Signs Of Untrue Love: 6 Ways To Distinguish Authentic Love from Counterfeit Connections


At the beginning of a relationship, everything seems beautiful and perfect; you feel like this is the person you have always wanted to be with. Unfortunately, not every relationship is the right relationship, and these signs of untrue love can help you understand that.

After a while, you start seeing certain things that make you question the relationship and your partnerโ€™s feelings. They might say they love you, but do they really? There are certain things that make you feel like the relationship might not work out.

The truth is, you are scared of losing the person and you try to ignore these calls. But you need to face reality, and understand whether your relationship is meant to be or not, or if you are true to the right person or not.

So, what are the signs of an unhealthy relationship? What are the signs of untrue love? Letโ€™s find out!

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6 Signs Of Untrue Love And An Unhealthy Relationship

(1) You two donโ€™t have any chemistry.

One of the major signs of untrue love is the lack of chemistry.

The relationship is not about just opposite poles attracting each other, a lot of factors combine to form what we call the โ€˜chemistryโ€™ of a relationship. Two people might get attracted to each other and might even like each other but itโ€™s not necessary for them to form any chemistry.

You will understand chemistry is formed when you two will feel each otherโ€™s presence even when you arenโ€™t together when the two of you will be in tune with each other and people around you will feel your vibration, will talk about how good you are a couple; wherever you go together; your presence is felt as a couple, not as individuals.

If the relationship lacks that or if you feel you canโ€™t get that vibe, then itโ€™s definitely love that is untrue.

Signs of untrue love and red flags of an unhealthy relationship.

(2) Your partner never compliments you.

Again, this is one of the biggest and glaring signs of untrue love.

We are social beings and we have our own issues in the professional and personal sphere to deal with. The purpose of going into a relationship is to find peace and be happy. Sometimes, we do need compliments from our significant other to feel that we are precious, that we are loved.

Giving a compliment like โ€˜whoa, you are beautifulโ€™ or โ€˜the food you cooked is really deliciousโ€™ is not praising; itโ€™s just an acknowledgment of the fact that we are loved.

Compliments cheer us up and make us feel good about ourselves. When it comes to the person who is closest to us, it can brighten up even a disastrous day.

A healthy relationship has both partners complimenting each other occasionally, expressing how happy they are with each other. So, if you do not get compliments from your partner, you are in the wrong relationship.

Related: 6 Signs You Are in A Fake Relationship

(3) Your partner behaves as if you donโ€™t exist at all.

All of us need space in our relationships. But too much space is a red alert too. Your partner might be busy but they should also make time for you. They have their work, their friends, and peers with whom they need to spend time but you exist in their life too and they should understand that. You should be special to that person.

They should make time for you and not act as if you donโ€™t exist at all. Getting committed is just the beginning of a relationship. A relationship is like a beautiful plant that needs to be nurtured. You need to give it time. If your partner fails to nurture the relationship, itโ€™s time you think about calling it off.

(4) You have to explain their behavior to your peers.

โ€˜Why didnโ€™t he even bother to call you when you were sick?โ€™

โ€˜Why arenโ€™t you two going out for lunch? Itโ€™s been quite a while since the last one.โ€™

โ€˜Why does he have to always bring his female friends along when he comes to meet you at our house? Donโ€™t you guys spend time together with just the two of you?โ€™

Do you get to hear these questions from your parents and peers and you keep on explaining their actions every time? Why do you need to justify their actions when you yourself were hurt by them? It bothers you more.

Think carefully. Itโ€™s not you who has been doubting them; your peers are questioning them too. They can see the relationship with an unbiased eye and they too have seen life. These actions which you defend as โ€˜normalโ€™ or โ€˜naturalโ€™ are not acceptable. You need to understand that this is a love that is not true at all.

Signs of untrue love and red flags of an unhealthy relationship.

(5) You have a communication void.

One of the biggest signs of untrue love right here.ย 

The communication void is one of the significant elements in a relationship that needs immediate attention.

How many times has it happened to you that you have to think a hundred times before telling your partner something or writing a text to them? How many times have you felt that you are failing to communicate yourself to your partner?

Soulmates understand each other the most. True love requires two people to understand even without words. If this is not the case, then one has to accept the hard truth that the relationship will not work out. This is one of the crystal-clear signs of untrue love.

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(6) Thereโ€™s no inclination of being with each other in the future.

If you are in true love, you should remain committed for a lifetime. Itโ€™s natural for soulmates to make future plans and dreams together, like planning that vacation to Europe when you two have earned enough money or buying that car, or getting married in the next few years. Do you discuss these with your partner?

Has it happened that you tried to talk about these things and your partner avoided saying one shouldnโ€™t dream so many things?

You need to understand carefully whether your partner sees a life with you in the future or not. If you donโ€™t get that security, itโ€™s natural to lose faith in the relationship because such relationships can never work out.

Itโ€™s hard to break away, but do remember the fact that if you donโ€™t break away, your partner will leave you eventually.

So, if you find these signs of untrue love in your relationship, call it off before you get too emotionally involved.

You will find your true love, soon. Good luck!

Want to know more about the signs of untrue love? Check this video out below!

Signs of untrue love and red flags of an unhealthy relationship.
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Signs of untrue love
Signs of untrue love
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