7 Inspirational Snoopy Quotes About Life And Happiness



Cartoons are often full of life wisdom and philosophies that we fail to appreciate and put into action. Check out Snoopy quotes that redefine life and the art of being happy.

I must confess, my morning newspaper is fun because it comes with comic strips.ย  And I donโ€™t ever miss them. Do you remember all the cute cartoons you used to watch in your childhood? Those days were simply amazing. Iโ€™m quite sure your adult self misses some of your favorite ones.

I particularly miss my favorite, Charlie brownโ€™s doggie Snoopy. He was a hell of a philosophical beagle. I wish I had a doggie so intellectual and full of wisdom. Some of the quotes on happiness by Snoopy are stuck in my mind and here I will put some of my favorite ones.

7 Uplifting Snoopy quotes About Life And Happiness

1. Keep looking up. Thatโ€™s the secret of life.

Keep looking up snoopy quote

Never look down upon your life. Our psyche will only function the way we want it to. We think we have no control over our minds and thoughts but in reality, we do. Whether we will be contented or satisfied, depends hugely on what messages and ideas we are feeding our subconscious mind.

Have an optimistic attitude towards life and know that if you keep your head held high up, and keep going in life, you will have lower chances of hitting rock bottom. Keep aiming for the sky.

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2. Learn from yesterday. Live for today. Look for tomorrow!

Learn from yesterday snoopy quote

Happiness is here and now. Mindfulness researchers have suggested that focusing on the task at hand and being present at the moment increases happiness and productivity. Snoopy teaches us this through a very simple quote.

If we keep searching for happiness in the bygone days, looking for ways to relive moments of the past that made us happy, we will overlook what we have got right here in the present.

Similarly, if we are apprehensive about what might go wrong tomorrow, we will never be able to focus our undivided attention on the โ€˜now and here. While we look for happiness in the past and contemplate the future, we are skipping the potentially happy moments of the present.

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3. This has been a really good dayโ€ฆ

good day snoopy quote

Have you ever told yourself, โ€œToday was a very good day.โ€? If you havenโ€™t then you are not practicing what snoopy does. Gratitude has been linked with increased life satisfaction and happiness in people who regularly practice it. It helps you focus on the positive side of your life instead of the negative.

A few words of gratitude to yourself and to the people who matter will set things on the right track for you. See for yourself by putting these Snoopy quotes on happiness into action.

4. We only die once. We live every day.

Snoopy quotes on happiness

This is one of my favorite Snoopy quotes on happiness! Fear of death and what uncertainty will bring upon us can ruin your positive mindset.

Negative self-talk like โ€œWe all will die someday hence efforts are useless.โ€ or โ€œI do not have time to live my life.โ€ will only result in a self-fulfilling prophecy. The way you view yourself and your surroundings are how they appear you to be. Live every single day to the most. Give your everything. Do not let a single opportunity run out of your stride. Keep trying, even if you fail!

5. Itโ€™s your race and yours alone. Others may run it with you, but no one can run it for you.

Be self-reliant for being happy. That is what Snoopy swears by. If you expect other people to live the ups and downs of your life, then you will surely be disappointed. Expect the least from others and the most from yourself and the key to happiness will be yours.

When you rely on yourself to run your own errands, you can hold yourself responsible for the failures and learn from it and also take accountability for your achievements. So, embrace your time, be strong, and keep moving forward.

6. Be a great friend to others!

snoopy quotes

Whatโ€™s the picture of a perfect friend? Snoopy has been a loyal friend to Charlie. He has been with Charlie till the end of time in both ups and downs and has never let him down.

Itโ€™s important to be a good friend to others. This will only help spread positivity. If you make one person happy, and he, in turn, makes another person happy, you are actually incorporating happiness among humankind.

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7. The best things in life are free. Like smiling.

snoopy quotes

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What are your favorite quotes by Snoopy among these? Mention them in the comments section. And if you think that I might have forgotten any to add to the list? Then, let me know.

7 Snoopy Quotes That Redefine The Art Of Being Happy
Snoopy Quotes Help You Regain Positive Outlook In Life pin
Snoopy Quotes Regain Positive Outlook In Life

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