What The Mayan Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality


Just like Egyptian astrology, Irish astrology, and African astrology, your Mayan zodiac sign can say a lot about your inherent personality and can give a peek into all those parts of you that you didnโ€™t even know existed.

โ€œMayan Astrology offers a perspective on human existence not found elsewhere.โ€ ~ How to Practice Mayan Astrology, Bruce Scofield & Barry C. Orr

What Are The Mayan Zodiac Signs All About?

The Mesoamerican or the Maya civilization, like many indigenous tribes, studied the movement of the sky, its influence on earth, and how the planetary movements affected our moods, behavior patterns, and personality traits.

They meticulously recorded the movement of Venus, Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars, etc., to form astronomical recordings to be used by shamans and elder ones for divination and astrological purpose.

The Mayan calendar consisted of 18 months of 20 days, instead of our usual 12, or 28-31 days. This is called the Haab, which is followed by 5 days called the Uayeb however; the day count still adds up to 365.

You might ask, โ€œWhat about star signs?โ€ which is actually a very valid question. With 20 days for every 18 months, that must alter a lot, right? Well, yes, it does!

Below are the different months. Even though they are listed from top left to bottom right, this is where it gets a little bit different. The sign which hits the start of January is Chโ€™en, which you will notice is the first symbol on the third row.

You will find many of these calendars that are spelled differently and that tends to happen, most likely due to their different languages.

Related: What Your Personality Is Really Like, Based On The Mayan Zodiac Signs

Mayan Zodiac Sign

These symbols are rather interesting, arenโ€™t they? Diverse and creative, just like the Mayans themselves. These symbols and signs are fun to learn about, especially when you can discover more about yourself and how you can draw strength when itโ€™s needed.

Below, we haveย listed each sign and the dates they fall under. Have a look and see which one you are and what it could mean for your personality. Letโ€™s find out what your Mayan zodiac says about you.

What The Mayan Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

1)ย Chโ€™en: 2nd January to 21st January

Mayan Zodiac Sign

As the first one of the bunch, Chโ€™en represents the nighttime, which means, funnily enough, that these people are night owls. If you are born under this sign, you might experience peaks of productivity around 9 pm until 4 am, where you suddenly get lots of creative ideas that spark excitement within you.

It is said that everything to do with the night is a good symbol for you. Whether thatโ€™s nocturnal animals, semi-precious stones such as the moonstone, or the night sky, you can draw energy from this. Perhaps consider wearing dark blues, blacks, and silvers to suit your sign and boost your imagination and ideas for projects.

2)ย Yax: 22nd January to 10th February

Mayan Zodiac Sign

If your Mayan zodiac sign is the Yax then it is indeed a lovely sign to be. If Yax is your sign, it means you are naturally open, loving, and very giving to people around you, always wanting to help. Itโ€™s hard for you to be surrounded by confrontation and you do your very best to avoid this.

Instead, you want peace and tranquillity around you, so youโ€™re very good at reasoning with difficult people that others just canโ€™t agree with. You can bringย a lot of good to this world, so perhaps in your spare time, volunteer for a dog or cat shelter. This way, you can feel like youโ€™re doing good deeds that you and others benefit from.

3)ย Sakโ€™: 11th February to 2nd March

Mayan Zodiac Sign

Have you ever witnessed one of those people who just get up and go? Well, if you are born from February 11th until 2nd March, you could act very much like this. People who have the sign of the Sak are actually very comfortable in their own skin, finding it easy to take on challenges with natural confidence.

Many people could be rather afraid to be out of their comfort zone, however, this sign welcomes change and risks. The best time of the day for this sign is early morning. You might think weโ€™re crazy for saying this, but you could actually be more tired mid-morning, therefore earlier is better to go to the gym or run errands. Your sign is the frog because they can adapt very well to water and land, symbolizing how flexible you can be.

Related: Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs: Which One Are You?

4)ย Keh: March 3rd to March 22nd

Mayan Zodiac Sign

Keh is all about balance, peace, and serenity. Are you someone who wants tranquility in your life with no arguments or upset? Chances are if youโ€™re born between March 3rd and March 22nd, you are someone who is more of a mother hen who likes to restore unity within a group. Even though you arenโ€™t a fan of disagreements, the red storm and Deer tell you to take your fiery passion and ensure you arenโ€™t being treated like a doormat.

