6 Reasons Being Emotional Is Actually a Good Thing



Being emotional is the ability to feel, itโ€™s the capability to experience your feelings and needs. We are all driven by various emotions, some negative and some positive. Are you an emotional person? Hereโ€™s why being an emotional person is amazing!ย 

I am generally too emotional. My initial response to every stimulus is through the expression of emotions and not through reason and logic. No doubt, people ask me to tone down my emotionality a lot of times. They would not leave a chance to tell me why being so high on emotions has a negative impact on my โ€œimageโ€.ย 

So what do I do? Oh well, I turn to tell them, itโ€™s a part of me and I embrace it with all my strength.

This has been going on since my childhood when I was taught to โ€˜toughen upโ€™ and never give in to being โ€œtoo emotionalโ€. What my parents really meant, maybe, was to never be โ€œweakโ€ in my life.ย 

And there, I must say, my parents, got it wrong, as the rest of us do!

If we lack emotional intelligence, whenever stress rises the human brain switches to autopilot and has an inherent tendency to do more of the same, only harder.ย  Which, more often than not, is precisely the wrong approach in todayโ€™s world. -Robert K. Cooper

Being An Emotional Person Has Nothing To Do With Being Mentally Weak.

being too emotional

I believe, also would like you all to believe, that being an emotional person is not synonymous with being weak. As a human being what else is expected of you? If you do not use your power to feel, then whatโ€™s the use of having this asset?

Dale Carnegie says,

When dealing with people, remember you are not dealing with creatures of logic, but with creatures of emotion.

We arenโ€™t machines. We are all gifted with the power to feel and we should be extremely proud of it.

If you are someone high on emotional intelligence, you will be able to relate to these 6 perks of being an emotional person:

Related: 14 Signs Youโ€™re An Emotionally Intelligent Person

6 Reasons Being Emotional Is Actually A Good Thing

1. Being emotional leads to meaningful relationships.

Letting others peek into your vulnerabilities might seem a bit too much for you, but itโ€™s the ultimate strength. Being able to feel the other person, and also effectively display oneโ€™s emotions takes a person to have higher emotionality.ย 

Whether itโ€™s a romantic or platonic relationship, the exchange of emotions fosters understanding. Emotions make two people more connected. It acts as a nourishing agent to full forward a relationship.

Two emotional people in a relationship make for a wonderful couple, who can easily sense and cater to each other.ย 

2. Being emotional intensifies your experiences.

If you are an over-emotional being, you sure must have noticed that your experiences are generally more intense, potent, and exceptionally overwhelming in nature.

You perceive everything more passionately, more genuinely, and more ardently as compared to others. These make these experiences more memorable, closer to your heart, and give life the meaning other people might be missing out on.

For you, the world is full of possibilities, excitement, and enthusiasm. Life seems more colorful, fun, and free when every single experience is tied closely to your emotions.

3. Being emotional helps you keep in touch with your empathetic nature.

Empathy Word Cloud

We often fail to put ourselves in other peopleโ€™s shoe ad look from their level. A handful of our misunderstandings, interpersonal conflicts, and arguments come from this very fact. To be able to consider the perceptions of other people is a huge capacity. We call it empathy.

Empathy begins with understanding life from another personโ€™s perspective. Nobody has an objective experience of reality. Itโ€™s all through our own individual prisms. โ€“ Sterling K. Brown

People who are high on emotional intelligence are linked to having a higher ability to express and identify the emotional expressions of other people.

These provide them with the ability to be empathetic to other peopleโ€™s emotions and with a heightened capacity to understand them and their emotions. If you are emotional in nature, you have an enhanced capacity to identify other peopleโ€™s emotions as your own and hence acquire a better understanding of them.

4. Being emotional helps you better adapt to new situations.

When you are too emotional, you feel everything deeper, you understand everything deeper, you analyze everything in detail. Nothing for you is superficial; you penetrate deeply to the core of every matter and try to understand it. Because halfway is not your way.ย 

These give you an overall knowledge about the specific matter and your experiences are richer than your less emotional counterparts. When an experience is loaded with emotions, it has a stronger impact on us. It teaches us important life lessons that we never forget in a hurry.

We can use these accumulations of experiences, along with the emotionality associated with them, to better deal with similar situations in the future.

Related: 6 Traits Of An Emotionally Mature Person

5. Being emotionally expressive helps you in better emotional regulation.

How we regulate our everyday emotions defines how mentally healthy we are. People who fail to experience and express their genuine emotions regulated them through maladaptive techniques of emotional downplay, suppression, avoidance, and masking. Unfortunately, those emotions do not go down the gutter.

They are simply pushed to the unconscious and will come back in dangerous shape.

People who fail to use their emotional intelligence skills are more likely to turn to other, less effective means of managing their moods. They are twice as likely to experience anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and even thoughts of suicide. โ€“ Travis Bradberry

People who feel deeply, embrace their true emotions, freely express them, without the need to be conscious about othersโ€™ approval are doing a great job.ย 

They are regulating their emotions, however negative it is, through the articulation of them.

6. Emotions impart important knowledge about ourselves

Our emotions are great teachers. Our emotional expressions often open the gate to our inner self. When you are overcome with some emotions at some particular point, it provides you an opportunity to be aware of how you function.ย 

The goal here is to acknowledge your emotions, instead of denying them. These might help you achieve useful insights regarding your innermost desires, wishes, and needs which might be holding you back from winning in life.ย 

Suppose you are overcome with intense anger and frustrations in specific situations. Donโ€™t ignore it. Itโ€™s a sign that you need to work on your deepest insecurities, fears, and conflicts that might be underlying the emotional manifestation.

One little confession: Currently, I am in my adulthood, and people havenโ€™t yet stopped calling me an โ€œemotional foolโ€. But I would rather be an emotional fool than feel nothing at all.

Embrace your special power to feel.

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