What Your Couple Sleeping Position With Your Partner Says About Your Relationship



Do you know that your and your partnerโ€™s couple sleeping positions, can say a lot about you as a couple, and your relationship in general? Confused? Come on, letโ€™s find out more!

The way you sleep with your partner can reveal a lot about your relationship, or more specifically, your sleeping position with your partner.

According to experts and relationship psychologists, when you sleep, itโ€™s not possible for you to fake your body language, which is why your sleep positions with your partner can say a lot about your bond.

Are you the big spoon or your partner the small spoon? Do you prefer distance between the two of you while sleeping, or do you like to sleep all entangled in each other? Letโ€™s find out what your couple sleeping positions say about your relationship!

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How Couple Sleeping Positions Can Reveal A Lot About Your Relationship

1. The Spoon

couple sleeping position

Spooning is one of the most common couple sleeping positions there is, and if I may say, the sweetest. The spoon is a very traditional sleeping position that signifies comfort, closeness, and protectiveness in the relationship.

Sleeping in this position shows that both partners trust each other since one person literally has the other personโ€™s back. Additionally, it can also point towards strong physical and sexual intimacy between the both of you.

2. The Honeymoon Hug

The Honeymoon Hug

Couples who have just started a relationship tend to prefer this position. This couple sleep style points towards passion, and young love. If you sleep in this position, this means you canโ€™t bear to stay apart from each other, even for a second.

This is a very intimate and romantic position and shows that you just canโ€™t get enough of each other. Nonetheless, if you still prefer to sleep in this position even after 6 months or a year of being in a relationship, it might mean that you are both too dependent on each other.

3. Like Shingles (on a Roof)

Like Shingles on a Roof

This is one of those couple sleeping positions that denote a strong bond, companionship, and protectiveness. In this position, typically one person sleeps resting their head on their partnerโ€™s chest or shoulder.

Both of you feel confident about each other, and if your partner is the one on whose shoulder you sleep, it shows that they like to play the protector, and they love supporting you. Likewise, you also like to be taken care of by them.

4. The Sweetheartโ€™s Cradle

The Sweethearts Cradle

This sleeping position is very common in new relationships, and in relationships that have been recently sorted and renewed. This is a very romantic and caring position where both partners sleep hugging each other signifying closeness and intimacy.

When you sleep with your head on your partnerโ€™s chest, it signifies openness and trust. And since your partner is sleeping on their back and hugging you close, it means that they are willing to use their power to protect you. Both of you are independent individuals but also like to turn to each other for love and closeness.

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5. Loosely Tethered

Loosely Tethered

What starts as The Spoon gradually transitions into this, the more long-term your relationship gets. The physical closeness and intimacy might not be the same as it was at the beginning of the relationship, but it is still there but in a more mature form. This one is quite common among married couples.

This position signifies that both of you are very close and happy in the relationship. You might not be clinging to each other all the time but you still crave to be close to each other and prefer going to sleep lightly holding hands.

6. The Leg Hug

The Leg Hug

This sleeping position can mean quite a few things. If only one partnerโ€™s leg is hugging the otherโ€™s, then it might mean that theyโ€™re craving a connection with them. If both the partnersโ€™ legs are hugging or touching, then the relationship is a passionate, balanced, and intimate one.

Another interpretation might be that you might have had a fight with each other, and even though you are upset, you still want some kind of touch while sleeping. This position can sometimes come across as quite ambivalent.

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7. The Chasing Spoon

The Chasing Spoon

This is another form of spooning but in this position, one partner seems to be chasing the other. One partner has moved to the middle of the bed, while the other partner is โ€˜chasingโ€™ them.

The logical meaning might be that one partner might need more space on the bed, while a more figurative interpretation might be that they are drifting away, and the other person is trying to pursue them.

8. The Independent Style

The Independent Style

This is another one of those couple sleeping positions that are fairly common among established couples, or couples that have been together for a long time. Even though youโ€™re sleeping and not facing each other, it signifies a deep sense of connection and security.

Both of you have a loving relationship, but you are not codependent. You love spending time with each other, but can also spend time alone, doing your own thing. The relationship matters to you a lot, but you also have your own life and need your own space.

9. The Cliffhanger

The Cliffhanger

If you sleep facing opposite sides and there is a lot of distance between the two of you, then it signifies that there might be a problem between the two of you. And if you or your partnerโ€™s foot hangs off the edge of the bed, then it just solidifies this possibility.

Research has shown that the more distance there is between couples, the more problems there are in their relationship.

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10. The Taking-Up-Most-Space Style

The Taking Up Most Space Style

If your partner hogs all the space in your bed with little regard for your comfort and sleep, then it might point toward tension and selfishness in the relationship. Dominating the bed can be equated with dominating the relationship.

If your head is higher on the bed than your partner, it might mean that you are more confident than them. Additionally, if your heads are on the same level, then it signifies that both of you have the same mindset, values, and beliefs.

Which of these couple sleeping positions do you and your partner engage in? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

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