7 Mystical Stages Of Spiritual Alchemy You Need To Know For Your Awakening!


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Do you think alchemy is about turning ordinary metal into gold? The following article on the 7 stages of spiritual alchemy dispels such notions by delving deep into this topic.

For centuries, alchemy has become synonymous with gaining wealth and immortality. But this perception of alchemy is largely misguided: it stems from confusing theย metaphorsย of original alchemy withย reality. Alchemy, as a result, became a pseudo-science of transforming lead into gold.

These days, alchemy is thought of as something quaint, even a little occult; a relic of the dark ages. But there is tremendous wisdom to be found within this obscure, archaic philosophy.

Contrary to popular belief, alchemy is not about transmuting base metals into gold โ€“ instead, itโ€™s the secret science of illumination, inner liberation, and awakening to yourย True Nature.

What is Spiritual Alchemy? (Definition)

spiritual alchemy

Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi: Our gold is not common gold.ย โ€“ Alchemist saying

Whether you understand alchemy as a science or as a type ofย spiritual psychology, alchemy is ultimately concerned with transformation and change.

While physical alchemy is concerned with altering and transforming the properties within matter, spiritual alchemy is concerned with freeing your spiritual selfย which is obscured within you by the unrefined parts of your ego (e.g., your fears, personal beliefs,ย self-loathing, etc.)

When it comes to physical alchemy versusย spiritualย alchemy, spiritual alchemy is vastly more multi-faceted. Perhaps the most fascinating aspect of spiritual alchemy is its objective: to free you from your core wounds,ย core beliefs,ย soul loss, and otherย self-destructiveย personality structures in order for you to liveย freely and joyfully.

Existing inย โ€œpure being,โ€ spiritual Oneness, or Soul-centered awarenessย is the ultimate state of transformation; the gold of spiritual alchemy. This is a process that attempts to restructure your personality and the various levels of attachment, avoidance, and identification that you possess.

These days, we can thank famous 20th-century psychiatrist C. G. Jung for their contribution to the deepening interest in alchemy.

In fact, much of his theory is heavily steeped in the rich symbolism of alchemy, creating a colorful and sophisticated roadmap by which we can learn to get ourselves โ€œout of our own way,โ€ stop being our own enemies and allow our fullest potential to unfold.

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Jung, Symbolism, and The Science of Transformation

spiritual alchemy

As mentioned above, renowned Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung is commonly recognized as the main advocate and promoter of alchemy. He pointed out that he would notice many of the symbols found in alchemy texts mysteriously showing up in the dreams of his patients โ€“ most of whom had no prior knowledge of alchemy.

Jung also concluded thatย alchemy was a superb way of expressing the universal symbols of life, and was, therefore, a highly effective tool for psychological insight.

In his own words, heย wrote,

Alchemy has performed for me the great and invaluable service of providing material in which my experience could find sufficient room, and thereby made it possible for me to describe theย individuationย process at least in its essential aspects.

Three Powerful Spiritual Alchemy Symbols

Materia Prima, The Philosopherโ€™s Stone,ย andย Goldย are the three most powerful and commonly known symbols relating to alchemy.

Materia Primaย (or โ€œfirst matterโ€), is an Alchemic symbol that reflects the notion that all the universe originated from a primitive, formless base.

The idea of โ€œMateria Primaโ€ can be traced back to Aristotle who understood that thereโ€™s a force that holds all other forms in existence together but is itself invisible โ€“ these days, we refer to it as โ€œSpirit.โ€

Materia Prima, as the invisible womb or unseen force, is a field of pure potential that can only come into existence when it is embodied within a โ€œform.โ€

In alchemy, theย Materia Primaย or primal material is that which is left over after we have reduced matter into its purest essence.ย This process is a powerful psychological symbolย because it describes the internal experience of arriving at a โ€œcore realization,โ€ or in other words becoming aware of the root cause of a belief or trauma within us.

By working with theย Materia Primaย of our inner selves, we can go on a journey to find theย Philosopherโ€™s Stoneย (spiritual liberation) which transforms any of our base qualities (selfishness, arrogance, vanity) intoย goldย (kindness, tolerance, humility, etc.). Weโ€™ll explore these symbols more in the next section.