A Deer can be vulnerable, so allow your Stag side to come through when you need its power. There is nothing wrong with standing up for what you believe is right. You may find that woodland areas will help you relax and become more centered in times when you are unsure of yourself.

5)ย Mak: March 23rd to April 11th

Mayan Zodiac

Those born under the Mak sign are ones that tend to confuse people around them. Why is this? Well, itโ€™s because they arenโ€™t as well defined as the other signs in the calendar. If you are this sign, do you find yourself being a bit more secretive?

You could be someone who likes to keep things under wraps; therefore youโ€™ll never be guilty of spilling too much information about what you get up to and what you are really like as a person until you know someone a lot better.

This is actually a good thing because it keeps people guessing and this makes them much more interested in who you are. You love spending time around people but also feel you need to have that alone time very often to gather your thoughts and reflect on goals.

So itโ€™s advised that you set aside an hour per day of total alone time to watch your favorite shows or have a bubble bath. This will keep you relaxed, recharged, and ready for the rest of the week.

6)ย Kโ€™ankโ€™in:ย April 12th to May 1st

Mayan Zodiac Sign

If your Mayan zodiac sign is the Kโ€™ankโ€™in, then you should know that this sign represents the sun and the earth, which means you could be a big lover of natural environments, graced by beautiful weather. You could get times in the year when you experience heaps of wanderlust, making you desperate to seek beautiful surroundings to retreat in peace.

With a spiritual connection to dogs, you could absolutely adore being around them, matching well with their playful and loyal characteristics. It is very important for you to find beauty in the world, so it could be a brilliant idea for you to take up photography and start walking to different locations such as caves, beaches, or meadows to capture their exquisiteness.

7) Muwanโ€™: May 2nd to May 21st

Mayan Zodiac Sign

The Mayan zodiac sign of Muwanโ€™ is balanced between fire and water; therefore thunderstorms are powerful times for you, due to the rain (water) and lightning (fire) which can bring you great strength.

As an individual, you find being honest a very important way of life. Itโ€™s essential to be upfront of truthful if you are unhappy or even massively happy with a situation you are in. You cannot stand those who deceive, plus you can see straight through it. If you know something isnโ€™t right, you will speak up for yourself and others to fix a problem and youโ€™re never afraid to do so because of your moral standards.

You do also enjoy discovering things in life, making you a brilliant learner, soย many academic subjects will interest you, plus even detective games and puzzles could be right up your street.

Related: Irish Astrology: The Lunar Celtic Animal Zodiac And Itโ€™s Meanings

8)ย Pax: May 22nd to June 10th

Mayan Zodiac Sign

People born as the sign of Pax are lucky indeed, due to their spirit animal being the Jaguar, which is considered extremely important to Mayans. Strong, graceful, and wise, you make a terrific leader who can bring a team to victory. Itโ€™s important that you use this quality when it comes to your career; bringing you closer to those around you and helping them achieve their goals.

People look to you for advice and a lot of times, you already have an answer before theyโ€™ve even asked. Prepared and motivated, you see a task and have mapped out different ways to get it done. In your spare time, perhaps organize games that you and your friends can take part in, so you can improve how you strategically lead a team, such as a charity race.

9)ย Kโ€™ayab: June 11th to June 30th

Mayan Zodiac Sign

If you are born under this sign, your spirit animal is the turtle, connected to the moon and spirituality. You could be someone who loves meaning in everything you come across. Taking a step further than most, you want to understand people around you and what leads them to act in different ways.

You might often think, โ€œWhy?โ€ and be tempted to dive deeper into discovering hidden messages and meaning behind the behavior. You could even do this with yourself if youโ€™re unhappy and canโ€™t quite figure out what the root of the problem is.

You might really enjoy activities such as writing poetry and art, analyzing the feelings behind it, and having a go at it yourself to gain perspective on your own personality or emotions.

10)ย Kumkโ€™u: July 1st to July 20th

Mayan Zodiac Sign

Did you know that crocodiles survived past the Mesozoic era even after dinosaurs became extinct, along with most reptiles, too? Well, the crocodile is your spirit animal which has gone through survival and adaptation throughout its existence. Starting from the bottom, it has patiently worked its way into our day and age, stronger than ever.

