams

Sending distant dreams is a subtler form of telepathy that we will discuss in a future article.

Dreaming of someone’s acts and emotions suggests that this person spends much time thinking of you. Her or his thoughts are so penetrating that he/she can get into your unconscious desires, wishes, and wants. This can be either intimidating or beguiling, depending on the way you regard this certain someone.

Observing the signs will help you recognize that someone’s energy is directed towards you either in a positive or negative way. Surely, you should be careful to avoid any self-fulfilling prophecy. This means you don’t see signs where they are just because you want someone to be thinking of you. Similarly, pay heed to the appropriate and repeatedly appearing signs.


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9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking of You
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9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking Of You
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9 Signs A Certain Someone Is Thinking Of You

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