5 Things Only Ambiverts Understand


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Many of us consider ourselves both an introvert and extrovert depending on our surroundings, and if you are one of them, then you, my friend, are an ambivert. Now understanding ambiverts can sometimes be a bit of a challenge, with some people not even acknowledging the presence of ambiversion! But thereโ€™re certain things only ambiverts understand and relate to, and nobody else.

When you are an introvert, you just donโ€™t feel that energy in yourself when you interact with people; being an introvert is not solely about feeling shy. For extroverts itโ€™s the exact opposite, you feel electrifying energy in yourself every time you get to mingle and interact with people.

Now for ambiverts, naturally itโ€™s a mix of both. At times, you feel this need to socialize with everyone you know, and then there are times when you just want to be cooped up under your blanket and read a book, with nobody bothering you.

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5 Things Only Ambiverts Understand

1. You are both an extrovert and an introvert.

When you relate to both of these personality types, and somehow cannot choose just one to describe yourself, then you are an ambivert. Like an introvert, you love spending time alone. You think deeply about everything. You can be a remarkable listener. And most of the time, you find yourself wondering about the rich inner worlds of humans.

But then there are times when you want to socialize and mingle with other people and have a good time. You have impressive social skills and confidence, which can at times put the most extroverted extrovert at shame. This extroverted introvert nature of yours clearly shows that you are a true blue ambivert personality.

2. You love your alone time, as well as social time.

Sure, you love it when you get to be alone in your home with nobody disturbing you, having your favorite hot chocolate, and reading an amazing book. You love how relaxed it makes you feel, and at that point, you donโ€™t need anything else to make you happier. But then there are days when you want to hang out with your friends and party it up because you need that too.

The key to understanding ambiverts is that they need both social time as well as alone time in equal measure. Both these things make you happy, and you cannot be satisfied with having just one. When itโ€™s too much social time, you will crave some me-time. And when you are alone too much, you would want to ring up your friends and paint the town red.

things only ambiverts understand

3. You like attention, but donโ€™t like too much of it.

When you are sitting in a bar having a drink and hitting it off with people, you love the attention and high that you get. This kind of situation also serves as an amazing source of energy for you.

However, the moment it shifts and starts getting awkward or uncomfortable, then everything changes. As long as it is positive and fun, you are all in, but when things start getting weird or go overboard, you feel like running out the door.

The best way, you, as an ambivert can enjoy yourself is by striking a balance between being the one who is speaking, directing all the energy in the room to you, and then bouncing it back. When you are in a social situation, it is vital to juggle and pass on the energy to others at times, so that you donโ€™t end up feeling overwhelmed.

Related: Ambivert Things: 10 Signs Youโ€™re An Ambivert (Neither An Introvert Nor An Extrovert)

4. You want to open up, but donโ€™t want to feel judged.

Whether a person is an extrovert or an introvert is mostly decided by the environment they are in. When you are surrounded by people who donโ€™t really share the same ideologies and opinions as you, you will naturally feel apprehensive talking about your thoughts for the fear of being judged and ridiculed. And this fear of being ridiculed and judged can suck out a lot of energy from you.

This is one of those things only ambiverts understand.

The introvert in you is always searching for that understanding and connection, but you are too afraid to make the first move. Human beings are genetically programmed to be scared of judgment because no one wants to be termed as negative or stupid.

When you genuinely find someone you can talk to about anything and who even initiates the conversation, there is no stopping you from opening your heart out. This will give you an immense amount of energy because you didnโ€™t even need to start the conversation, and it shows that youโ€™re interested in it as well.

5. You donโ€™t mind small talk, but you also love deep conversations.

An introvert is known for despising any kind of small talk, and they run for the hills even at the mere mention of it. They hate talking about superficial and irrelevant things. Introverts love deep conversations, which will help them understand the person they are talking to better. Introspective conversations are their jam.

On the other hand, extroverts love talking about anything and everything, even if itโ€™s highly irrelevant.

Ambiverts love both! You donโ€™t hate small talk like introverts and can indulge in it from time to time. And you can also fall in love with introspective and deep conversations; conversations about life, love, nature, humans, and whatnot. As an ambivert, you love it all โ€“ talking about the important things, unimportant things, deep things, and superficial things!

Related: Are You Naturally An Introvert, Extrovert, Or Ambivert: QUIZ

If you related to all or most of the things here, then you are surely an ambivert. These are the things only ambiverts understand. Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Want to know more about the things only ambiverts understand? Check this video out below!

Understanding Ambiverts 5 Things You Will Understand If Youโ€™re Both Introverted & Extroverted
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