This is similar to how you could act in many situations. You are not one of those people who expect things to be handed to you on a plate. Understanding that it takes hard work, you are more than willing to work hard and wait until the moment is right to reap the benefits. Youโ€™re not a big lover of massive alterations, however, you can take this in your stride easily, enabling you to just get on with it.

11)ย Wayebโ€™: July 21st to July 25th

Mayan Zodiac Sign

You might look at this date and become a bit puzzled about Wayeb. It only lasts 5 days, making this a very different sign of the Mayan calendar, while others last for 20 days.

During these very specific days, the Mayans believes that something didnโ€™t feel right and everything was unbalanced. It is said by these people that they thought ghosts would appear on earth during this time, spooking everyone out.

Yes, this might come across as a negative but it actually isnโ€™t. Instead, it means that you have connections that go past the earth you live on. You could be very spiritual and interested in the afterlife, heaven, and reincarnation.

Something great you could do is note down what dreams you have that involve you as a different person, which could help you discover who you might have been in a past life and how you apply it to this life.

12) Pop: July 26th to August 14th


This sign isnโ€™t connected to Pop music before you get excited! This is another sign that excels in leadership, making it easy for them to straighten out issues and lead people to the finish line when it comes to goals and projects.

Even though you are excellent at handling people in a group, you still remain very sensitive to how they feel in different situations. This means that if you are a boss or manager, you are loved by the team for your positive nature that is always happy to help. Many will see you as a friend, regardless of whether youโ€™re a colleague, neighbor, or new acquaintance.

Earthy and easy-going, youโ€™re always up for new experiences and showing people how they can let loose and have fun. Perhaps organize a day out with some new friends so you can learn more about each other whilst having fun!

Related: Native American Animal Symbols Of The Zodiac

13)ย Woโ€™: August 15th to September 3rd


This Mayan zodiac sign is very similar to Chโ€™en and Sak, sharing strength from the nighttime darkness before the start of the day. You are a sign who has both the Jaguar and Frog as your spiritual totem animals, giving you the best of both animals.

You are brilliant at leadership, just like the Jaguar but you also love a challenge and youโ€™re very adaptable like the Frog. You love anything to do with mystery too, always wanting to discover new places, no matter what environment it is. Great activity for you would be to visit ancient monuments and learn about the different cultures of that time.

Also, try to go out for walks at night time (remember to stay safe) on your own or with a pet dog and discover the peace and tranquillity the night has to offer when itโ€™s at its most quiet times.

14)ย Sip: September 4th to September 23rd


People born under the Mayan zodiac sign of Sip are connected to fire and air, making them very powerful people that are connected to the forest and specifically Deer and Stags, which are your spirit animals.

Gentle and graceful, you have qualities of the deer to be sensitive and sometimes vulnerable, searching for peace in your life. If something disrupts harmony in your life, such as an argument, you could take flight from the situation whilst upset, only ready to discuss it when youโ€™re ready and calm.

However, with Stagโ€™s influence, you can actually be very upfront and dominant with brilliant leadership qualities. Red is your power color, so it would be a good idea for you to wear accessories that reflect this.

A good idea for you is to spend time in the forest, perhaps taking a walk or going on a bike ride. These surroundings can bring you a calm feeling, which acts as a good form of escape from stressful situations or surroundings that you need to take time away from.

15)ย Sotzโ€™: September 24th to October 13th

Mayan Zodiac

Zotz, sometimes spelled Sotz, is a sign that has spiritual animals of the bat and the fish, which are two very different beings but they are both able to move very well in their environments, like the bat in the sky and the fish in the water.

Due to this, your elements are air and water, making you very sensitive and intuitive about the world around you. Itโ€™s very difficult to fool you, so you can spot straight away when someone isnโ€™t being truthful. Itโ€™s not so easy for others to be able to see beyond the rose-tinted glasses and discover the real side of people.

However, you only judge when you see a side of someone that is negative but you rarely treat them with less respect, because you donโ€™t think itโ€™s the correct way to deal with people.

As a deep character, you are always thinking of those around you and how things can be improved, gathering different suggestions to come to a solution. If you want to change something for the better, gather people involved and brainstorm to discuss how others feel, so you can gain more understanding about what needs to be done.

