What A Mother Knows Best: 14 Things My Mom Was Completely Right About


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Thereโ€™s a saying that goes, โ€œA mother knows best,โ€ and it holds a profound truth that resonates in the hearts of many. Whether itโ€™s about life choices, personal values, or everyday habits, thereโ€™s often a pearl of undeniable wisdom in the words of our mothers.

This motherโ€™s day 2023, letโ€™s celebrate the unique relationship with our moms โ€“ whether sheโ€™s our biggest cheerleader or toughest critic, it shapes our and sets expectations for ourselves.

a mother knows best when it comes to her child

My mom is the best person I know, comforting me in times of need and finding everything I lost as a child. As Iโ€™ve grown up, Iโ€™ve come to appreciate her guidance and sacrifices even more.ย 

To celebrate International Motherโ€™s Day 2023, here are 14 times my mom was right about everything.

14 Things A Mother Knows Best โ€“ Pieces Of Wisdom To Learn

1. Self-confidence is key to success

One of the things your mother knows best is that experiencing disappointment or rejection doesnโ€™t mean that youโ€™re not good enough. It could simply indicate that the opportunity was not the right fit for you.

Rejection is an inevitable part of life, and the key to not letting it defeat you is to have confidence in yourself. When you encounter obstacles, face them with determination rather than succumbing to self-doubt.

Related: Do Kids Inherit Intelligence From Mothers?

2. Learn to save money

Moms have an uncanny knack for frugality and financial wisdom. They understand the importance of saving money and living within oneโ€™s means, and their advice in this regard is often spot on.

A mother knows best that having a financial safety net not only provides a sense of security but also opens doors to exciting future opportunities. Itโ€™s like having a secret treasure chest ready to support your dreams and aspirations.

So, while it may be tempting to splurge and indulge in immediate gratification, remember your motherโ€™s wise words. Embrace the power of saving money, and watch as it paves the way for a brighter and more fulfilling financial future.

This International motherโ€™s day 2023, take your momโ€™s financial foresight is a gift, so let it guide you toward a lifetime of financial stability and success.

3. The friend wasnโ€™t your friend

Have you ever had a friend who never seemed genuinely happy about your successes or only wanted to hang out when it was convenient for them? It may have taken years of hurt feelings to realize that your mother had warned you about this friend all along.

Mothers seem to have an uncanny ability to judge character accurately, whether itโ€™s their intuition or wisdom guiding them.

a mother knows best

As our mentors, mothers have a duty to guide us, even if we donโ€™t always understand their perspective. Without their guidance, how would we learn from our mistakes and make our own decisions? Trust her instincts, as often a mother knows best when it comes to the people in your life.

4. Your posture matters โ€“ so sit up straight!

Imagine your momโ€™s voice echoing in your mind, reminding you to sit up straight or stand tall. As much as it may have felt like nagging, she was actually onto something. Good posture is not just about physical health; itโ€™s a secret weapon that exudes confidence and poise.

You enter a room, head held high, shoulders back, and spine aligned. People take notice, drawn to your presence like a magnet. All because a mother knows best, even when it comes to good posture.

Maintaining proper posture has a ripple effect on your well-being. By reducing strain on your body, you avoid those pesky aches and pains that can drag you down.

So the next time you feel your momโ€™s voice echoing in your ear, urging you to straighten up, remember that she had more than just physical health in mind.

5. Forgiveness is a strength

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where a friend at work took credit for your brilliant idea or someone uttered hurtful words to you? Itโ€™s easy to let bitterness take hold of your thoughts and tarnish your trust in others.

But hereโ€™s the thing: our reactions to these situations may not always be ideal, but our approach to them can be. Instead of allowing yourself to be fueled by anger and resentment, imagine what would happen if you let go of those toxic feelings.

Freeing yourself from the negativity can be a game-changer. And guess what? A mother knows best when she emphasizes that forgiveness is an essential part of the process.

So, why not take a leap and release the bitterness? Itโ€™s time to reclaim your peace of mind and restore your trust in others.

6. Eating Healthy

In the realm of healthy eating, moms are like the superheroes of the kitchen. They swoop in with their knowledge, armed with a never-ending list of reasons why we should eat our fruits and vegetables and avoid the tempting call of unhealthy foods. And you know what? Theyโ€™re absolutely right.

While we might roll our eyes at the sight of yet another plate of greens, our mothers know that a balanced diet is the key to unlocking a world of vitality and well-being.