Why Learn About Spiritual Alchemy?

โ€œWhatโ€™s the point of learning about spiritual alchemy?โ€ you might be wondering.

My answer is that in life, we all need maps that can help us orient ourselves to our environments. In terms of the inner landscape and the journey ofย spiritual awakening, alchemy is one of the oldest practices and metaphors out there.

As such,ย we can use the various stages and symbols of alchemy to better understand where we are,ย and where weโ€™re going on a path that can otherwise feel quite disorienting and confusing.

The 7 Stages of Spiritual Alchemy

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Solve et coagula: Dissolve and coagulate.ย โ€“ Alchemist saying

The Latin expressionย โ€œsolve et coagulaโ€ย is derived fromย โ€œsolve,โ€ย meaning to break down and separate, whileย โ€œcoagulaโ€ย describes the process of bringing elements back together (coagulating) into a new, higher form.

Interestingly,ย โ€œsolve et coagulaโ€ย is a brilliant psychological metaphor. By pursuing Gold (or listening to our intuitive โ€œhigher callingโ€) we โ€œbreak downโ€ limiting parts within us that are in the way of our transformation (Philosopherโ€™s Stone) into a free and whole being (coagulation).

This journey of death, rebirth, and transformation has often been summarized into the four levels of alchemy:

I) Nigredoย (or โ€œblackeningโ€ โ€“ symbolic of the death of old ways of being)

II) Albedoย (or โ€œwhiteningโ€ โ€“ symbolic of the process of rebirth and Soul consciousness)

III) Citrinitasย (or โ€œyellowingโ€ โ€“ symbolic of the development of Spirit consciousness)

IV) Rubedoย (or โ€œreddeningโ€ โ€“ symbolic of the attainment of Spiritual Liberation)

Iโ€™ll break down these four levels of alchemy below.

Note: while there are no universal stages of alchemy due to the sheer number of different schools out there, here are some of the most widely accepted stages and how they pertain to theย spiritual awakening journey:

1. Calcination

Stages Spiritual Alchemy Calcination

Calcination is the process of heating and decomposing raw matter โ€“ or in other words,ย breaking down parts of ourselves that are in the way of our own happiness.ย Often weโ€™d rather be right or fulfill an idea of โ€œperfectionโ€ than be truly happy, so we continue neglecting the exploration of ourselves.

Calcination represents the stage in our lives where we beginย breaking down ourย egosย and the self-doubt, stubbornness, self-sabotaging behavior, pride, and arrogance that we possess, putting them aside so we can find out whatโ€™s underneath.

2. Dissolution

Stages Spiritual Alchemy Dissolution

Once weโ€™veย broken down all of our personality characteristics that were in the way of our evolution, weโ€™re left with the process of dissolution which is the beginning of feelingย less identification with ourย illusionaryย sense of self.

Once weโ€™re free from the strong grip of the egocentric self, weย can take one step back and truly observe our positive and negative qualities.

In this stage, our inability to take responsibility for our many faults, our repressed traumas, and other inner tensions rise to the surface, causing us to become aware of how our behavior might be affecting others.

This stage is, therefore, the beginning of spiritual maturity and theย spiritual awakeningย process.ย 

Often, this stage of transformation is brought about by sudden illnesses, mental health crises, or misfortunes in our lives that cause us to closely pay attention to what weโ€™re doing, shocking us out of our avoidance patterns (such asย workaholism, addictions to certain relationships, drugs, unhealthy habits, etc.).

Read: Jim Carrey On Awakening: How He Began His Spiritual Journey

3. Separation

Stages Spiritual Alchemy seperation

Separation is the stage where we make our thoughts and emotions more defined by practicing introspection,ย self-awareness, and self-analysis.

A simple example of this process is understanding the difference between our anger and our grief or the conflicting desire to isolate ourselves but also connect with other people.

The process of separation involves trulyย becoming aware of our authentic feelingsย towards others and ourselves.