16)ย Sek: October 14th to November 2nd


This Mayan zodiac sign is connected to the earth and the sky therefore, itโ€™s likely that you are fascinated with everything above you, such as the constellations, planets, and even different spiritual realms.

As someone who is very practical, even if you are involved emotionally in a situation, you can put this aside to come up with an effective plan to act when itโ€™s needed. Other people may not be thinking the way they should when a spanner is thrown in the works, however, you are someone who can see clearly through the fog.

For example, if you know someone who is in a bad relationship but is trying to cover the cracks with excuses, you are someone who will explain that the lack of happiness is the root of the issue, bringing realization and wisdom to a person who needs it.

You could be a great counselor or mediator in your friendship group, so try and strengthen this quality to help others when they could be in times of need. Remember to wait for them to ask first before you go in with opinions about their situation or you could come across as bossy and not helpful!

17)ย Xul: November 3rd to November 22nd


Similar to Kโ€™ankโ€™in, Xul is connected to the spirit animal of the Dog. These animals are very popular amongst humans as amazing companions, providing unconditional love, loyalty, and affection that are rarely offered as much by other animals.

However, the Mayans believed the Dog was the key to the afterlife, which would guide you across a path, such as a bridge, helping you pass onto your next life. You might be someone who feels very positive about the possibility of reincarnation or other lives.

Death of a person, situation, or chapter in life is feared to be the end, however, you might feel itโ€™s a new beginning, a re-birth if you will. This is a good trait to have because many are scared of the worst-case scenario but instead, you know that even if something bad happens, a positive outcome will happen. Attitudes like this can bring people up who are experiencing great worry in their lives.

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18) Yaxkโ€™inโ€™: November 23rd to December 12th


If you are a Yaxkโ€™in, you are actually connected to the Mayan Sun God, named Ah Kin. This God was praised for the protection against disease, darkness, and negativity. As a born healer, you are extremely helpful to those around you. Even if someone is having a bad day, it feels as if you can erase the negativity circulating in their brain and replace them with happy thoughts.

Even though you are a very happy-go-lucky character, boy can you worry! This isnโ€™t good for situations of your own. Sure, you can calm others down but when itโ€™s your own problems, you can get yourself into a panic. You need to remind yourselfย that worrying actually achieves nothing, so do something that relaxes you.

If youโ€™re unsure about what that is, go running, take a bath or participate in an activity, nothing down whether it helps reduce those thoughts.

Just remember, all will be ok and you should seek othersโ€™ advice so they can reassure you that your worries are actually all in your head.

19) Mol: December 13th to January 1st


Mol is the last Mayan zodiac sign of the Mayan calendar which would make you either a Sagittarius or a Capricorn. However, neither signs are one of Water, just like Mol is, which again is why it is very different from the star signs we are aware of.

This is another sign that is connected to the spirit animal of the Jaguar, which gives them strength in their lives. You are able to bounce back from difficult situations in your life, and turning them into lessons instead of failures or past issues. At the end of the day, if something like this has happened, it will upset you, but at the end of it all, you can see how itโ€™s made you stronger.

As a very spiritual individual but also a great leader, you could make an excellent yoga teacher, leading people but also offering them a calm and relaxing experience around you. You will draw your strength from rainfall, so if you have a covered porch or anything similar, sit there when it rains so you can hear the wonderful noises, without getting too wet!

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You can understand your life in a deep way through your Mayan Zodiac Sign.ย What is your Mayan zodiac sign? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How accurate is Mayan astrology?

Mayan astrology is extremely accurate, and all the calculations and predictions made by Mayan priests for so many years still stand true today. Their calculations were so exact and accurate that their calendar correction is 10,000th of a day more correct than the standard calendar that we use today.

What does Mak mean in Mayan?

Mak means God of number 3, hideout, and confinement.

Who wrote the Mayan calendar?

Itโ€™s not known for sure who wrote the Mayan calendar, but the Mayan calendarโ€™s final form can be traced back to 1 B.C. and to the Olmec civilization.

What does XUL mean in Mayan?

XUL in Mayan means Dog with Suntail, Dog God, and Bird Days.

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