Relationship Deal Breaker For Zodiacs: Your Biggest Relationship Deal Breaker As Per Astrology


What is your relationship deal breaker? Everyone has one, but do you know your biggest relationship turn-off is linked to astrology? Letโ€™s see how the relationship deal breaker for zodiacs can explain your biggest trigger!

Have you had a major no-no moment in a relationship where you think to yourself, โ€œIโ€™d never tolerate thatโ€; something that immensely turns you off? When it comes to relationships, itโ€™s natural to have deal-breakers, and it varies from person to person. What some may regard as a deal-breaker, others may not.ย 

From snoring to talking too loud or to the way they walk, the list can go on and on as to what one finds unappealing in a relationship. To make things easier, weโ€™ve found out the relationship deal breaker for zodiacs. It tells us more about your preferences than just what you dislike, based on your zodiac sign.

Related: The Dark Side Of Each Zodiac Sign: Dark Zodiac Signs

So, without further ado, letโ€™s get right into the biggest relationship deal breaker for zodiacs!

Relationship Deal Breaker For Zodiacs

Hereโ€™s the biggest relationship deal breaker for each zodiac sign:

1. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Lack of chemistry

Now, the term chemistry refers to the emotional and sexual connection present between two people. When there is a high level of chemistry, it brings out raw emotions between two people, making them feel amazing when theyโ€™re together. Call it passion or call it love, but if a relationship lacks chemistry then you donโ€™t want it, especially when there is no sexual and emotional compatibility.

Your language of love and self-expression comes across best through sex and physical intimacy. But if you notice your partner isnโ€™t making any effort to stir things up in the bedroom, you will lose interest. Having said that, you value emotional chemistry just as much as sexual chemistry.

Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign

2. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Giving no effort to their physical appearance

As a Taurus, you are quite grounded and down-to-earth, but there is one thing that matters to you, and that is physical appearance. You wouldnโ€™t date or be in a relationship with someone who doesnโ€™t make an effort to look presentable. When we say physical appearance, we mean that you want to date someone who isnโ€™t sloppy. Unkempt beards or hair arenโ€™t your cup of tea.ย 

Youโ€™re looking for someone who knows how to carry and groom themselves. They donโ€™t have to be the most gorgeous person in the room, but they need to have a good sense of dressing, good hygiene, and be presentable so that you can show them off to the world. And if your partner doesnโ€™t put in the effort, you feel disrespected and hurt.

Related: 10 Secrets About Taurus You Probably Know Nothing About

3. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Not valuing your opinions

You are great at conversations. You know how to have fun and enjoy talking about anything and everything. You want to feel equal and important to your partner.

One of your most distinguishing characteristics is that you are quite opinionated. When it comes to relationships, you want a partner who listens to you; it is a deal-breaker for you if your opinions are not valued or you feel as if you are not being heard.

You definitely cannot date someone who doesnโ€™t care about what you have to say. The best way to make you happy is by taking your opinions and viewpoints into consideration. They donโ€™t even have to agree with you all the time, but it matters to you when they donโ€™t hear you out.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of The Misunderstood Gemini

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Lack of emotional support

Cancer is known as one of the most emotional and sensitive zodiac signs, as you seek deep connections and emotional support from your partner. Your sentimental nature requires support from time to time. Dating someone who does not provide emotional support or is unconcerned about your feelings is a deal-breaker for you.

You always go out of your way to check on others and make them feel loved, so you expect them to do the same for you. It is natural to feel this way, and if they are unconcerned about your feelings, you will feel invalidated. You want to be cared for and supported. A relationship that does not provide emotional support is not for you.

Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Being miserly

As a Leo, you enjoy being pampered as if you were part of the royal family. You are driven and enjoy being in the spotlight. But youโ€™re not just full of yourself, youโ€™ve always been generous and kind to others.

So, when it comes to relationships, you expect your partner to be the same. You despise people who have the means yet arenโ€™t generous. When someoneโ€™s a miser, that is a deal-breaker for you. You canโ€™t date someone who is frugal with their money all the time.

You enjoy showering your partner with gifts and never fail to express your love for them. That is why if you date a miser, you will have a difficult time dealing with them. You donโ€™t expect them to lavish you with gifts and spend all their money on you, but small tokens of appreciation are important to you.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Leo, The Untamed Fire Sign

6. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Not curious enough to learn new things

You want to know everything and anything there is to know about life. You certainly believe that without the thirst for learning and gaining knowledge, life can become monotonous. You want a partner who shares your values. You want them to focus on their own goals while you focus on yours. When it comes to traveling or exploring cities, you want your partner to be interested.

When your partner isnโ€™t as ambitious as you, it will make you feel like something is missing in your life and you will not be able to connect with them. You wonโ€™t be interested in having daily conversations with them because you canโ€™t small talk every day. You want to have interesting conversations and learn more.