In this stage, we choose to experience our anger, frustration, or disappointment towards another or ourselves, rather than reverting back to the old habit of dutifully trying to โ€œforgive and forgetโ€ because it is the โ€œrightโ€ or comfortable thing to do (or, on the other hand, to react and hold a grudge).

Separation is closely entwined withย shadow workย in thatย we must allow all feelings and thoughts within us to surfaceย side by side and become aware of our โ€œdarker side.โ€ This practice helps us to isolate particular elements of our character to honestly see and assess them, then eventually consciously embrace and transform them.

4. Conjunction

Stages Spiritual Alchemy conjunction

After the purification and clarification of the first three stages, we must integrate and combine the remaining elements within us through the process of โ€œConjunction.โ€

While in the previous step, we learned to distinguish all of the feelings and thoughts within us,ย Conjunction provides the inner space โ€“ the simmering โ€“ that is required for us to truly and honestly accept all the parts of ourย authentic selves.

When we experience this stage of spiritual alchemy, many of our long-forgotten (or suppressed) unconscious thoughts and feelings bubble up to the surface and into the light of conscious awareness.

In this stage,ย journaling, introspection,ย solitude, and meditation are particularly useful practices to facilitate movement toward the next stage.

(Learn more aboutย how to journal.)

5. Fermentation

Stages Spiritual Alchemy Fermentation

Fermentation is theย beginning of our process of rebirth.ย This stage can be compared to the death of a grape, which then becomes the birth of wine.

While the first four stages involved working with aspects of our old personality, in the stage of Fermentation we begin to experience moments of our more โ€œrefinedโ€ self.

Fermentation occurs in two parts:ย Putrefactionย andย Spiritization.

Putrefactionย is the decomposition of our former selves; the process of inner death by which the old elements of our conscious and unconscious minds are allowed to rot and decompose. (Some call this stageย The Dark Night of the Soulย as it can be followed by troublesome mental states such as depression.)

On the other hand,ย Spiritizationย is the stage in which we begin to look at the world in a new light. With the right guidance and with solidย inner work, Spiritization involvesย letting goย of all the aspects of ourselves and our lives that donโ€™t serve or contribute to ourย spiritual transformation.

This is when we taste moments ofย great inner peaceย and stillness.

6. Distillation

Stages Spiritual Alchemy Distillation

Once we begin our Spiritization, we must find a way to continue to integrate all of these spiritual realizations into our lives in order to allow them to become permanent.ย Distillation is the level of further purification.

One example of Distillation is finding ways to live from a daily place of inner peace โ€“ even in the most mundane circumstances.

With enough repeated practice of constantly dying and being reborn in the present moment without entering again into the habits, identifications, and cycles of the mind, we experience a strong and profound inner transformation. In the East, this is whatโ€™s referred to asย self-realizationย orย spiritual enlightenment.

Certain practices such as mindfulness, meditation, yoga, andย self-inquiryย are useful in this stage to facilitate movement toward the next stage.

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7. Coagulation

Stages Spiritual Alchemy Coagulation

Similar to the bloodโ€™s ability to form clots and stop bleeding,ย Coagulationย is the moment when weโ€™ve โ€œbroken open the head,โ€ or in other words,ย we haveย become free from theย mindย and our consciousnessย orย Soulย has united with theย Materia Prima: the Spirit.

Itโ€™s at this point that weโ€™ve found theย Elixir of Lifeย also known in alchemy asย The Philosopherโ€™s Stone.

Thisย non-dualisticย meeting point between two opposites โ€“ the spiritual Self and human self, ego and Soul, inner and outer worlds โ€“ represents the culmination of the spiritual journey, the holy moment of spiritual freedom or enlightenment.

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spiritual alchemy

Alchemyโ€™s greatest achievement is to mirror the interrelationship between mind and matter, ego and soul, self and world.ย It embodies and points to the union of opposites, the transcendence of division, and theย Onenessย of all beings.

I hope this article has helped to explain this mysterious topic more in-depth, provide you with an alchemical roadmap to understand your spiritual progress and illuminate your understanding.

What are your thoughts about spiritual alchemy? Iโ€™d love to hear below!

Written By: Mateo Sol
Originally Appeared On: Loner Wolf

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