What Helps You When You Are Unhappy, Based On Your Zodiac Sign


What makes you smile when you feel blue? Is your happy trigger related to your zodiac? Find out what helps an unhappy zodiac sign and you can change anyoneโ€™s mood for the better!

As much as it is important to be aware of the triggers that make you angry, sad, or anxious, it is equally vital to know your happiness triggers. If you know what makes you feel upbeat, hopeful, and good about yourself, you can use that knowledge to rewire your brain when it gets mopey.

Not only this, if you know why something makes you glad, you uncover insights into your psyche and inner workings. And astrology can help you find out the link between your personality and happiness. Learning about what helps you when you are unhappy based on your zodiac can help you get a handle on your emotional makeup.

So, letโ€™s learn what helps an unhappy zodiac!

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What Helps An Unhappy Zodiac? Astrology Reveals What Helps An Unhappy Person

Hereโ€™re the happiness tips for zodiacs

1. ARIES (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Aries people gain energy and vitality when they can focus on themselves more, and when they can have a busy and exciting schedule.

Try to engage in physical activities with friends such as rock climbing, hiking, shopping, paintballing, or anything adventurous. Make an effort to take care of yourself such as exercising to empower the body as well as your mind.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

2. TAURUS (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Taurus needs to take in the comforts of the world, and anything that keeps them from their comforts will make them unhappy. They should try nurturing an indoor garden, especially ones with lovely fragrances and herbs that they can use to cook with. Taking classes for painting or sculpting will bring your creativity out, or learn to bake and invite friends over.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

3. GEMINI (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Geminis flourish when are able to stimulate their minds and also excite their need for novelty. Try attending cultural events, reading thought-provoking books, or learning a different language. Attend parties, go to concerts, or visit interesting places around your area you havenโ€™t seen. Also, try meditating to help calm your mind and focus on breathing.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

4. CANCERย (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Cancerians feel more at ease when they can be happy in the comfort of their own home surrounded by close friends. Try rearranging your home, or redecorating for a different but cozy vibe. Having sleepovers, bonfire parties, boating, or camping with friends near a lake. Start an interesting home project you can immerse yourself in, or take up photography for your artistic side.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

Read The Main Cause of Your Unhappiness Based On Your Zodiac Sign

5. LEO (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

As a Leo, you are at your happiest when you enjoy the company of your close friends who admire and appreciate you for being you. Being around people who care deeply about you is a good remedy for Leo.

Getting out of the house and going out to a gathering such as a small party or social event, will give you an excuse to dress up. Have a spa day where you can get a massage and pamper yourself.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

6. VIRGO (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Virgos can be rather uptight, so they need to seriously find an outlet they can expend their energy on or focus on dissolving it. Virgos with a turbulent mind should try yoga or relaxation techniques to calm the body and mind. Take up martial arts such as kickboxing to exhaust that built-up energy. Relax at a bookstore and read, and if you have the time, foster pets to keep you company.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

7. LIBRAย (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Libras like to recharge their energies by spending their spare time with their close and dearest friends. Go to conventions or go on group vacations. Join a Zumba class or some kind of dance class to rejuvenate your body and soul as well as to meet new people.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

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8. SCORPIOย (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpio people are a little risk-taking and they enjoy tasks that test their high power and energy as this gets their blood pumping. So they may often dabble in dangerous or risky things to renew themselves. Go on cave explorations as well as deep-sea diving. Feel that adrenaline rush by hang-gliding or sky diving and contact sports like martial arts.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

9. SAGITTARIUSย (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Sagittarians need to be free to express themselves in order to feel happy, and their energy must not be stifled. Take archery classes, horseback riding, or visit a zoo. Camping or renting a lodge with friends would be exciting. Munch on food while you watch something informative or funny, or try something youโ€™ve wanted to do but havenโ€™t, with your friends.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

10. CAPRICORN (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Capricorns feel satisfied when they accomplish something or have achieved their goals. Focus on earning money or find a hobby thatโ€™s rewarding. Playing video games can help quench their need to be rewarded. Try reading, gardening, shopping, biking, and walking around with your friends. Get a new haircut to help you feel new again.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

11. AQUARIUSย (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Aquarians are curious and feel happiest when they get the chance to explore as they get to learn and experience new things. Try visiting a charming or quirky coffee shop or eatery. Find and go to a used bookstore with a friend.

Buy a telescope and admire the night sky, better yet, use a quality camera to take photos of the sky. Enjoy desserts while watching sci-fi or fantasy movies. Try humanitarian or volunteer work as well.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

12. PISCES (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

More often than not, Pisceans feel more at peace and happy near water. Any kind of water sports such as canoeing, kayaking, jet-skiing, fishing, or windsurfing will invigorate.

Buy bath balls to soak in the tub and relax. Take yoga or Tai Chi for control. Read or write stories to bring out your creativity or buy a pet fish to take care of, admire, and keep you company.

what helps an unhappy zodiac

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what helps an unhappy zodiac
what helps an unhappy zodiac

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