5 Behaviors Mentally Strong Women Do Not Tolerate



Women are conditioned to behave a certain way. However, as twenty-first-century women, identifying these unhealthy practices is the first step toward positive transformation. Your habits become more effective when you give up the things that are holding you back. Here are 5 things mentally strong women don’t do or tolerate in others.

But before we get into that let’s take a look at what exactly is strong woman behavior.

Strong women do not tolerate…
When a woman is confident, self-assured, and successful, she has the luxury of choosing who to share her limited time and energy with – and there are certain behaviors that will make her wonder if you are just not worth it.

As Michelle Obama said, “Do not bring people in your life who weigh you down. And trust your instincts … good relationships feel good. They feel right. They don’t hurt. They’re not painful. That’s not just with somebody you want to marry, but it’s with the friends that you choose. It’s with the people you surround yourselves with.”


5 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do Or Tolerate

1. Dishonesty

Living with integrity happens when your values, words, and actions are aligned. This is important to the strong woman in your life because she needs to know that when you tell her something she can believe you. When you say you value her, she needs to know she can depend on you to back that up with your actions – whether she is there to see it or not.

5 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do Or Tolerate

No relationship can be built without trust, and trust is impossible if she cannot take you at your word. In turn, you will always be able to count on her to live, act, and speak in accordance with her own values. A strong woman goes about every aspect of her daily life with integrity, and she will expect you to do the same.

Related: Is Complete Honesty Vital For The Success Of A Relationship?

2. Selfishness

Along with a strong woman comes a giving spirit. She has worked hard to build an abundant life for herself, and her generous nature will prompt her to share her blessings with those around her. She will be attracted to someone with a similarly charitable nature, who has a rich life of his own and is willing to share with others.

This does not only apply to money – strong women are generous with their time, energy, and love, as well. If you keep yours all to yourself, you will look weak and petty in her eyes.

3. Apathy

Strong women do not end up that way by accident. They work hard, and are fueled by passion and ambition. They will be attracted to others who share this mindset. A strong woman will find a person who doesn’t care about anything to be boring and a little bit sad. Live your life with purpose and enthusiasm if you want it to include a strong woman.

4. Disrespect – To Her, The Waiter, Or Anyone Else

5 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do Or Put Up With

Strong women are sure to regard others with respectful words and actions, and will expect you to do the same. If you do not treat those around you with courtesy and dignity, a strong woman will be gone before you know it. She will likely see your disrespect for others as a sign that you do not respect yourself, which is an incredibly unattractive quality.

Related: 16 Things To Remember When Dating A Strong Woman

5. Disloyalty

A strong woman is a loyal woman, and a loyal woman is one who requires the same from others. She does not have extra time, energy, and love to spend on someone who does not value her. If a strong woman finds that you have been unfaithful to her, she is liable to cut you out of her heart for good.

Disloyalty does not necessarily mean cheating – it could also include lying, engaging in emotional infidelity, or demeaning her to others. Disloyalty is one of the most severe forms of disrespect, and respect, as I explained above, is absolutely critical to a relationship with a strong woman.

things mentally strong women don't do

If you know a strong woman, treasure her. If you don’t know enough of them, mentor one or become one. Strong women make the world go ’round.

And if you are a strong woman and you relate to the things mentally strong women don’t do, share your thoughts with us in the comments below.

Written by Robyn Reisch
Source - IHeartIntelligence

What should you not tolerate in a relationship?

One of the characteristics of a mentally strong woman is that she will never tolerate being disrespected or lied to in a relationship. She will not put up with her man engaging in infidelity, or invading her personal space as well.

What are the signs of a strong woman?

Some of the signs of a mentally strong woman is that she is courageous and doesn’t depend on anyone else. She speaks her mind and is not afraid of showing her emotions as weakness.

How do you make a strong woman love you?

If you want a strong woman to love you, you need to listen to her and support the decisions she makes. Give her attention but also respect her personal boundary.

6 Behaviors A Strong Woman Should Not and Will Not, Put Up With
6 Behaviors Mentally Strong Women Do Not Tolerate
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Mentally Strong Women Not Tolerate
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