They understand that what we put into our bodies directly affects how we feel, both physically and mentally. Itโ€™s like having our very own nutritionist in the house, tirelessly reminding us that we are what we eat

7. Kindness is key

ย In a world where kindness can sometimes feel like a rare commodity, our moms are the ultimate ambassadors of compassion. They instill in us the importance of being kind to others. Itโ€™s not just about manners; itโ€™s about creating a ripple effect of positivity. Kindness builds bridges, nurtures harmonious environments, and even fuels our own happiness.

From the gentle reminders to the heartfelt lessons, mothers teach us that kindness is a precious gift that keeps on giving.

8. Life is unfair, but your efforts will pay off

Life can be unjust, and navigating the journey of self-discovery and personal growth is no easy task. Yet, amidst the challenges, your motherโ€™s unwavering support and tough love remind you of a profound truth: despite the unfairness, working hard is still the key.

As you encounter setbacks and hurdles, your momโ€™s response reflects her belief in your resilience and potential. Her tough love serves as a guiding light, pushing you to persevere and rise above lifeโ€™s obstacles.

It is through this love that she imparts a valuable lesson: in the face of adversity, the strength to work hard can be your greatest ally.

9. Your ex was wrong for you

Itโ€™s fascinating how mothers possess an innate ability to assess someoneโ€™s suitability for us, even from the first meeting. When it comes to our exes, they often saw through the facade long before we did.

Despite dating them for years and enduring our mothers questioning our choices, we eventually realize that our moms were right all along. Our worlds didnโ€™t crumble when the relationship ended because, deep down, our exes were simply wrong for us.

As painful as this breakup was, and it may come off as a personal attack but a mother knows better things will come for you in the future.

10. Skin Care is important

When it comes to skincare, a mother knows best and has always been ahead of the game, with her timeless beauty tips passed down through the generations.

From the moment we started stealing glances at their meticulously organized vanity tables, we learned that skincare is more than just a routineโ€”itโ€™s a way of nurturing our skin and boosting our confidence.

Theyโ€™ve instilled in us the importance of a daily skincare regimen, reminding us to cleanse, moisturize, and protect our precious canvas from the harsh realities of the world. They remind us to embrace our natural beauty and cherish the skin weโ€™re in. Because, letโ€™s face it, the world can be harsh.

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11. Monitor your bank account

When it comes to managing our finances, our mothers often drop some valuable pearls of wisdom. One crucial lesson she taught us is the importance of regularly checking our bank accounts. It may seem like a mundane task, but let me tell you, it can save you from a world of financial trouble!

By staying on top of your bank account, you can catch any errors or suspicious activity early on, giving you the chance to rectify the situation and protect your hard-earned money.

Plus, it helps you track your spending habits, allowing you to make informed decisions and keep your financial goals on track.

12. Everything will fall into place

When life throws you curveballs and youโ€™re at your lowest point, a motherโ€™s reassuring words can feel like a beacon of hope. And, more often than not, these words seem to come right before a major breakthrough.

My mother has taught me that no matter how bleak things may seem, everything will eventually fall into place. It may not happen on our timeline, but with patience and perseverance, we can overcome any obstacle. My mom was right about everything โ€“ trusting in the process can lead to life-changing breakthroughs that we never thought possible.

13. Importance of education

One of the valuable lessons I learned from my mother is the importance of education. Like many mothers, she emphasized its significance, and I have come to realize that she was absolutely right.

Education opens doors to countless opportunities, broadens our knowledge, and equips us with valuable skills that can positively impact our lives in various ways.

14. Taking Responsibility

One of the most important life lessons that our mothers teach us is to take responsibility for our actions. They instill in us the value of owning up to our mistakes, being accountable, and learning from them.

With a motherโ€™s guidance, we learn the crucial skill of taking responsibility and the impact it has on our lives. After all, a mother knows best when it comes to building character and integrity.

Related: The Kind Ofย Momย You Are Based On Your Love Language

May we cherish the wisdom they have bestowed upon us and strive to pass it on to future generations. Happy Mothers Day to all the great moms out there!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Whatโ€™s something your mom was right about?

Something my mom was right about: The importance of perseverance and hard work in achieving success. Life is unfair, but your efforts will pay off!

Why are mothers always right?

Mothers have an innate intuition and deep understanding of their children, combined with years of experience and unconditional love.

Can a mother always be right?

While mothers possess great wisdom, they are also human and can make mistakes. However, their guidance and instincts often lead to invaluable insights and decisions.

a mother knows best

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