So, when your partner shows no interest in learning new things, it can be a relationship deal-breaker for you. You donโ€™t want to settle for a mediocre life and do ordinary things, you want to chase the sun and go beyond horizons to meet new people and enjoy better things in life.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Virgo, The Mercurial Earth Sign

7. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Negativity, and consistent bad moods

As a Libra, you have a positive outlook on life. You never see the glass as half-empty, instead, you see it as half-full. Your positivity and passion for life set you apart from the crowd. You have a smile on your face even during adversities, as you know after the rain comes the rainbow.

When it comes to relationships, your deal-breaker is when your partner turns out to be an incredibly cynical individual who is the polar opposite of you. Being around someone who is always grumpy and in a bad mood irritates you. You dislike someone who is constantly rude and aggressive.

Youโ€™re a positive person who always believes that things get better with time. So you canโ€™t bear the thought of dating someone who is constantly critical, and youโ€™d rather be with someone who enjoys life and is full of positive vibes.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Libra, The Idealistic Air Sign

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs


Scorpios are one of the most loyal among the zodiac signs, and if there is one thing you will never tolerate in a relationship is infidelity or being lied to.ย 

You canโ€™t imagine being lied to or cheated on because you take relationships very seriously. So when they break your trust, it not only hurts you, but it affects your life and you tend to have trust issues. It doesnโ€™t matter if they say that theyโ€™ve changed or how hard you try to make things right, youโ€™re not able to forgive them.

Thatโ€™s why you donโ€™t trust anyone easily, and it takes time for you to break down your barriers. Except for lying or cheating, you can accept all your partnerโ€™s flaws but cheating is a dealbreaker for you. You value honesty and transparency, and you will never forgive your partner if they cheat on you, even if it was only once.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Being stuck in one place

As a Sagittarius, you love to travel and donโ€™t see it as a luxury but something that is a necessity to clear your head. While dealing with relationships if you come across a partner who is boring or not ready for adventures, itโ€™s a deal-breaker for you.

You cannot stand the fact that your partner always wants to stay at home, and never go out and do something fun. You want to be with someone who never hesitates to try out something new or will travel with you.

Even if youโ€™d like to find common ground and stay at home occasionally for the sake of your partner, itโ€™s unreasonable to expect you to do the same thing every day. The thought of being bored with each other bothers you and turns you off. You donโ€™t want to settle for someone who doesnโ€™t share your wanderlust.

Related:ย 10 Personality Traits Of Sagittarius, The Fiery Archer Sign

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Financially unsound

As a Capricorn, you tend to be passionate in your romantic relationships. You may take some time to open up to your partner but it is evident that you are a passionate individual. But, there is something else you are also passionate about and that is being disciplined and mature.

When it comes to relationships you take finance seriously. Itโ€™s not that you just care about money but you like to handle your finances responsibly. Itโ€™s a dealbreaker for you when they have no savings or believe in spending their money mindlessly, basically aย spendthrift.

You want someone who is mature, knows how to manage their resources, and doesnโ€™t have massive debts and credit card bills. As you have always worked very hard to earn money, naturally, you would expect them to handle their money in a smart way and not splurge unnecessarily.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

High-maintenance attitude

As an Aquarian, you are quite sensible and value your individuality. You want to be with someone who is easy to talk to and who makes you feel comfortable sharing your thoughts with them.

If you find that your partner is hard to deal with, that they fight over trivial matters, have meltdowns, and throws tantrums, you will have a difficult time being with them. You cannot deal with someone who is overly dramatic and constantly complains and overreacts.

Dating someone immature and high-maintenance is a no-no for you because you tend to be mature and logical, and like to speak your mind. They can always rely on you for emotional support, but if they canโ€™t control themselves, itโ€™s difficult for you to be with them.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Aquarius, The Progressive Air Sign

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

relationship deal breaker for zodiacs

Lack of a sense of humor

As a Pisces, you always deal with life with a smile on your face. When it comes to relationships, you enjoy being goofy or silly. While dating you donโ€™t care about appearance, but they should make you happy. You value a good sense of humor, and if your partner lacks one, it is a deal-breaker for you.

You want to be with someone who brings a smile to everyoneโ€™s face with their entertaining persona. Laughing together is your language of love and if they donโ€™t connect with you then you donโ€™t want a relationship with them.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Pisces, The Gentle Water Sign

Wrapping up

Relationships are tricky. You can use the relationship deal breaker for zodiacs as a guide map to tweak your dating preferences as well as filter your choice of partners, itโ€™s up to you!

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So, that was all on the relationship deal breaker for zodiacs. Do you resonate with the relationship deal breaker based on your zodiac sign? Please share your thoughts on the relationship deal breaker for zodiacs by dropping a comment down below!

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