An Ode to The Other Woman

ode other woman 1

Some days, you would think that you finally own him; his attention, his affection; but everywhere you go isย haunted by me. That couch that you are sitting; we used to sit and cuddle there while we were watching a movie; that cup that you are using, he used to pour some tea or coffee in there for me; from the cup to the plates and utensilsโ€” they have my claw marks; the sala, the bathroom, bedroom, and furnitureโ€” have my fingerprints; from the places that you go (restaurants,malls,cinema,roads)โ€” you would see my ghost. He would always remember me through thoseย little things. My name would always taste like blood in your mouth. When you kiss him, you would taste my sweetness in his lips. When he touches you, you would wonder how he worshiped my body. When he stares at you, he would see a different person wishing you were me. You would wake up inย the middle of the night crying and you would feelย like thereโ€™s a dagger on your chest cause after a tiring quake with him, youโ€™d know that no matter what you do, no matter how you twist and turn your body, you wouldย satisfy his manhood but you would never ever own his heart. There are some days you would feel unworthy and youโ€™re gonna pick up a fight with him and surely, he would comfort you (with lies) until you stop whining but you would know deep down on his heart he has never forgotten. I might become a story but I left a mark that you would never erase. Our souls had made love in a way that you couldnโ€™t imagine.

I donโ€™t hold grudges, I remember facts.

I forgive you but I will never forgetโ€ฆโ€ฆ

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