50 Interesting Questions To Ask A Girl You Like


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Can’t think of any funny jokes or anything else to say? This list of 50 interesting questions to ask a girl is sure to spark some conversation and get her talking! So don’t be shy, dive in head-first and start having fun!

Finding a girl who ticks all the boxes is tough, so here are the 50 questions to ask a girl to get to know her well.

These are the best questions to ask a girl you like and if you want to:

  • ease the tension
  • get to know her on a deeper level
  • meeting her for your first date
  • take a friendship to the next level

Girls have always been termed as complicated beings, who can never be understood properly. But is that really the truth? Or is it that most guys just don’t know the road to a woman’s heart?

Kill the small talk here are questions to ask a girl to know her better

Most girls tend to be more emotional, than men, and the best way to understand them and make them feel loved is by taking a deep look into their hearts.

If you are wondering how you can know her better, then there are 50 thoughtful questions to ask a girl, that will serve as keys to opening the door to her heart.

50 Deep Questions To Ask A Girl To Get To Know Her Well

Here’re some really good questions to ask a girl, if you want to get to know her on a deeper level:

questions to ask a girl

1. What is that one thing you have experienced, that has transformed you into a stronger person?

2. What makes you feel weak in life?

3. Where do you feel the most like yourself?

4. What is your favorite place that you escape to when everything gets overwhelming?

5. Who has been the largest influence in your life to date, and has turned you into the person you are now?

6. If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?

Related: 36 Questions That Lead to Love – Fall In Love With An Absolute Stranger Research Says

7. If it was your last day on Earth, how would you spend it?

8. Which period/decade do you think you actually belong in?

9. Who in your family are you closest to? And why?

10. Who is that one person in this world that knows you inside and out?

11. What do you like best about your best friend?

12. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up?

13. If you could become one fictional character (from a movie, show, or book) who would you want to be?

14. Do you like compliments? Or do you have a hard time accepting them?

15. Is your favorite quality about yourself a physical thing or a non-physical thing?

Related: 5 Questions Every Smart Woman Should Ask Herself

16. What is your favorite quality about yourself that is physical?

17. What is your favorite quality about yourself that is not physical?

18. Do you believe in love at first sight?

19. Do you believe in the concept of soulmates? And why?

20. Do you take astrology and horoscopes seriously?

21. Have you ever experienced true love?

22. What does love mean to you?

23. What do you think about vulnerability? What makes you vulnerable?

Related: Ask These 5 Deep Questions If You Want To Know About A Person’s True Self

24. What is that one thing you’re apprehensive to ask a man, but really want to?

25. What is the first thing you would choose to do if you could become a man for just one day?

26. What do you find most attractive about each sex?

27. Is there anything that you would look forward to learning more about?

28. Is there something you have always wanted to do, but never got the chance to actually do it?

29. Why haven’t you done it yet?

questions to ask a girl

30. What would be your dream job, if money didn’t matter?

31. What do you like to do on your off days from work?

32. When did you cry the last time, and what made you cry?

33. When did you laugh wholeheartedly the last time, and what made you laugh?

34. What is your favorite memory to date?

35. When was the last time you were really embarrassed? And what embarrassed you?

36. What is your biggest fear in life?

37. Do you believe in regrets? If yes, what is your biggest regret in life?

Related: 8 Questions to Ask Before You End Your Relationship

38. Have you ever broken a law before? If no, then which law would you love to break?

39. What’s the most insane and craziest thing you have done in your life?

40. Would you ever start up a conversation with a stranger?

41. Would you tell a stranger they have toilet paper hanging from their shoe? Or that their underwear is showing? (Or anything that can cause embarrassment in public)?

42. Which is that one joke, that never fails to make you laugh?

43. Do you like cats more, or do you like dogs more?

44. If you had the opportunity to be any animal in this world, which animal would you choose, and why?

45. What’s one book, movie, or show that serves as your guilty pleasure?

46. How would your parents describe you as a child?

47. If you could go back in time to any period of your life, where would you like to go?

Related: 50 Questions To Ask Yourself To Know Your Deepest Insecurities

48. What is that one thing that you genuinely, and passionately believe in, but other people don’t?

49. What’s that one thing that sets you apart, and makes you unique from everybody else?

50. What do you think is missing in your life right now?

So, there you go. These are all the questions to ask a girl you like and want to get to know her better. These might help you make her fall in love with you. Till then Happy Valentine’s Day!

50 Questions To Ask A Girl If You Want To Know Who She Really Is
50 Deep questions to ask a girl
50 Questions to ask a girl you like
50 Interesting questions to ask a girl
Questions To Ask A Girl To Know Her Truly pin
questions to ask a girl

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